How to retrieve the newly inserted (using DB tool) data in bookstore using getItemByID operation
I inserted the data in to book store using DB Tool and I tried retrieving the data using getItemById operation which is present in bookstore wsdl. Though data is present in BOOK table i am receiving no book with the id 10 was found How do I retrieve the newly added data in BOOK table using webservice ? Do i have to…
SOAtest CLI - Increase Functional Traffic Limit KB's
Good afternoon, I would like to test out doubling the capacity of traffic reports from the default of 500kb's to 1000kb's. I am assuming that the desktop and soatest server utilize the User-Defined Example Configuration that ships with Parasoft, and this is what gets utilized if you just click the play button on any test.…
How to automate switching of environment between real and virtual
Hi Team, I have a requirement wherein every sprint i need to execute load test by pointing to the real and virtual environments. so for that, someone needs to switch the environment and provision it in CTP every time. But I need to remove the manual effort here. Is there any way or any batch script where we can mention if…
Using a custom property file instead of the common one with soavirt server license
I have a docker image loaded in a On-Prem location. We are using server licenses. The servers are up all the time. They are not using the deploy and destroy pattern. That said: Is it possible to use a "project specific" properties file instead of the one that is specified within the docker file? We are using the shell…
Missing resources error message when execute the test scripts from Jenkins
Hi All, I am getting an error "ERROR: Missing Resources: The following symbols/resources were specified, but were not found in the workspace. Ensure they are valid and are relative to the workspace" when try to execute the SOATest scripts from Jenkins but I am pretty sure that the resource path provided is correct. The…
Get values from the DB tool response and compare with external excel.
In SOAtest, I want to get the values from the response of a DB tool and compare those against the values in an external Excel sheet. Then, I want to derive success or Failure of the test. I tried XML Data Bank or JSON Data bank but both of them doesn't show the DB response. They just show the Select query and the elements…
Execute a test case when another test case fails
Hi, I have a scenario which has 7 test cases. I want to execute a test case (8th one) if any one of the 7 test cases fails. I am aware of "Test Result Dependency" option. it allows to select only one test case that is expected to fail. But in my case out of 7 test cases anything can fail. How can I achieve this requirement?
Pass Parameters From SOATest to Selenic Test
I am running a test that calls a Selenic tested created from a Parasoft Recorder. I would like to pass few parameters to this test like the runtime environment (development, test, etc) and a customer id. When the test finishes I would like to determine the status and any errors that occurred. I thought I had seen some…
Access/Run Selenic Tests From SOATest
I have a number of tests created use the Parasoft Recorder and would like to use SOATest to setup and tear down these tests. What I would like to do is create test records via the DB Tool in SOATest, run the Selenic test(s) passing in some parameters (environment, test data key values, etc), check the results of the…
Is there any way I can set a relative path for the SFTP client key store file?
I can run my test locally, but If I would share the script, or run it in Jenkins, then the Keystore file location would be invalid or they would have to update with their path.
Microsoft SQl Server Analysis Services and OLAP cubes
Is SOAtest able to connect to this and can it be used to do verifications on cubes? thx
How to know if an existing service in parasoft is a Rest Api or not?
How can we get from service if the service is rest api or not.
How to connect to SQL Server 2016 as Data Source in SOATest
Hi wanted to know how to connect SQL Server 2016 as Data Source for tst file in Parasoft SOATest . I see options of SQL Server , SQl Server 2005 as options
Using DB Tool with Microsoft SQL Server Integrated Security or Using Windows System Credentials
Hello Everyone, If you are a Microsoft shop and using SQL Server for Database, And the users are enabled with only integrated security for connecting to Databases. You must be wondering how to use the Parasoft DB tool. Follow the Steps: 1-4 on your windows machine. 1)Download and Install Microsoft JDBC Driver X.X for SQL…
Ignore Special Characters - String comparison
HI, How to ignore the special characters in data match validation between API response and DB response. I have used String Comparison Assertor on JSON Assertor.
