How can I configure an array of object to respond, from an excel
I configured Excel as the datasource, but when responding it only shows the first line
Data Source setup one to multiple values
I have a response that needs to reply back with multiple chunks of xml tags according to the # of party Ids that match the accountNumber provided in the incoming request. So my dataset looks like below: accountNumber,partyId 1,111 1,222 1,333 2,444 2,555 3,666 3,777 3,888 Using Data Source correlation I can make the…
How can we generate a .properties file in desired location?
Using: Eclipse with parasoft plugin. I am using Data source as input for my test suite (test cases), while adding data source to test suite level a .properties file gets generated. Issue I am facing is: to generated Test Suite I am using a external folder which was initially not inside the project scope, I have added the…
reading data from Bitbucket
for one of the scenario I want to read a JSON file from bitbucket, based on scenario i'll pass the file name and that file will be available in bitbucket repo, how to read that file from bitbucket using parasoft virtualise
How to properly set up a unit test with a data source?
I'm trying to set up a unit test that imports a file of inputs and outputs as a data source. I think i've got the columns mapped properly, but every line reports "Signal SIGSEGV caught: segmentation fault [CPPTEST_SIGSEGV]", coming from the suite .cpp file where the data source is declared:…
[HELP] REST URL Databank Not Extracting value from Path
Hi, I am running into an issue where the virtualized service I created is supposed to extract a value from the URL path and make some status change in data repo. For some reason the value being sent in the request isn't being extracted by the REST URL Databank. I am using Parasoft version 9.10 Request Template Data Source…
how to create CSV files (editable in Microsoft Excel) from Data extracted from tests
Often you will want to extract values that are returning from a test and write them into an excel file. This could be useful when building data sources dynamically from previous tests. SOAtest does not have a native interface to create Microsoft Excel files, however we can easily create CSV files that can be read by our…
Use of Aggregate Data Sources in SOAtest: MAX nr of fields combined?
Hi, Currently I am building a project in SOAtest ( in which I would like to combine some internal table data sources into an aggregate DS for use in XML Assertors to validate the contents of several DB tables. I have a project with several tst's underneath. I declare the DS on project level (not as Global DS!)…
test name parameterization
I have one payload with different vallues and headers. I created data source and added headers and values and also added column Test name. is there any ways to parameterize each test name so that test picks only headers and other values related to its name?
Warning Message : No test resource appears to be selected.
When i try to run test case for DB Connection (Oracle). I get warning message "No test resource appears to be selected. Do you want to use resource from the last test run?" when select "Yes" in warning window, it runs last test run. BUT does not execute DB Connection test case.
Is it possible to reference data source columns with a prefix value?
Hello, I was wondering if there's a way to reference a data source column using a prefix value similar to referencing environment variables. I have two data sources with each using their own Excel file. I see request clients able to specify which data source to use. If I select one data source, is it possible to still use…
Report Count and GUI Count Inconsistent
I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow Analysis…
Parasoft Static Analysis Jobs are Inconsistent
Hello, I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow…
Inconsistencies in Counting Inside Static Analysis Report
Hello, I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow…
Data Source - Run Time Change
Is there any way we can change the data during run time in Excel Data Source.
Fetch data from a specific row in excel based on a value
I would like to fetch a row value from excel sheet (data source). Need to fetch one row value and use it to assert the response. Scenario: Create a data source of Excel type. Associate a file to it . The excel file has 30 rows(for eg). I need to fetch the row data corresponding tp one key value. Eg. I have an excel sheet…
How to set a value of a variable in data source using groovy script
Hi, I have written a groovy script in which I am capturing a path which I want to get set in the data source, so that I can use that path dynamically in my write file.
getGeneratedDataSourceValues returning null
I'm trying to make a script in incoming Request -> payload, but when i try to put some values to use in response i'm receiving a null pointer. I'm getting the data source with context.getGeneratedDataSourceValues(). Anyone have any idea about what could I be doing wrong?
Combine two fields of SOAP response to One
I would like to combine two fields values of same SOAP response into One. So that I can assert the One filed of SOAP to REST response field. SOAP Response: Field 1 = date Field 2 = Time Combine SOAP field (1 &2) to Field 3. Assert SOAP Field 3 to REST response field. How should I do this?
