Announcing Parasoft dotTEST 2022.1
The new release of Parasoft dotTEST (2022.1) is now available! OpenID Connect Support You can now authenticate on DTP via OpenID Connect to add a layer of security to your interactions with your DTP server. See Configuring OpenID Connect in the UI and Configuring OpenID Connect in the .properties File for details.…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of DTP 2022.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. What’s new? Support for PostgreSQL Support for PostgreSQL database has been added for customers who do not want to use Oracle or MySQL. Modified Coverage Widget The…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.1, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
cpptestcli: files to analyse not found
We are using cpptestcli from eclipse Plugin and on the terminal. Using from eclipse and the cpptestcli based on eclipse is working too. But we want to use cpptestcli in standard version for automation purpose. The cpptestcli is not working. Our Project is a makefile project with a lot of software modules.…
Exclude autogenerated code from coverage report
I have project with custom configurations for running and generation stubs/tests. My project contains autogenerated files that I want to exclude from coverage report as we are not interested in their coverage and it affects total coverage of the project. I use standalone version of C++ test and tried: * add them to…
Why Is Collect Stub Information Failing?
We are using ParaSoft with GreenHills development environment. When we try to collect stub information we get the following error in the console: "Could not preprocess source file" (See the attached file for full error description) Can someone tell us what is wrong?
Is it possible to break down the 1hr load test report into 15 or 30mins fractions?
Currently, we are running the loadtest in every hour and reports are being generated by 1 hour, which shows the ms average report. Is there a way to make adjust in the report so that we can generate in each 15 mins or so. Thank you in advance for your input
Is there any more detailed documentation for setting up kerberos authentication in SOAtest?
The only documentation I could find is this - https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA20212/Additional+Preference+Settings so I simply filled out the Security preference but clicking on Check Ticket gives me the error shown. I've tried different formats in different ways for the service principal, kerberos realm, and KDC…
Displaying Code Coverage Results on Jenkins
Hi, I've been trying to visually display code coverage results on Jenkins but can't seem to find a way to do it with the Parasoft Findings plugin. Currently I can only graph the number of tests that have passed/failed but I would like to have a visual of the coverage percentages. This is the plugin I've been trying to use…
Extension tool for supporting Parasoft C/C++ test
Hi, Our company is focusing on analyzing software requirements due to Parasoft features. We would like to use Parasoft to do static code analysis for C, C++ and also assembler code. There is one requirement that we have to check if all assembler code is documented in the code but it seems that this check is not included in…
Unknown Host Error
I am randomly running into an "Unknown Host" error within my test suite. I generally find the issue while running soacli.exe, then I switch to a different machine to validate the error and Soatest will produce the same error. In these tests I reference another test suite, which is actually causing the issue. If I go run…
Quality tasks from Diff tool and special characters (UTF8)
Hi, I am encountering problems with the Quality tasks from Diff tool (XML mode, literal XML) parsing special characters. E.g. DOSSIERNAAM!@#$%^&*()_+?{}|[]<>,./ gets in quality task converted to: Changed element text content value from the expected "DOSSIERNAAM?????????????????? ????X" to "DOSSIERNAAM������������������…
Is there a way to save all the traffic from all my tests without having to go into each test?
I have a full test suite generated from a swagger with 50+ tests created from all the endpoints - by default the traffic data will go away as soon as I close the project. I see from the documentation (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA20212/Traffic+Viewer) that I can save the taffic data by checking the Save Traffic…
why i can't see the test data in database?
Hi, I imported .tst file into load test from SOA test. In SOA test, I can send the test data into database, but if i use load test, it can't send the data into database. Any hints? thanks
Question about XMLUtil.serialize()
Hello! I'm using a scripted response in my virtualization whose get a XML request, make some calculations and return. I'm using XMLUtil.buildDocumentFromString() to convert the text to a document and XMLUtil.serialize() to return a valid XML response. The problem is that XMLUtil.serialize() takes a long time to convert the…
How can I add value assertions for my JSON payload that has root element
I've simplified my actual JSON response from my traffic viewer to make this example easier. Let's say I want to add assertions to validate that the first number returned is 111 and the second number is 222 (they are strings). I added a JSON Assertor but the only element that shows up is "root", so I tried manually editing…
How to use java in pva project
Hello! I'm new using parasoft but i don't understand very well how i can integrate a java application in the response of one Virtual Asset. I hava a web server that i want to virtualize which sends a xml with several values, as below: REQUEST: < items> < item id="1">5000< /item> < item id="2">4000< /item> < item…
How to update an excel file used as a data source?