Spontaneous cleaning out of source test suite project
Hi, All best wishes for 2021. For quite some time we have issues with the SOAtest project (running version 9.10.8) that is contaning the source test suites. From time to time this 'library'project gets cleaned out with an irregular interval. Currently this source project contains about 100 test suites (and is still…
Synchronizing Multiple SOAtest Servers using Jenkins and GIT
This post is associated to the following video on the Parasoft customer portal: https://customerportal.parasoft.com/lightningportal/s/videodetail?id=a3A4P0000047JbVUAU For a demo of the this infrastructure, follow the link for the video above. Intro: In this forum post I will be discussing the requirements and process for…
assertion for "case sensitivity"
Hi, I have assertion for a string .. if contains Step .. it is failing when response is STEP anyway to fix case sensitivity in assertions?
Responder with MIME type application/pdf
Hello, I want to add new responder to my virtual asset that returns application/pdf but I don't see the MIME type application/pdf available. Not sure if I am missing something. Please let me know if anyone handled a response of type application/pdf from parasoft.
connection reset
When i run service in SOAPUI, i get success response . Same service i run in SOATEST (Using same headers/certificate) , i get **Error Message: Connection reset Additional Details: A connection error has been detected. This may occur if a test has timed out while the client was still attempting to send or receive data.**
Shortcut Keys
Is there a list somewhere that lists the shortcut keys as it relates to SOAtest? F5= Run etc
How to use 'Global HTTP Authentication' in SOAtest's command line interface (soatestcli)
How to use 'Global HTTP Authentication' in SOAtest's command line interface (soatestcli) ? I'm trying to exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings file, but the export file didn't include the global http authentication setting. When I running my test using soatestcli, I'm encountering authentication fail due to missing…
How to add loop in xpath?
In my scenario , I am getting different number of elements which depends upon data I am passing in request and I want specific set of element. I have added "IF" condition for the same and I am getting expected element and now I want to iterate this "IF" condition for this set of elements.
How do I import modules for Extension Tool in Jython
Hello, I'm trying to import a module in Jython but I'm getting some errors. I first go to Windows > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Jython Interpreters and add the jython.jar found in the installation URL: C:\Program Files\Parasoft\Test\9.10 for SOAtest &…
Browser Validation
I am trying to validate an application webpage in SOATest. This test needs to validate that a particular column in a table to empty. Unfortunately, SOATest will either pass the test when there is a value in the column or complain that the XPath locator in wrong. In an earlier test I validated that there was a value in the…
SOATest Writable Datasource : Comparing more than 2 columns from different Writable Datasources
I have 2 XML responses where i need to compare both the responses. Responses will have list of array elements hence i had to extract the elements and saved to the writable data source. Now i have 10 columns for each data source (there are 2 writable DS) . I have written a java script to compare 2 columns one from…
API test job execution is not working
Hi Team, I created a test job in CTP and when trying to execute, it shows waiting status and did not execute. Can you please help me with this. Please let me know if any more details needed. Attached screenshot. Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
Handling IN OUT parameters in DB Tool Stored Procedure calls
I have a Oracle DB Stored Procedure with the following signature SCHEMA.PACKAGE.PROCEDURE(IN VARCHAR, IN VARCHAR, IN VARCHAR, IN OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT INTEGER, OUT VARCHAR). As you can see, there is one parameter that is both an input AND output parameter. I have tried…
How do I convert XML data into an excel.
I want to fetch data from XML and put it into an excel. My XML data is like: ABC 123 I want to convert these data in Excel in table format
increase font size test case explorer
Hi I'm fairly new to SOAtest. I needed to increase the font size in the app for many things. I've managed to find the settings for many of the items except 1. I can't find where the setting is to increase the font size in the Test Case Explorer. I'm using Parasoft SOAtest & Virtualize version 2020.1 on a Mac. Any help is…
Avoid blank values in excel while validating
Hi Team, How to avoid blank values in data sheet while validating or during assertion. example : Attached an excel. I need to skip the blank cells in excel while testing. Note : I cannot edit the datasheet.
Do SOATest call API's internally? Like selenium internally call API for UI automation
Wanted to know that does SOATest internally call APIs to perform particular action SOATestUI. If yes is there is any way to automate it
Supported Eclipse versions
Parasoft does not ship current versions of Eclipse. The current version is 4.6.1 (2016-2017). I have an engineer that wants to update to a newer version. Is there anything for me to be concerned regarding the current and foreseeable future SOAtest releases?