Example of datagroupConfig and environmentConfig cli options
This article builds upon the explanation provided in the SOAtest Documentation under the following section: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9103/CLI+Options XML Files for datagroupConfig and environmentConfig The files are specified in the following format: Make note of the forward slashes to separate directories…
Iterate through the Database Data Source
Hi, I am current attempting to use a Database Data source to verify result returning from the web service. I've created a simple test suite that included a Database Data Source (DDS) and a simple test. This test would include a XML Transformer and XML Assertor. The DDS contains a simple SQL that return 1 column with 3 rows…
Global Data Source Definitions for Jenkins (soatestcli)
Hi, how can I import a data source (data group with several excels) defined as 'Global Data Sources' when starting SOAtest from the cli? I was unable to find anything in the localsettings. is there a way to do this? maybe something similiar to the activeDataSource.xml? regards, urs
Are wildcard parameters supported in a Data Source?
I have a responder that matches on the first column in a Data Source. Is there a way to create a default response with data from the Data Source? I thought putting a "*" as a value, but doesn't seem to work.
Assert JSON Response with multiple Rows from the DB
I'm really struggling with getting this to work, I thought this would be an easy use case for the software. However comparing the multiple rows from the JSON response to an equivalent query in the database isn't working. Here's what I've tried: 1. Create a writable data source that will be populated from a JSON databank.…
cross join on data sources
Hello, I get the fact that data sources operate based on row numbers but I would find it useful to define data on 2 data sources and operate on the cross join of them. For example Data source 1 A1 A2 A3 Data source 2 B1 B2 B3 I would like to operate on A1 B1 A1 B2 A1 B3 A2 B1 ... A3 B2 A3 B3 Is there any way to achieve…
how to parameter data bank x-path
Hello, I am trying to parameter data bank x-path from excel sheet. here is my scenario below is the x-path I have in my data bank. /root/item[1]/id[1]/text() Output item'1' will be picked up from the response. I want to parameter the Item[1] value with an excel sheet , so that I can control which item to pick up from the…
Creating a Data Source for a request that contains an array
I have a request that contains an array of account numbers that differs on every request (so it will not always be two account numbers sent), how to i store these values in a excel data source and set up the correlation? Here is the sample request: { "accounts" : [ { "accountNumber" : "55555" }, { "accountNumber" : "66666"…
Iterate the datasource values
I have requirment to read a column - all the rows of an excel data source and send in my response. How to iterate over all the rows and fetch the value in the excel data source. Pl. help
How to validate non-numeric field is ASC or DESC?
Hi All, type: REST API, method: GET 1)My JSON response contains list of documents, In which I have filename field (non-numeric). I can send a parameter in request to get all the documents sorted ASC or DESC on filename. I want to read the filename in response and check the order is ASC or DESC. 2) same way I also want to…
LoadTest - Missing data source
No data sources availableI've created a Web Recording in SOAtest, and added a CSV data source for one of my input fields. The test runs in SOAtest and iterates through all rows of my data file. I've configured and validated the test. I want to run the test in Load Test. When I create a project in Load Test using my SOAtest…
Automatic Regression testing - data source iteration
Automatic Regression testingHello All, I am trying to execute the same test twice with a different endpoint value for each execution. This also must be done automaticly via the command line. How can I do this? Thank for you're help
C++ Test Data Source Generation Issue
C++ Test Data Source Generation IssueWhat headings do I need to use in a CSV file to enable setting of Buffer[0], Buffer[1], etc. for the following function: unsigned char CalculateChecksum(unsigned char *Buffer,unsigned char Length).
Extracting a particular row from DataSource
Hi, Is there a way i can specify/extract a particular ROW/s from Excel sheet or Table that was specified as a data source (Not all the rows in a specific column as it consideres by default) and assign it to a particular Test? This will help me in maintaining most of my seed data for different tests in a particular data…
Multiple DataSources
Is it possible to use multiple datasources in a SOAP Client test? I want to use a Database Data Source for one value in a test and a Generated Data Source for a second value in the test. However, the dropdown in the upper right for Data Source only allows one. Is there anyway around this restriction? Perry Hoekstra
What if I have more than one Excel File?
I would like to use in a SOAP Client? Add the extra Excel files into SOAPtest as data sources. Add an Aggregate data source by completing the following: * Right-click the root Project tree node. * Choose Add New Data Source from the shortcut menu. * (Optional) Change the data source label in the Name field of the Data…
How do I use a data source in a SOAP Client?
Select the desired SOAP Client node from the test suite tree. Choose the appropriate data source from the Data Source drop-down menu in the right GUI panel. Note: The Data Source combo box will not display unless a data source was previously added to the test suite. If there is only one data source available, the SOAP…
How do I use an Excel Spreadsheet as a data source
Right-click the root Project tree node. Choose Add Data Source from the shortcut menu. (Optional) Change the data source label in the Name field of the Data Source panel. Choose Excel Spreadsheet from the Type box. (Optional) Use the Rows controls to indicate the range of rows you want to use and whether the rows can be…