Mismatching SQL result and written data in writable table
I have the SQL result (left) from DB test tool, and it's shown correctly when I check the Traffic viewer. However, if I check the writable datasource I passed the values from SQL result to, I see the values are stored incorrectly - It seems when a value does not exist for a row, its value doesn't get refreshed/reset with the empty value?
Any idea how to solve this?
Best Answer
The XPath you are using in your Data Bank for "field_B" is likely configured incorrectly. My guess is that it is likely extracting text nodes which do not exist the third and fifth row. You can try using the string() function instead of text(). So, if your XPath looks something like "/results/resultSet/rows/row/field_B/text()" then try changing it to "/results/resultSet/rows/row/field_B/string()".
It worked. Thank you!