Validating Variable Length Lists In API Responses
Problem: You are data driving an API with your SOAtest test and you have data validation requirements on an array of data the API returns. This can be problematic because depending on the request parameters, which you've externalized into a data source, you will receive varying length arrays coming back in the API…
Browser playback not startingup chrome browser
I have a requirement * Navigate to webpage and generate a token. I tried using the browser playback option, but I getting the below error * I tried updating the drivers but no luck.
SOATest : Execute Test from another Test
I have a tst file with 2 different Test Suites where I have 2 different web services. I have 10 test cases for one webservice "A" and another 10 cases for another webservice "B" Each test case is dependent on another test case. I have created a TextDataBank to extract parts of XML for each test case(based on scenario few…
Verify PDF Document is Created
I have an application that can created a PDF report of the data displayed on the screen. Is there some way for SOATest to verify that the report is created when the button is clicked? I only need to make sure that the PDF document is created. I don't need to examine the contents of the document. Would the Extension Tool…
Is it possible to set a condition base on CSV data in a testscript?
Hi all, currently i have 2 test-script, checklocation and acceptlocation. is it possible to only run acceptlocation if the location column in the checklocation's CSV is not empty?
XSLT Version
Does soatest 9.10.8 support XSLT version 2.0?
Kerberos with SOAVirt Server editions
Can we do Kerberose authenication using server version of SOAVirt? This would be using REST calls instead of CLI. I am thinking yes, because the kereros authenication is contained within the .tst?
Need some help where dynamic values in request parameter
Hi Team, I need some help on below REST service. end point: imservices-qa1-usch01.corporate.ingrammicro.com:9043/ESProductSearchCA_vs2 Body:…
how to create CSV files (editable in Microsoft Excel) from Data extracted from tests
Often you will want to extract values that are returning from a test and write them into an excel file. This could be useful when building data sources dynamically from previous tests. SOAtest does not have a native interface to create Microsoft Excel files, however we can easily create CSV files that can be read by our…
I want to iterate rows from table with rows from writable in following manner
Suppose my table has T1 , T2, T3 rows and my writable has W1 , W2, W3 rows so now I want to pass T1 = W1 in first iteration , T2 = W2 in second iteration and T3 = W3 in third iteration. But currently it is passing first row of table to all rows of writable which is not valid scenario bfor my functionality. So anyone tell…
How to parse and validate a file through XSD
I have multiple type of file format and we have define all this rule in XSD and our oracle SOA suite is using this XSD in parsing any kind of files. i.e I have pipe, comma, fixed length and special character separated file data. Now I don't want to write the big code again for the parasoft to parse and validate the file…
Xpath: How to search in all child elements with certain text (browser validation tool)
I have a number of p elements in a div and I want to find a certain text within all of them. For some reason I can't get it to work, it finds only the first p element. Does any one know what to use differently? Element property: I've tried both text and value here (with and without [1] ) Xpath:…
Getting error while trying to add data repository server using localhost
Hi Team, i am getting an issue while trying to add data repository server using local host. version: SOAtest 9.10 can anyone help on this please Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
Want to also use Microsoft Edge, Firefox for Browser Playback in SOATest 9.10
I have been trying to set up my tests to run playback in the browsers Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. Internet Explorer runs out of the box (although rather slowly), and I copied the webdriver for Chrome to the folder…
in response (or anywhere) - see values that were asserted
Hi, is there any way to see, what values are being checked in "XML Assertor". My Scenario: In my testcase i have put a XML Assertor where i am comparing values that I am gettign FROM DB and other service. I am not seeing anywhere which values were compared/checked in XML assertion. Thanks
How to add java project to classpath
Hi, I'm new to Parasoft and while exploring it i encountered the below line in [Extensibility and Scripting basics] : If your Java class is from a Java project in your Eclipse workspace, add the Java project to the classpath. Can anyone tell me how to add java project to classpath. And also when i select 'Scripted' option…
Running SOATest Web Scenarios on Windows Server 2012 R2.
I have a small web application that I created a number of SOATest web scenarios to do some regression testing. We are using SOATest as part of our automated build process for our IBM Message Broker systems and are looking to at expanding SOATest to our web applications. The issue I am having is that the web scenarios don't…