How to handle a ZipCode element with masking in Browserplayback
In my Browser playback, i have an element Employer Zip code and the format in html is as below When it was recorded, it recorded as below. When playing back its able to find the element but doesn't type anything in the text box. I even tried to parameterized the field, added additional wait time. Still its unable to type…
Error In Database Tool SQL
I have a rather messy SQL Server query that runs fine in MicrsoftSQL Server Management Studio but in SOATest's DB Tool it is throwing this error at runtime: SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views…
Soatest Server api'S
I want to be able to use the ../V6/testExecutions api (POST) to execute the test at the scenario level. I am able to do at tst level. I have a test.tst with two scenarios, each with a rest API. Scenario1 and scenario2. Is it possible and what do I put in the "payload' to run just Scenario1? Here is my payload to run at tst…
SOATest License Activation Failed
SOATest is running in command line mode on our build and deployment server and is kicked off by an Ant script. When SOATest starts up it gives an error about the license not being active. Despite this error, the tests are executed anyway. I am able to run SOATest 2024 without problems on my local computer and when I log…
Running SOATest With IBM Message Broker
I recently upgraded from SOATest 2021.2 (10.5) to 2024.2 (10.7) and am having trouble running some of the tests created in 2021.2. These tests involve dropping and retrieving IBM Message Queue XML messages to and from the message queues. This was done with a shared JMS connection property. In version 2021.2 we added 2 jars…
SOATest and Jira Integration through Zephyr
Hello team, We are planning to automate jira test management using github actions ,jira ,parasoft SOa test and zephyr api.Idea is to update parasoft soa test results to jira through zephyr api.Can anyone provide documentation or add some help here if implemented.
Parasoft SOA Test Referenced Variable not accessible through Variable Condition dropdown
Hello I have a tst file(ex file1.tst ) which only has variables defined and I have another tst(file2.tst) which references file1.tst . I can access all variables defined in the file1.tst using extension tool. But when I try to access those variables through a Execution Options-->Variable Conditions , I see empty drop down.…
Command Line suite level
what is the parameter for executing at Suite or Scenario level. I have the parent test suite (one autocreated after tst creation(parent.tst), and a child (scenario) of this named "Virtualize" soatestcli.exe -config -<parameter name/value what is the parameter name and what would value look like? Also if I point to the…
License Server Support of Older SOATest and Selenic Versions
My workplace is running older versions of SOATest (2021.2) and Selenic (2021.1) as well as the License Server (2021.2) I found that the older License Server does not support the latest versions of SOATest and Selenic so I planned to also update to the latest version of the license server. In viewing the installation…
Calling PowerShell script From External Tool
I am calling a small PowerShell script from the SOATest External Tool function. I am using this to update the passwords for a large number Active Directory test user accounts. The test will generate a new password, run the PowerShell script, update a SQL Server database table, and then update a KeePass repository. The…
Is soatest & virtualize 2021.1 newer than soatest 2021.2?
Just curious...
soatest report name
Hi all, When generating a report in soatest, the default filename will be "report_7133304098122952237.html". Is there a way to customize the report name i.e. the test suite name + timestamp.html? Many thanks.
binary data coming back in response too large and it shows null
I have a test which is getting a response with some binary data. The binary data is too large and the traffic viewer response is showing null. When i manually run CURL, i see the binary data is coming back. Do you have cases where large data not showing properly in soa and how to fix it? Appreciate your help. Thanks.
soatest db tool to connect ms sqlserver
Hi newbie here... I am trying to configure soatest db tool to connect to sql server. My ssms is working fine but when use the same info to configure db tool, it is giving me error. I downloaded the latest microsoft jdbc driver for sql server and placed it in the workspace folder and added parasoft>preference>JDBC drivers…
SOATest "Quality Tasks" not showing anything after "Remove all from view"
Hi, a newbie here trying out the SOAtest 2021.2. Everytime i ran a test, the Quality tasks window always show a tree view of the results. But after i clicked on "Remove all from view", the 2 Xs icon, it removed the previous results. And now any new test execution i see nothing in the Quality tasks window. Anyone know how…
Why my access to parasoft360 denied?
I Logged In and Registered to the portal successfully but unable to start any learning course such as Soatest Essentials.
Extension Tool
I have a extension tool chained to a REST url and want to capture the response in extension tool using Jython. Below is what I have. Which method do I use to get the response message. NOTE: I am not using a Generated Datasource. thx from com.parasoft.api import * def getResponse(input, context): response = ?????????
