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Increase integer range in SOATest

Shivam Posts: 3

While performing JSON Schema Validation in the SOATest tool through "JSON Validator" feature, I am encountering the following error:


In the root cause analysis, I found that in the JSON Schema file the maximum value of the integer is set to "18446744073709551615" which is causing this error. Now, If I lower the maximum value of the integer then the test case runs successfully. However, I am looking for a solution where I can run my test case with the provided integer value.

I'll really appreciate it if anyone can help me with this.

Thank you.


  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    I am unable to reproduce the error in SOAtest 2021.1. What version of SOAtest are you using? What is the exact error message you get?

  • Shivam
    Shivam Posts: 3

    The version that I have for Parasoft SOATest is 9.10.7 and the error that I encountered is exactly the same that I mentioned in the post i.e.


  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    I see that the error happens in 9.10.7, but I have confirmed that it is fixed in 2021.1. I suggest you update to the latest version of SOAtest to resolve the issue.

  • Shivam
    Shivam Posts: 3

    Okay. I'll update the version. But is there any fix for the existing version?

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    But is there any fix for the existing version?

    There's nothing like a patch or a hotfix, if that's what you are asking. It was fixed for a later release of the product.