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Handling errno in unit tests

ScottE33 Posts: 4

I have a routine that checks errno after calling exp(). The code compiles fine and works for static analysis. When I do a unit test, writing errno = 0 before the call generates a CPPTEST_ACCESS_VIOLATION error. Using MinGW compiler. Any suggestions?


  • ScottE33
    ScottE33 Posts: 4

    My stub:

    int errno; (I have also tried this as an extern with the same result)
    int errnoVal = 0;
    float expVal = 0.0;
    void CppTest_StubCallback_exp_sigmoid(CppTest_StubCallInfo* stubCallInfo, float *__return, float *x )
    *__return = expVal;
    errno = errnoVal;

  • ScottE33
    ScottE33 Posts: 4
    edited January 14

    Figured it out. Looked in errno.h. The definition of errno is:
    _CRTIMP __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW int *_errno(void);

    define errno (*_errno())

    This means I needed to do this as a stub:
    int errnoVal = 0;
    int errnoLoad = 0;
    void CppTest_StubCallback_errno(CppTest_StubCallInfo *stubCallInfo, int **__return)
    *__return = &errnoVal;

    Put in stub function to set errno: errnoVal = errnoLoad;

    and implement in the actual test:
    errnoVal = 0; // clear errrno
    errnoLoad = 100;
    CPPTEST_REGISTER_STUB_CALLBACK("_errno", &CppTest_StubCallback_errno);