How Does SOATest and Selenic (and other Parasoft tools) Work With Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)?
We are being pushed to implement multi-factor authentication in all of our applications. Unfortunately, this will cause major problem with our build and deploy process and our automated testing. We are looking at creating a set of userids that are only used for build and testing but I am also wondering how others have…
Trying to Switch to a New Browser Tab Opened By The App
I have a webapp that creates a PDF document in a new browser tab. I want to confirm that it is a PDF report and not a simple error message that will be displayed if the generation of the report failed for some reason. The tab is created by the app but focus remains in the application tab. The problem I am having is that…
How to fetch multiple values from request and update to DB
Hi All, We have a request with multiple sections which has different id's and username as below shown in the sample request. Currently we are using JSON data bank to extract the values from id and username and in the next step using DB tool updating these values in to the DB table. However, it is only fetching the first…
REST client attachment validation
I have a REST request that returns a PDF file, and I need to verify the content of this PDF. Is it possible to render the content of the PDF as part of the REST client response in the SOAtest desktop tool so that we can validate it for correctness?
Capture data from a redirect
I have a REST call using a POST method. The endpoint does a redirect to another endpoint (I have the redirect checked). I want to capture the data from the redirect. Initially I used smart API and it gave me a "smart api" diff which has the data I need but I need it written out in something different other than diff too.…
Is It Possible to Type or Enter a Tab Key in SOATest?
I have a SOATest (2021.2) test that I want to enter or type the tab key a few times to give focus to a particular element in a web app instead of selecting or typing a value in it. I have not been able to find anything about that except in a very old post for SOATest 6.2 which involved adding script to a javascript file in…
SOATest Error - Not Connected to DevTools
I have a coworker in another department who is just learning SOATest and is starting with the basics of having the test go to an on-prem URL and login. The test ran successfully once and is now throwing the error with the message Not Connected to DevTools. She tried several time and is now consistently getting this error.…
How to fetch datasource values to xml payload
Hi, We have a xml payload as below, would need to add the values to the payload from datasource. currently it is just fetching first row's data and adding same value in 3 different name field, instead of that it should get the value from 2nd row for 2nd value and so on. sample payload : <Meter> <Names> <name>${name}</name>…
Executing Autosys through Putty
I have a scenario where i need to execute Autosys through putty. I need to enter connection string, Username, and Password in the putty and after that i need to give certain commands. Is the above scenario is possible via Parasoft SOA test? If Possible please let me know how to do it.
How to retrieve the data from 2 different datasource and write it to a file
Hi, We have a requirement to retrieve the Peak and PeakTime from db2 for the meter numbers retrieved from another db called db1. there was already a logic to fetch all the active meters data for a day from db1 and write it to a file, now we need to append the values for Peak and PeakTime to the meters which need to…
current date parameterizing in the sql query
Hi, We are using a query to fetch the data from a table by hard coding a specific date in the query. Is there anyway we can parameterize the date to pick the current date while execution and show the data for the same instead of hard coding the date. sample query using in the data source step: select * from input_table…
Need to Delete Current Text and Enter New Text in Web Input Field
I am using SOATest 2021 and am having a problem with a date input field. As a by-product of the framework we are using, trying to replace the default date in the input field results in a long string of 2 dates instead of the new date. Basically what I need is to Select All followed by a delete of the selected date and then…
SOAtest plugin eclipse goal
Hi, We are currently exploring utilizing new soatest maven plugin ( https://parasoft.github.io/soatest-maven-plugin/ ) in for automating invocation of integration tests in our CI Pipeline. We are hoping to switch from the homegrown solution that uses maven-exec-plugin to call a shell script that in turn delegates to…
I am running SOATest 2021 and need to respond to a file download popup in Edge.
I want to click the Open File link in the popup. I am unable to get the xpath for this link (I assume since it is part of Edge and not the app running in Edge). Can SOATest do this? If not, can I use AutoIt to do this? What would the script be? I see there is a MouseClick command in AutoIt but it wants the x and y position…
Mongodb Query Tool - Update documents feature
Hi Team, Just wanted to know that, Is existing mongodb query tool capable of updating records or documents. If yes then how should my query look alike in mongodb query tool. Regards Rahul
Text data bank
I think I need to use a reg exp on the following text to extract the value of 12/24/1938. Is there a online tool to do this for me? Date of birth: 12/24/1938
How to fail a test scenario using a matching string from response body
Hi Team, I am getting test scenario passed in the CTP since it is considering the http response code as 200 and returning PASS. But the response we are getting is failure in the response body so the requirement is to make that test scenario fail by matching the string from response body. For example: Response body…
Running/Skipping Tests by Environment in SOAtest
I'm on the lookout for a SOAtest solution to selectively run/skip scenarios/test suites and individual tests in specific environments. Ideally, something similar to Cucumber's tagging magic (like @dev, @val) to run or skip tests based on those tags. We gave test flow logic a shot, but it's not sufficient for all our use…
.cmd files
Can we execute.cmd files from Parasoft. And if yes then what option we need to choose
Testcase Iteration for API rate limiting concept
Hi Team, I want to execute the testcase multiple times by iterating N times for testing API rate limiting methods can you help me how to achieve it in SOA Test
Extension Tool SQL Data Capturing into Datasource
Hi All I am fetching the data from DB Sql query using Extension Tool the Data is fetching successfully & showing in Console but the issue is i am not getting how to capture those Data and store in Datasource for future usage , Can someone help me on this.
How to get the environment variable value using jython in soatest?
How to get the environment variable value using jython in soatest? I need to pass the Env Variables in the service request file with scripted option, How can I pass it? I have used the following option but get the NONE result. def getTestCdValue(input,context): testcd =…
Running Maven with SOAtest
Parasoft offers a Maven integration plugin that will allow you to execute SOAtest analysis on project with Maven. Please follow the steps below if you would like to have SOAtest execute during your Maven process: * Before you can use the Parasoft Test Maven plugin, you need to add the "http://build.parasoft.com/maven"…
I have one field in my json as Price : “40.0” ( in string) In json assertor , i am using numaric assertion to validate but its passing where expectation is it should fail as its not integer. How to validate that?
SOAtest, Virtualize, CTP 2023.2 Product Release Announcement
We're pleased to present the newest version of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP, focused on enhancing your software quality practices with efficient and reliable test automation. This release introduces seamless integrations with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI LLM providers, enabling effortless generation of API tests from…
parameterization of xpath
Can i parameterize the below path instead of hardcoding- /root/item[type/Id/text()="123"]/Price/Amount I want to parameterize id .
how to validate data via xpath in json assertor
I have json data in below format and i want to verify that for perticluar source id"67678" amount is -100. i tried to give below path using json asserort and tried converting json to xml and use xpath but that did not work. /root/item/Ancillary[Id/string()="67678"]/Transaction/detail/Amount { "Type": "Mas", "Date":…
Recording APIs from ANY Automation Framework with SOAtest Smart API Test Generator
Today marks the 3 year anniversary where Parasoft released the Smart API Test Generator add-on for SOAtest, which was SOAtest 9.10.5. So in honor of this anniversary, I decided to publish a write-up on how users can record JSON/HTTP-based API traffic from any automation framework. As you may know, SOAtest Smart API Test…
How to extract values from request xml and write those values in the output file
Hi, I am looking to extract the values from request xml and write the extracted values to the output file. Could you please help to achieve this requirement. For ex: created Meter1 2.0 2023-08-21T06:27:04Z It should extract the values from xml like as below write in the output file created, Meter1, 2.0, 2023-08-21T06:27:04Z
SOATest Error - webtool.test.TestSuite cannot be cast to webtool.test.ToolTest
I am not sure what happened but I am getting this error message when trying to open a SOATest tst file. I am still able to open other test files but this one always throws this error. The full error message is: n error has occurred. See error log for more details. webtool.test.TestSuite cannot be cast to…
Compare 2 API's json responses coming in different Order
Hi Team, I am running 2 API's. Need to compare the responses and based on the result we need to make the test as pass or fail. Main problem is in every run blocks are coming in random order. Please how to do automate? API 1 Response: { "status": "success", "type": [ { "a": "1", "b": "2" }, { "a": "11", "b": "22" }, { "a":…
Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP 2023.1 PRODUCT RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2023.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. What’s New in 2023.1? In this first product release of 2023, we focused on a few key themes: * Enhanced code coverage for…
Using Multiple Data Sources
I have a requirement wherein I have 2 data sources (D1 and D2). D1 has 10 rows which will be used to create 10 rows in DB. D2 has 10 rows which will be used to update 10 rows that are created by D1. Flow has to go like this: a) Read first row of D1 b) Process it and Create a DB record. c) Read the record created from DB…