Need an api to get the clientIP (of the incoming request) from Virtualize message stub/responder
Is there any api to retrieve clientIP of the incoming request from Virtualize message stub/responder?
Incremented test variable
I have a test variable which stores value from Text data Bank , how can I use the incremented value of variable in my test case.
Set TestFlow Logic in "SOAtest-Cucumber Integration"
Hi Team, I'm able to implement "SOAtest-Cucumber Integration" while getting issues when I set some test flow logic in soatest but same doesn't get replicated once it's deployed to Soatest-server for testing. Is there any way like, I can put if else logic in step_defintion.json to run certain tests depend on scenario…
Integrate JIRA with Parasoft SOA test.
Hello, Currently our team is working on API Testing using Parasoft SOATest. We execute all the test cases and track the results for each test cases using ALM(VAPI scripts). Now the management has asked us to move from ALM to JIRA. Please help me to understand the steps to do it if you have done this before. Thank You!
SoaTest supports Xpath 3.0?
Does SoaTest supports Xpath 3.0? I could see some xpath functions not accessible: op:date-greater-than($arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as xs:date) as xs:boolean op:subtract-dates($arg1 as xs:date, $arg2 as xs:date) as xs:dayTimeDuration
Poll API or DB for status change
* In one of the test case we wait for Db column “STATUSID” to change its value from 800 to 900 and it takes a little while to get the changed value, so how can we poll the db for the changes? * Also we have restful api which returns response with the same “STATUSID” is it also possible to poll api until we get the changed…
Soatest maven is not able to locate the transient dependency of a project
Hi, I am adding one project as a dependency in my maven soatest project as below com.myorg.selenium logtransactions 1.6-SNAPSHOT However I am getting the below error : org.apache.log4j.Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/Object;)V java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/Object;)V at…
Switch to new window using Parasoft web test
I'm new to parasoft. I want to switch to new window. I see that there is a field in the browser playback tool named as "Window". I'm assuming this is the place where window details can be given. I'm not sure what value it accepts. e.g window title, or window url or count of window. Any help would be appreciated.
How to write a Tear down groovy script with maven dependent classes
Hi, I have a tear down script which is as below: From Soatest perspective if i add the java project in the system properties, it identifies the jar files and the groovy script execute fines. But how can I do it from Java perspective with a maven command. For instance, in the above code LoggerMainImpl class is the one I am…
Prevent response traffic recording/capturing in parasoft web tests
Is it possible to prevent the capturing of http trafic response in HTTP Traffic component while executing web tests because tests run deadly slow?
How to create platform independent ssh connection?
Hi, newbie SOAtest user here. We are in the process of evaluating SOAtest, and one of the requirements is that our test suites can run both on Windows and Linux. Since both also need to ssh into a Linux box to run commands, the external tool seems out of the question, because it will require PLink on Windows and ssh on…
Need solution - REST client sends host URI twice
Does anyone know, why/when does REST client on SOATest send host URI twice ? For an e.g. - If you look at the Request header for RESTful request, then you should see below: GET /home HTTP/1.0 Host: google.com However, I am seeing below in my REST Client - GET http://google.com/home HTTP/1.0 Host: google.com This makes…
Simple web recording playback is taking very long
I have a Web test recording that does the following: * Navigate to a website on local machine using Spring Boot embedded Tomcat * Fills out a form with two text fields * Click Submit * Click link The whole scenario is taking 4-5 mins. That seems way too long. Do you know what I might be doing wrong? I'm using: * soavirt…
Running a soatest with excel data source with maven is failing the test
Hi, I am trying to execute a soatest with datasource as excel. Find below the conbfiguration It is working fine when I am executing the soatest Now when I am trying to execute the same test through maven it is failing with the below error project.tst - Test Suite: ParentTestSuite/Set-Up Tests/Set-Up 1: Authentication…
SoaTest CLI - Excel Data Source - Running Specific Sheet
Good morning, I am attempting to create a SOATest CLI command to execute a .tst and utilize one excel spreadsheet as my data source. When looking through the Parasoft 9.10.3 documentation (pages 75-80) I don't see a command listed to specify a specific spreadsheet. Is there such a command? No spreadsheet option in CLI?:…
How to use SOATest Extension Tool with maven
Hi, I am trying to use soatest Extension tool with maven. So i added the dependency in the maven and now I try to load that class in the Extension tool,. However I am not able to. I am loading the class but then also I am not able to see the .methods in the dropdown. Isnt there a way where I dont have to manually configure…
How to create a maven project for soatest and excute it
Hi, I am trying to create a maven test with parasoft soatest. Now i dont know how to execute .tst tests with maven test command. Kindly help me on this
SOAtest/Virtualize Not Opening on Mac OS
On Eclipse 4.5 (which comes with SOAtest 9.9) and Mac OS X 10.11, there is a known issue with the workspace launcher freezing (becoming unresponsive) when Virtualize or SOAtest opens up. The workspace launcher is shown but is unresponsive even after clicking on the buttons to select a workspace. You are forced to close…
Excel to use hierarchical data with more than one level, how to use ParentIndex correctly
I have been using this information to create my excel data source with hierarchical data: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOAVIRT9104/Performing+Functional+Tests+Using+Data+Sources In my service I have the following structure: <SetupProducts> <shortId></shortId> <products> <ProductDTO> <AssignedChannels>…
Is there any option/flag for the user to turn ON/OFF Regression/Diff Control for all tests at once
I want to turn ON/OFF (enable/disable) Regression/Diff Control for all my tests before starting my execution. Is there a place where i can control this setting?