I am using an excel file as a data source in my test suite. Now, once the execution is over I want to update a particular column under the same excel file.
How to get current data source row number?
Hi Team, I came across a situation where i need to get data source current row number in xpath reg-ex. Let me know how to fetch it?? Thanks Udaya
License issue for the version 2021.2.1
We have a linux OS running the parasoft cpptestcli, the version is "Parasoft C/C++ test Professional 2021.2.1" and the machineId is given to the license server. But sometimes the cpptestcli program failed with ERROR: License: Main feature "C++test" status: No more tokens available.ERROR: Error: No valid license (MachineId:…
Test Suite vs. Scenario...
I do not see Scenario as an option, where did it come from?Hi, I have a TestSuite that contains TestSuite's and Scenarios... my question is where the heck did the Scenario come from? I just noticed it... what is it? I don't see Scenario's in the SOATest Documentation... visually it appears to be the same thing as a…
Unable to retrieve values which are in XML data bank in extension tool
I am storing the DB tool output to the XML data bank. In other test (where i am using Extension tool) i am trying to retrieve the value using the below code. but it's returning NULL. import com.parasost.api; public void getData(input,sc){ String value =sc.getValue("Custom column name"); Application.showMessage("The value…
How to create a rule using RuleWizard to identify a comparison operator?
I am creating a Parasoft rule for C/C++test using RuleWizard that flags whenever a type std::string is used as an argument within certain function calls. For example, this line should be a violation since it uses the variable 'mytestString' without a call to .c_str() LOG_TRACE(7, "ParasoftTestProj::main() Some TRACE…
Capture current Environment being tested
Within a run of a test, is there a way to capture the current Environment that the test is being executed against? I know I can add a variable to each environment with it's name, but that is not ideal for our 40+ environments across multiple test suites. Looking for something like scriptingContext.getEnvironmentName or…
DB output converting to excel
I have a scenario where i need to convert DB output to a Excel. I have tried out "write file" with the below details Target name : filename.xlsx Target Directory: path A xlsx file is created in the path, but i am unable to open it. It is showing file format is invalid or corrupted. Can some one help me on this
How can I integrate parasoft with event-driven microservice architecture model(pub/sub)?
Hello Team, We are using event-driven microservice architecture model(Pub/Sub) for my project and planning to integrate Parasoft SOAtest and Virtualize. can you please help me on this integration. we are using RabbitMQ as message broker. Pls share if you have any link for reference
How to create a rule in RuleWizard to check if the filename contains the foldername?
I want to create a rule that checks if a filename contains the foldername at the beginning of the file, for example: I have a folder named "folder1" containing a folder named "folder2" which contains a c file. This file should be named: "folder1_folder2_myFile.c" Is it possible to create such a rule with the rule wizard?
How to know whether my SOATest script is failed or passed through Extension tool scripting?
I would like to know whether my test is failed or passed through scripting (groovy). As on failure, I need to run some logics through scripting only.
Need to send response via TCP/ip connection
I need to configure a pva asset where I can send the response back via TCP/ip connection. Please help in getting this done.
Need help in getting com.parasoft.virtualize.listener.socket-1.1.1.jar
Please help and let me know from where can I get com.parasoft.virtualize.listener.socket-1.1.1.jar
How can I apply a regex rule to a URL Path?
Problem: Given the URL: server.com/Responder/param1/value1 I want the value1 to be a number 18 length digits only, so when I call e.g.: param1/123456789123456789 the test should PASS and param1/1234abc should FAIL and then, whatever comes in as value1 should be returned in the JSON response. My questions are: where can I…
Unable to read environment variables in extension tool
I have declared some environment variables and trying to read them in the extension tool. When i am trying to execute throwing the below error. Error:No Signature of the method: org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.$() is applicable for argument types. Below is the code i have used. import com.parasoft.api,*;…
How can I generate test suites using jtest in cli mode?
As title, How can I generate test suites using jtest in cli mode?
