If running Seleniums Tests in Selenic 2022.2 on Eclipse and encounter the following message: Chrome version installed: 114.0.5735.99 Chrome driver installed: ChromeDriver 114.0.5735.90 This issue occurs with newer versions of Chrome as discussed here: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/11750 Selenium 4.8.3 has a…
The latest release of Parasoft Selenic (2022.2) is now available. Parasoft continues to focus on providing support for industry leading tools and technologies to enable users to identify and address testing issues within their environment. Parasoft Selenic now supports the following: * Recommendations and self-healing for…
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
We welcome your feedback on future versions of Parasoft Selenic Feel free to submit ideas for the roadmap by accessing the feedback survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Selenic-User-Survey
I have a simple application that is used as a front end for another department's database. We only have read access and cannot create our own test data. What I would like to do is to make a few database queries to retrieve some key values to use in the subsequent tests. Are there examples of this available? Thanks!
I have a pair of radio buttons in an application that I am trying to determine of they are enabled or not. The web element locators are defined like this: _@FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id=\'frmSubject:noContact\']/tbody/tr/td[1]/div/div[2]/span") public WebElement frmJudgeDecisionNoContactNo_RB; @FindBy(xpath =…
I am running a Selenic Junit test that is trying to insert a string in a text box in an Adobe eSign document. This is opened inside of a Java application running in Microsoft Edge. I then want to click a button also in the document to continue processing in the Java app. The problem is Selenium says there is no such…
Ubuntu now provides Firefox as a Snap package. The WebDriver for Firefox (geckodriver) is not compatible out-of-box. From the release notes: They provide a work around: How do you pass --profile-root to geckodriver from Selenium? It isn't trivial but here's one way to do it: import java.io.File;import…
I understand that CAPTCHAs are meant to prevent automation, but for testing purposes, I need to bypass or handle CAPTCHA in my Selenium script. Is there any way to automate this or perhaps use some manual intervention without disrupting the automation flow?
I have an extension tool test in my scenario that calls a Windows command file (.bat). This is a very simple command that returns the userid of the person logged into the computer. This is put into a databank that I want to pass into the Groovy script to build the file path for a PDF file the web application creates and…
I recorded a web session using the Parasoft Recorder in Chrome and it runs well using Chrome in Eclipse but I would like to run it in Microsoft Edge. Looking at the Parasoft Preferences, I have the Selenium WebDriver location specified for Chrome and it is not required for Edge. Showing the Command Line in the Selenic…
The latest release of Parasoft Selenic (2021.1) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: * Ability to integrate Selenic with tests run using the Cucumber CLI runner * Ability to integrate Selenic with tests run in parallel using JUnit, TestNG, or Cucumber * Support for new IDE versions o…
I am happy to share some tips about using Parasoft Selenic with Appium tests for mobile web apps. First, let's look at how to record actions that Selenic can use to automatically generate an Appium test. The Parasoft Recorder extension for the Chrome desktop browser can be used to record actions against a mobile web app.…
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