Setting up the proxy in the localsettings property file
Is there a way to set the "proxy" server and port on the properties file? I did not see that in the doc https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9103/Configuring+Localsettings ?
Excel data source location respective to project
How do I have to set the path for an excel file that I use as a data source so that it is always respective to the project? I have been using it in my desktop while I was trying to figure out how to work with it, but now that I am planning on checking my code in, I would like to configure it so that anyone that works on…
Mongodb Connection Failure Replica Set
Hi Guys, I'm trying to connect mongo db with replica set with mongo db query tool but getting "Query couldn't resolve." While same working for normal mongo db without replica set.
How to work with data repository tool
Hi Team, can anyone help me on how to use data repository as data source for parameterize in soatest / virtual asset.??? Thanks Nihar Arisal
how to configure all my local VA details into CTP parasoft
Hi Team, can anybody help me on below topics. i am able to create a .tst file with one WSDL and parameterizing the same with excel data source. And after that i successfully record response in traffic file for all request parameters from that excel sheet. Then i created a virtual asset using that record traffic and…
Use XMLAssertor to validate items in a table data source are present in response
I am very new to SOATest, so I may be going about this the wrong way. I have a test that is using SOAPClient to test a service (A). I have a table that contains values that I used to setup some rooms using a different service (B), and I want my test to use those same values to verify that my service (A) is returning all…
Cleaning up reports storage directory for the SOAtest/Virtualize Server
Starting with version 9.10.4, the SOAtest/Virtualize server can perform test execution jobs. Reports from these jobs are saved in the reports storage directory. The location of the reports storage directory is different on every operating system and depends on the value of the "java.io.tmpdir" property. It is highly…
How to enter datetime in Excel Data Source
I am using an excel data source to import data to generate complex structures, I have managed to work with creating relationships between the different sheets, but the one thing that I can't figure out how to do is how to enter dates so that I don't get an invalid datetime error. Anyone has done this and knows the correct…
Writable Data Source Append not Working as Expected
I have the following test setup: Table: Customer - Contains 2 customers. All rows are enabled. This will exec a total of 6 tests. Writable data source config: Json Data Bank as shown: Write file only shows the second customer when using "per iteration". What if I select "per write access" instead? Same result. This is the…
Variables not resetting as expected
Good afternoon, Recently I encountered some unexpected behavior while iterating through an excel data source. The scenario plays out like this: * Excel Datasource. Range 1-3 * Test 1: Authenticate 2.1. Traffic object. Groovy extract session token and context.setValue("var_token", token) * Test 2: GetAccountInfo. Passing…
How to run Powershell commands within SOATest ?
Hi, Can someone please help me know, How to run Powershell commands within SOATest tool. I need to have a SetUp test added to execute few PowerShell commands to do preliminary setup to execute my tests. Thanks.
Comparing Responses to Files
I have two rest calls. The first one gets 'id's". I populate them in a Writable DS. I loop thru the Writable DS using the id's for the second rest call. I want to validate the response to gold copy files that are in a fileshare (10 id's in writable against 10 JSON). If I use a "File DS" then it will validate against all 10…
Error in XML Data Bank with strings that contain "&"
Hi, I have a REST service that I am testing by querying a database for some name values and asserting these values against the service response. The issue I came across is that some values returned by my query contain the "&" symbol and when it tries to get that stored into an XML Data Bank, the whole test fails with the…
Script to bypass user input automatically
I need to call a executable that requires entering a password manually after it is executed. What I want to do is use the external tool to pass in 2 parameters which one of them is the value the executable prompts. I need this to run automatically by entering the password automatically. Has anyone done this type of…
soatestcli unable to execute scripts having java code.
