Best Of
DTP 2023.2 Product Release Announcement
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of DTP 2023.2. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract.
- Automatic Project Creation
- When a user sends data to DTP for a project that does not exist, DTP will automatically create the project if the user has permissions to create projects.
- Support for Docker and Kubernetes Environments
- Support for environment variables to automate JDBC driver installation and DB schema creation
- Helm Chart for DTP (available on dockerhub)
- Support for deploying DTP as a StatefulSet object
- Advanced Coverage Widgets and Reports
- New widget category for advanced coverage widgets
- Support for displaying coverage suppressions in widgets and drilldown reports
- Shareable URL for drilldown reports
- Violations Explorer
- Ability to export violation data to CSV file
Other Notes:
- Usability improvements to dashboard dropdown boxes (Filter, Period, Baseline and Target Builds)
- Support for integration between Parasoft DTP and Codebeamer 22 has been added.
- Various enhancements made to the syncTestCases functionality for Azure DevOps.
- Ability to configure name and number of violations in Verification Evidence report
- Public API for list and count of DTP Active Users
- Public API for summary of active licenses on the License Server
Deprecated or No Longer Supported:
- Support for Oracle 12c is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- Java API for creating custom processors is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- Integration with VersionOne is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
C/C++test 2023.1 Product Release Announcement
We're thrilled to announce the release of C/C++test 2023.1 with new features and enhancements that help teams automate static code analysis and coding standards compliance, increase productivity, and shorten time to market. New features include complete support for MISRA C 2023, and in addition, full support for MISRA C 2012 Amendment 4. Parasoft is a major contributing factor to our customer’s success in complete and continuous enforcement of safety and security coding standards. C/C++test 2023.1 also comes with enhancements that provide greater HIS code complexity metrics. Use of the latest EDG parser in support of C++17 and C++20. Enhanced static flow analysis performance by an incredible 25% and more.
Here is a quick list:
- MISRA C 2023
- MISRA C 2012 Amendment 4
- Bazel integration for static analysis
- Latest EDG parser in support of C++17 and C++20
- Performance enhancement to static analysis (25%)
- Enhanced Hersteller Initiative Software (HIS) code metrics
- Windows Server 2022 support
- Enhance extension for VSCode
- Extended compiler support for
o GNU GCC for x86 12
o GNU GCC for ARM 9, 12
o Wind River Clang for ARM 9
For more information see the release notes:

Re: Synchronizing Multiple SOAtest Servers using Jenkins and GIT
Re: Can an entire object from a REST API response be used in the next REST API?
Add a XML or JSON Data Bank (depending on payload format), and extract the root element of the payload.

Re: Mismatching SQL result and written data in writable table
The XPath you are using in your Data Bank for "field_B" is likely configured incorrectly. My guess is that it is likely extracting text nodes which do not exist the third and fifth row. You can try using the string() function instead of text(). So, if your XPath looks something like "/results/resultSet/rows/row/field_B/text()" then try changing it to "/results/resultSet/rows/row/field_B/string()".
Re: Can we send choice parms from Jenkins into SOAtest Rest Request
You have a few options:
- Define appropriate environment variables and then configure the payload to reference them. Use the -environmentConfig CLI option to pass the specific variable values that you want to use from the Jenkins job. See
- Define a CSV data source with a single row of data and configure the payload to use values from it. Configure the Jenkins job to rewrite the CSV file used by the data source before running the test.
- Define appropriate test variables in the .tst file, and configure the payload to use them. Create an Extension Tool at the start of the test scenario that reads the appropriate values from some external file and sets the values of the test variables.
All three of these options require the Jenkins job to write the values into a file that then gets processed by SOAtest - an XML file for -enviornmentConfig, a CSV file for the data source, or whatever format you would like for the test variables.

Re: Supported Eclipse versions
There should be no problem with installing SOAtest into a newer version of Eclipse. Note that SOAtest 2020.2 when it is released later this year will ship with Eclipse 2020-06.

Re: Rules Suppression Question, Source of a warning from a #define MACRO.
simply put a pragma in the macro:
#define CALC_INIT(val) \ _Pragma("parasoft-suppress MISRAC2012-RULE_14_3-i 'JtemS34884' ") \ ( ((val) < THRESH) ? THRESH : (val) )