License Server Administration ID and Password
I have a question about the standalone license server. I would like to change the default userid and password for logging into the server administration. I have looked around inside the server administration but did not see anything about changing this and then searching the forums I did not find anything here either. The…
Column is not a valid date
While I am testing REST API I get such kind of error messages: I don't want Parasoft to validate if date format is valid. I want to switch off this in Parasoft. Is it possible? If yes, how? What I want - everything as input should be interpreted in Parasoft as a string. And then endpoint will decide, if the input string is…
Announcing Parasoft dotTEST 2021.3
The new release of Parasoft dotTEST (2021.3) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: Support for Visual Studio 2022 Support for .NET 6 Support for C# 10 Fixed Log4j vulnerabilities (version 2.17.1 included) Static analysis rules improvements And much more! We have also removed support for UI…
I need some suggestion to handle multiple data source.
Hi Team, While trying to virtualize one of my service (PriceAndAvailability), i faced some issues to handle multiple data source. let me describe my case below. * I need to virtualize PnA service, which takes single or multiple "IngramPartnumber" as request parameters. * let say, if i create an API test case for one ingram…
Need a faster way to merge results from clog files
I am attempting to merge 20k clog and tlog files using the load archive test configuration but it is simply taking too long for this to be feasible. Merging 20 files alone takes 40mins. Is there a better way to do this?
Parasoft not using autogenerated stubs
Hello, I am currently trying to use Parasoft with a colleague and I am running into problems with the autogenerated stubs. I wrote a unit-test suite and let parasoft generate the stubs for them. I then gave the files to my colleague and when he tries to run the tests it doesn't work because it won't use the autogenerated…
How to verify whether a file is present in particular path or not.
I have a scenario where after hitting the API, a File will be generated in particular path. I need to validate whether a file(CSV) is present or not(Both positive and negative). Can Some one help me how to do this.
How to access/get last value from XPath result
I'm querying the db and later added a JSON Assertor to verify a last row value of specified column. XPath: Result: Question: How to get the last value in the list? i.e. Honda
Does upgrading Parasoft to latest version of Virtualise and SOATest affects virtual and test assets
Does upgrading Parasoft to latest version of Virtualise and SOATest affects virtual and test assets
How to access active environment name in localsettings.properties file
I've multiple environments (like QA, SIT, UAT) where test suites executed. I'm getting the report in my inbox, but I need to have active environment name in subject line, like report.mail.subject= API Execution Report - {Environment name where it executed} I tried these but won't fetching the environment name - env_name,…
I need to pass jython code to java
I have doubts when passing this jython code to java code in Extension Tool "def ObtieneXML(input,context): entrada = context.getValue("Generated Data Source","DNI"); entrada = entrada.strip(); context.setValue("DNI2",entrada); context.getValue("DNI2");" if someone knows how to pass that code to java, please help.
Dynamic request payload generation for different test cases
I have a requirement where I need to generate the payload dynamically before sending the request to a service. Here, I have total 30 test cases where the structure of the payload is different for each test cases. Our main XML payload: <?xml version="1.0"?><catalog><book id="bk101"><author>Gambardella,…
How to properly set up a unit test with a data source?
I'm trying to set up a unit test that imports a file of inputs and outputs as a data source. I think i've got the columns mapped properly, but every line reports "Signal SIGSEGV caught: segmentation fault [CPPTEST_SIGSEGV]", coming from the suite .cpp file where the data source is declared:…
How to solve the "Invalid compiler config file error" in "Flow Analysis Standard" test
Hi I am using Flow Analysis Standard in parasoft 10. My c project has been compiled in keil without any error and I imported it to parasoft using uvision keil project file. Then I run the Flow Analysis Standard but it issued this error "Invalid compiler config file" for all source files. Two tipical error messages are as…
Setup Problem for Static Analysis: Invalid compiler config file
Hi I am using Flow Analysis Standard in parasoft 10. My c project has been compiled in keil without any error and I imported it to parasoft using uvision keil project file. Then I run the Flow Analysis Standard but it issued this error "Invalid compiler config file" for all source files. Two tipical error messages are as…
Failed to respond to incoming message using data source row correlation
I have a request i.e. "crn":"234567890123456","amount":"200","settlementDate":"20091224", and a responder using a data source correlation of several response. And the response is to send the responseCode by validating the "amount" [<250] or [>250]. When I send a request via a Parasoft Virtualize .pva file the event…
how to activate virtualize community edition license on linux?
I am starting the service with the following command line: ./parasoft/soatest_virtualize/2021.2/virtualizecli -startServer -data /usr/virtualize/VirtualizeWS/ -localsettings /usr/virtualize/localsetting.properties The content of the properties file is: server.port.http=9080 server.port.https=9043…