Several users have reported a Windows crash with error UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP when using Parasoft tools after applying a recent Windows 11 update. It appears that different sets of actions can trigger the issue, but some known cases include closing a responder editor in Parasoft Virtualize or closing the test…
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 ( * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
Hi, I am running Parasoft for MISRA. Following a simplified code example: define RC(func) \ do { \ rc_t rc_ = func; \ if is_error(rc_) return rc_; } while (0) struct info_t { rc_t (*handler)(); }; rc_t caller() { struct info_t info = {0}; RC(called_function(&info)); // From this point, info is well initialized by the…
Hi Team, Today we Upgraded DTP and License file from 2023.1 to 2024.1 - But while running the CPP user is getting ERROR: Invalid license, Can anyone please help.
I am getting Linking error, can anyone help me to fix. /gccm-inventory 1. Test execution: error linking test executable for Test unit for selected sources. /usr/bin/ld: /home/t0232gf/parasoft/workspace3/.cpptest/gccm-inventory/file-data/gccm_im_manager.cppbeae46cf/tested/harness_gccm_im_manager.o: in function…
I have the following code coverage report snippet and want to understand what do "Stat" and "Off" values represent and how to interpret them? <CvgData cvgType="SC"> <Stat val="0;3;0;3;0;3;0"/> <Off val="0;76;115;120;146;153;198"/> </CvgData>undefined</File>undefined<File…
I have a container image running the parasoft cpptestcli, the version is "Parasoft C/C++test Professional 2021.1.1 (" that connects to standalone license server with floating license type. Everytime i run the command, the error shows: Using default workspace "/home/parasoft/parasoft/workspace" ERROR:…
Setup I've copied the cpptest-coverage.cmake to my project and included it into my CMake project. Inside the cpptest-coverage.cmake I modified the following line: set(CPPTEST_COVERAGE_WORKSPACE ${CPPTEST_BINARY_DIR}/cpptest-coverage/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) to have all temporary files in my build folder. I see in the make…
In one of the functions, one portion of code looks somewhat like below, somefun(){ int a=1; if(a!=1){ cout<<"this is executed"<<endl; } } how can i have the cout executed from the test suite.
We‘re excited to announce the launch of C/C++test 2024.1, featuring an array of product improvements. Organizations need to stay current with the persistent changes in the latest security coding guidelines, so Parasoft made updates in support of static analysis for: * CWE Top 25 + On the Cusp 2023 * OWASP API Security Top…
I am trying to write unit tests for a STM32CubeIDE project. I have build the .bdf file and imported it to Parasoft C/C++Test (Standalone). I was able to generate some unit tests, however if I try to run the unit tests or collect stub information I get the following error: "C/C++test analysis errors in /project_folder 1.…
In my project,there is one cpp file used two .h files.The files are like attachment.When I execute Generate Unit Tests command,it shows an error like this: "/tools/Kepler8.2/kepler/kepler-sdk/0.2.16202.0/kndk/platforms/0.2/x86_64/usr/i [C/C++test] [tuner.cpp] nclude/apmf/dso.h", line 35: error: incomplete type is not…
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