Windows blue screen crash when using Parasoft products after a recent Windows 11 update
Several users have reported a Windows crash with error UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP when using Parasoft tools after applying a recent Windows 11 update. It appears that different sets of actions can trigger the issue, but some known cases include closing a responder editor in Parasoft Virtualize or closing the test…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with C/C++test
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
Failure to execute make through cpptesttrace, wrong path to make
Hi, We have two environments in which the builds run, one is on an integration server, but also, the builds can be executed locally. Locally, the parasoft version is 2024.1, and on the server, it is 2023.2.0 ( The server is linux, the local is windows. In the first case, we can wrap ${MAKE} with…
Cpp test on yocto project
Hi, I am on PoC for cpptest, and I am willing to do static tests on my project. My project is already using yocto as build tool, and I do not want to change the build script. The guide says bitbake is supportive for creating bdf, but it keeps fails on my side. Does anyone know how to do static tests on yocto project?…
[C++ unit test] undefined reference to the function that already stubbed
Environment: I'm working on Window system & C++test 9.4(eclipse) & gcc4.7 Procedure First, I evaluate the unit test with a very simple C++ code, just a main() and a simple function, I stub the function and run the unit test, everything is OK. Then I move to my real project code, and 3 steps as follows (same with the simple…
Parasoft DTP not receiving C++ coverage metrics
I am executing unit test from the cpptestcli and have configured the properties file to report metrics to the DTP server. I know the configuration is correct as Static Analysis and basic line coverage metrics are reported to the DTP. However, advanced coverage types such as MC/DC do not show any results. The test…
Handling errno in unit tests
I have a routine that checks errno after calling exp(). The code compiles fine and works for static analysis. When I do a unit test, writing errno = 0 before the call generates a CPPTEST_ACCESS_VIOLATION error. Using MinGW compiler. Any suggestions?
C/C++test 2024.2 Product Release Announcement
We’re happy to introduce you to C/C++test 2024.2, a release packed with features designed to streamline safety-critical software development, improve code quality, and increase your team's efficiency. Enhancements AI-driven code violation fixing in VS Code extension. Our Copilot integration in the VS Code extension now…
How should regex suppresion be used?
The C/C++Test Parasoft tool gives various ways of suppressing alerts. One of them is to define a regex pattern, which is matched on every analyzed code line. Unfortunately I have trouble using this functionality. I want to supress alerts produced by some macro: define FOO syslog ... I included following lines in my…
Error reading test log for Test unit for xx.cpp.
I run "Run Unit Tests (File Scope)" configuration on eclipse base ide vs2013 ,then get a error :"Test execution: error reading test log for Test unit for xx.cpp". How can I Solve this problem?
Setting Flow Analysis Depth without DTP
Hello, is it possible to set the Flow Analysis manually, without the DTP server? The guide only speaks about setting it through the server.
[ERROR] Code Analysis for ... finished with code 1 (ipro)
Hello, My group is in the process of moving from v9.5 to v10.3. After converting one of our projects to v10.3, we are encountering numerous preprocessing errors during Code Analysis that we did not encounter while running v9.5. We have successfully converted many other projects to v10.3 that do not encounter this error.…