SOAtest, Virtualize, CTP 2024.2 Product Release Announcement
Parasoft’s latest 2024.2 release for SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP is packed with powerful new features designed to enhance productivity, improve team collaboration, and streamline testing processes. Here’s a quick look at what’s new: AI Assistant: Accelerate Learning and Troubleshooting A new AI Assistant is now available…
Windows blue screen crash when using Parasoft products after a recent Windows 11 update
Several users have reported a Windows crash with error UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP when using Parasoft tools after applying a recent Windows 11 update. It appears that different sets of actions can trigger the issue, but some known cases include closing a responder editor in Parasoft Virtualize or closing the test…
Import Postman Collections to SOAtest
Hi Everyone! I am pleased to inform you that we have created a tool that will allow users to convert Postman Collections for use in SOAtest. This tool is to be used to move much of the information contained in the Postman tool to be used in SOAtest. Using this, you will be able to bring over connection information (URL),…
Handling Authentication Tokens
Handling Authentication Tokens In this forum post I will go over the steps and tools needed to quickly and easily handle Authentication Tokens. We will look at what tools to use when handling authentication tokens returned as a header value and authentication tokens returned in the payload of a response. So first, a look…
Enabling TLSv1.2 in SOAtest/Virtualize
Parasoft: Enabling TLSv1.2 in SOAtest/Virtualize: Description: SOA/Virt 9.10 and up now comes prepackaged with Java1.8 which has TLSv1.2 enabled by default. The Java version that comes with all the previous SOA/Virt versions does not. If you are using SOA/Virt 9.9.5 and below, there are two methods to enable TLSv1.2.…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with SOAtest
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
db tool to connect microsoft sql server management studio
Hi Team, Please help to share the steps to connect Microsoft SQL server . We are getting sqlserverexception in the response.
SOATest License Activation Failed
SOATest is running in command line mode on our build and deployment server and is kicked off by an Ant script. When SOATest starts up it gives an error about the license not being active. Despite this error, the tests are executed anyway. I am able to run SOATest 2024 without problems on my local computer and when I log…
Running SOATest With IBM Message Broker
I recently upgraded from SOATest 2021.2 (10.5) to 2024.2 (10.7) and am having trouble running some of the tests created in 2021.2. These tests involve dropping and retrieving IBM Message Queue XML messages to and from the message queues. This was done with a shared JMS connection property. In version 2021.2 we added 2 jars…
Db tool configuration
Please help to share the steps to configure db tool in top of the package to check the connectivity is success or not. If the connection success then rest of the scenario will execute otherwise it will terminate the process. The reason behind this in order to save db locking
ALM triggering SOATest 2021.2 via VAPI script using SOA CLI exe require license?
as what the subject says... when i try running it, i got an error. Is it true that after soa 2020 version, parasoft came up with addditional license which you will need CLI license to run test cases from ALM?
Grpc configure in Soa 2023 version
Hi Team, I am not able to configure the grpc setup in soa tool version 2023. I have added the jars in system properties but still grpc is not reflecting in the messaging client. Restarted the soa tool as well. Let me know if you need any details for same.
Command Line suite level
what is the parameter for executing at Suite or Scenario level. I have the parent test suite (one autocreated after tst creation(parent.tst), and a child (scenario) of this named "Virtualize" soatestcli.exe -config -<parameter name/value what is the parameter name and what would value look like? Also if I point to the…
License Server Support of Older SOATest and Selenic Versions
My workplace is running older versions of SOATest (2021.2) and Selenic (2021.1) as well as the License Server (2021.2) I found that the older License Server does not support the latest versions of SOATest and Selenic so I planned to also update to the latest version of the license server. In viewing the installation…
Calling PowerShell script From External Tool
I am calling a small PowerShell script from the SOATest External Tool function. I am using this to update the passwords for a large number Active Directory test user accounts. The test will generate a new password, run the PowerShell script, update a SQL Server database table, and then update a KeePass repository. The…
Is soatest & virtualize 2021.1 newer than soatest 2021.2?
Just curious...