I am trying to run soaest scripts using soatestcli but ending up with lots of java code error saying "class not found." as I am using localsettings in this case do i need to make any changes so that my classfolder should get loaded along with scripts when run by soatestcli.
SOATEST: Not able to connect to database while using Oracle 12.2 JDBC drivers
I have been using Parasoft SOATEST 9.9 and was using it to develop and run my web services tests against our server(which uses Oracle 11g drivers). Recently our servers got updated to use the Oracle 12c drivers( and I replaced my earlier oracle.jar , in the Parasoft workspace to 'ojdbc8-' ( I renamed…
SOA Test DBTool is returning Null value for correct query
Hi, DB tool with Oracle is returning null value. The same query in Toad returns valid record from DB. Sometime if we execute DB tool multiple times it might reflect any record (which is intermittent). Also if we parameterize the query it shows record for only for the last parameter(in-case if it returns any record) Even I…
Iterate through the Database Data Source
Hi, I am current attempting to use a Database Data source to verify result returning from the web service. I've created a simple test suite that included a Database Data Source (DDS) and a simple test. This test would include a XML Transformer and XML Assertor. The DDS contains a simple SQL that return 1 column with 3 rows…
Setting Project File Format Without GUI
SOATest supports three different file formats for tsts. Normally, this configuration is made through the SOATest GUI Preferences: Parasoft>Preferences>MISC>>> Save Settings>Project File Format Normally, it is best to leave the default Compressed XML format because of the overall effectiveness of the format,…
Authenticate Before Every Test Run
Good morning, Is it possible to configure a test scenario so that no matter where you start the test from the "Authentication" and "Initiate" tests will run automatically? For example: If I clicked on "Test Suite: Test Suite" in the below screenshot to run the "GET-Bill Status" I want SoaTest to Authenticate & Initiate the…
Groovy - Asserting that all JSON response elements have content
I have a test scenario with hundreds of response elements and I am trying to script an assertion to ensure that none of the elements returned as null. There must be an easy way to use a wildcard to search the entire response body for a null field, but I can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone suggest a better solution to…
Global Data Source Definitions for Jenkins (soatestcli)
Hi, how can I import a data source (data group with several excels) defined as 'Global Data Sources' when starting SOAtest from the cli? I was unable to find anything in the localsettings. is there a way to do this? maybe something similiar to the activeDataSource.xml? regards, urs
Wait in soatest environment
Between my test case execution i want to insert some wait time. how can this be accomplished. i have tried sleep call in extension tool, but is there any build in feature?
Project Folder Not Showing up in Workspace
Project Folder Not Showing up in Workspace Description: One day you open up your Workspace and either one or multiple Project folders you have been working on are not showing up in the Test Case Explorer of SOAtest or the Virtual Asset Explorer of Virtualize. This behavior usually occurs when the .project file inside of…
Backward compatibility
Hi, I have created scripts in 9.10 and have it in the team share . But my counterpart teams are using SOA 9.9 version and uploading their scripts.I m not able to open the services Soa 9.9 (.tst files) in 9.10 version .Is it possible for me to have backward compatibility of my 9.10 scripts to 9.9 version? Any help is much…
DB Tool SQL error: SQL command not properly ended
I'm trying to execute a DB Tool test. I get the following error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended Scenario: * Set-Up Tests * Tear-Down Tests * Test 1: authorize * Test 2: DB Tool * Test 3: redeem My SQL: SELECT UPDATE_APP_NAME FROM CREDITACCOUNT.CREDIT_PROVIDER_REBATE WHERE…
Attachment Upload in Jira Test Case from SOATest
How can we upload files in jira for a test case from SOATest
In Parasoft SOA test 9.9, Copy and paste operation doesn't work
I am using parasoft SOA test 9.9. I have a weird problem of copy and paste, when I copy some content from outside to tool. it's just erase the current content , But what ever is copied is not pasted. I don't know why, It was working fine before. I keep switching between different work spaces. May be this caused some issue.…
Parasoft SOA test is getting hanged when i try to invoke a 2MB size excel file into data source?
Hello, I am using Parasoft SOA test 9.9. * Create a .tst. * trying to add a excel sheet to data source (excel file size is almost 2MB). everytime I import the excel , I am getting an error that Parasoft is not responding or the tool get freezed. I will have to go to Task manager to end the process. Is there any limit in…