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C/C++test 2023.1 Product Release Announcement


We're thrilled to announce the release of C/C++test 2023.1 with new features and enhancements that help teams automate static code analysis and coding standards compliance, increase productivity, and shorten time to market. New features include complete support for MISRA C 2023, and in addition, full support for MISRA C 2012 Amendment 4. Parasoft is a major contributing factor to our customer’s success in complete and continuous enforcement of safety and security coding standards. C/C++test 2023.1 also comes with enhancements that provide greater HIS code complexity metrics. Use of the latest EDG parser in support of C++17 and C++20. Enhanced static flow analysis performance by an incredible 25% and more.

Here is a quick list:

  • MISRA C 2023
  • MISRA C 2012 Amendment 4
  • Bazel integration for static analysis
  • Latest EDG parser in support of C++17 and C++20
  • Performance enhancement to static analysis (25%)
  • Enhanced Hersteller Initiative Software (HIS) code metrics
  • Windows Server 2022 support
  • Enhance extension for VSCode
  • Extended compiler support for
    o GNU GCC for x86 12
    o GNU GCC for ARM 9, 12
    o Wind River Clang for ARM 9

For more information see the release notes: