MongoDBQueryTool 1.1 from Marketplace
I noticed the MongoDBTool 1.1 from the marketplace only supports up to Mongo 3.6. Will there by anything in the future to support Mongodb 4.0? thx
Trailing white spaces are being removed from the request body.
Hi, I have a request body with trailing white spaces which are removed when the test is run. The response received for this request is successful. When i use the same recorded file to create virtual asset and run my tests through SOAtest, it works fine. However, when the same test is run through CTP using this virtual…
Extract dynamic value from Web page
Hello, I'm recording web page using browser play back tool (using SOATest). The fully loaded web page is captured in Browser contents viewer. I want to capture grey highlighted number (which is dynamic value)into my browser Data bank. I have tried extract value from the element by right click on the element and extracting…
Parasoft Jenkins Integration
Hi, I want to use Parasoft with Jenkins and maven. For integration is Parasoft SOAtest necessary? Because We purchased only C++Test, JTest and DTP from Parasoft company? Could you help me for this integration? Best Regards
SOAtest Create XML from multigroup XSD
Hi, When attempting to create an XML file using SOA test and XML Schema creation (with XSD and datasource containing the contents), I end up with one test per group of XML (header, body, subheader etc.). I can attach a Write File to each of them and append to the same XML output file. The result however is an XML file that…
SOAtest Create CSV file from Excel datasource
Hi, I try to create a CSV file from an Excel datasource, containing the contents. I have used a CSV Client and as output a Write File hooked to the Request Payload but cannot get it to work. I have tried fiddling around with the different input modes, but up till now no satisfactory outcome, especially when having multiple…
DB Tool Returns a Value of 0
I have a situation where I am comparing a Source DB Table (SQL Server) to another DB exposed thru a REST API. I get the data from souce and pass in query to the API to get the result and then do a diff on message. That part is working fine, however if the source column is of Datatype Integer and is Blank, SOATest returns a…
Getting XSLT from Writable DS or Variable
I am storing the actual XSLT code in a Writable DS. I need access to it but it seems like the XSLT tool wants a "Relative Path" or direct path to the file. Is there anyway to get just the XSLT Syntax from the Writable DS?. When I set the variable in the XSL file box. It outputs the below The XSL file…
Is it possible to reference data source columns with a prefix value?
Hello, I was wondering if there's a way to reference a data source column using a prefix value similar to referencing environment variables. I have two data sources with each using their own Excel file. I see request clients able to specify which data source to use. If I select one data source, is it possible to still use…
Declaring variable at suite level
How to declare a variable at suite variable and assign it from Java class?
Running Tests simultaneously on same workspace (SOATest License Server)
I know this is not possible on the desktop versions on soatest, but my question is directed on the soatest server side version. can I run the same .tst (same workspace) multiple times at the same time? Of course the test cases are different but the shell tests are the same. or run a different .tst in same workspace…
Cant write values to Test Suite Variable
I am unable to write a value generated from the data generator tool to a variable stored on the test suite level. What is the way of writing values to these variables? The documentation doesnt really specify how to do this. Additionally I am unsuccessful of generating values from a writable data source.
SOAtest iteration of tests in reference tst
Hi guys, I am busy constructing a new framework, consisting of a parent(driver) tst and multiple reference tst blocks. Both parent and reference (child) tst's have dedicated (excel) datasources. E.g. the parent DS holds the testcases and some 'switches' to conditionally use the child tst's, in which I have a DB query and…
How to do decode and encode base 64 operation in parasoft SOA test using value from Json data bank
We want to implement below steps in SOA test: 1. get the raw token string value from Json data bank 2. decode the token value to base 64 3. extract a part of decoded token 4. encode the extracted part to base 64 and get the value in json data bank Can someone share detailed step by step document of this solution…
SOAtest - How to customize email body for auto generated reports ?
When i enabled "report.mail.attachments=true" I am receiving an email with the custom report which i generated thru XSL. However, i could see that in the by default email body was set to "local path" I want email body to change from default path to proper email body with some customization. Any help on this on how to…
Updating Reference Test Suites
I have a client who is making changes to the master / original tst and the changes are not being reflected to the referenced automatically. Rather the changes only show after they restart the tool. They have followed the advice in…
How can I Run a Java code after entire test execution completion
I am generating a html file from excel sheet after all my tests are run ( kind of customised test result report) .i an trying to run the Java class using extension tool. But the test is growing error in both the cases. 1. Tried creating a new test with only extension tool but it's not running 2. Created a tear down step…
Groovy REST Request - Scripted Input
When creating a REST request, I have three options for the data I send 1) Fixed, 2) Parameterized, and 3) Script I am attempting to use the script option to create a groovy script that will generate a random number each time I run a test. This is the script I have so far and I'm seeing the error "Argument count should be 0…
Triggering SOAtest TestSuite Runs Using Java Code Internally through ExtensionTool
Requirement:- 1) I have a set of TestSuites In a Project. 2) I want to use Extension Tool that'll call Java code or another supported prmm. language. 3)Code will run the desired TestSuite on basis on some conditions that I'll set. Any Help appreciated. :smile:
Understanding Support for Custom Report Formats And Generate Customized report
I know how to create XSL. But I need help in understanding on how to do we link the available parameters to XSL. Also is there any way to send report automatically after the test / suite run ? It would be helpful if some one can provide with some example of XSL. My report would need All Test Details Suite wise or…
Keeping the auto generated XML Document for Report Customization
After I generate the report i could see that there are few files including xml document where soatest tool uses the xml to parse and generate html document for reporting. However, the same has been deleted once the report has been generated. Is there any way that i can keep that file for my customized report ?
Cant get JSON response from Rest request
I have a client who is unable to have their JSON request return a JSON formatted response, rather, it responds in XML format. They have provided the appropriate header listed out in: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOAVIRT9106CTP312/Testing+RESTful+Services+1 However, it is no working properly. Could they be missing…
assigning priority to scenarios' is Parasoft SOA Test
can we assign priority to the TCs' automated in parasoft SOATest? suppose i have 100 TCs to automate, i can group them based on priority ( in same .tst file) while execution i want to execute only P1 or P2 or P3 TCs. Do we have such an option?
How to iterate to get column count and each column name from Datasource (DS as Table)
I was trying to write a piece of java code to loop thru each column and respective values. Using context i could see that i can read all the values (using context.getValues) of one column or can get one value using (context.getValue). However, I would need to know how do I read the coulmn count and their names ? So that i…
Email Report in Body
When sending a email report via SMTP, will the "View Traffic" and link on the error verbage be available in the email body. Currently it is now showing in my email report, so not sure if this is a config issue or normal behavior. thx
Custom Execution within SOAtest
I want to be able to execute my tests in a custom order, where one test is executed before each and every test within a test suite. Ex: Test 1 > Test 2, Test 1 > Test 3, Test 1 > Test 4, etc. How is this possible? I have tried it with test flow and test dependency with no luck. Ideally I want to do this without scripting.…
Include extension tool runtime to soatestcli execution
We are integrating Bamboo, Bitbucket and Soatestcli. But we have custom extension tool to be included in some cases. The option we have tried is to include extension jar location in localsettings with system.properties.classpath and pass locallsettings file as argument for cli execution. But this does not seem to be…
How to execute unix shell scripts from within SOAtest
What is the best way to execute shell scripts which reside on a remote unix/aix server? Are there any standard or market place SOAtest building blocks that can cater for that? Preferably I would like to store the unix commands for a testcase to be executed in a single cell in an Excel sheet that is integrated as a…
FTP: Upload multiple files within SOAtest
Hi fellow Parasoft users, this is my first forum post: I'm Daniel from Amsterdam NL and already using Parasoft SOAtest for a few years. Currently working on improving our framework, that's mostly hung up on external VB scripts, to make more use of intrinsic SOAtest functionality as it is designed to be used. I try to use…
SOATest and OpenJDK
I saw jakubiak note regarding this and roadmap, but has anyone got this to work? I am trying to reference to the latest openJDk (11) and it does not work. It seems like eclipse is not compatible. thx
Client certificate provided is invalid, self signed certificate
I have a client who is trying to use a JKS keystore that was utilized in another application. Whenever they run the test, they get a 500 error: Client certificate provided is invalid, self signed certificate. Does SOAtest not support self-signed certificates? Is there a work around to this issue, or is it something on the…
DB Assertion Regardless of order
I have a test where I query a DB and returned with a list of values. I want to be able to make an assertion to check if certain values exist regardless of order or position in the result. Is this possible? So far, my team mates who are working on this as well have been unsuccessful
Extension tool error
When trying to execute a java code through extension tool I see the below error, Please suggest on the same. Additional Details: argument type mismatch java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at…
View Web Scenario in Reports
Is it possible to view screenshots from the Web Scenario recordings / tests in a report? If so, how can it be done?
How to debug Java code and get Console output when using Java extension tool ?
Hi, I am using an extension tool to connect to a Java project (SOATest Java project) and when I run the test scenarios, I cannot access the console output of the Java code (System. out.println statements). Is there a way to access it ? Also, if I get an error in the Java extension tool code, how do you recommend debugging…
Rest API - Multipart request and response
I have rest API which returns response as multipart. So i couldn't use json assertor or diff to validate my response. is there anyother way to validate the response Is there any guide for referring multipart request and responses?
Chrome recording broken? (chrome v71)
At some workstations here Chrome has been updated to v71. This break the recording functionality, so it seems.. We face the /eclipse/plugins/xxx/root/browser/chrome/blank.html page when starting recording, it does not open the desired webapp page. We've upgraded the Chromedriver.exe manually, but this only fixes the…
Hey do anyone has latest parasoft SOA test user gude
I need to learn more on Soa test so do any trial version or user guide is available ? It would be grt if someone can share that information.
Run soatest from different user account
I would like to run soatest gui under a different account than my windows account. Is this possible? thx
Gather the errors on report within SOAtest
Other than browsing to the report XML file after all the tests are run, is there another way where i can save off the value that does not pass assertion? Maybe one instance is to save it in a writable DS to be used later. My use case would be to send the those values via XML message to a stored procedure. thx
Fetch data from a specific row in excel based on a value
I would like to fetch a row value from excel sheet (data source). Need to fetch one row value and use it to assert the response. Scenario: Create a data source of Excel type. Associate a file to it . The excel file has 30 rows(for eg). I need to fetch the row data corresponding tp one key value. Eg. I have an excel sheet…
SOAtest (9.10.6) web tests Dynamics CRM (MS) very slow
Hi there, We are trying to capture some (browser/gui) regression tests in SOAtest 9.10.6 based on a Microsoft Dynamics CRM web application. The problem is, playback is very VERY slow... anyone having similar experiences? I've tried removing Wait Conditions, nothing improves. I've updated Chrome to version 70, nothing…
Suggestions for how to assert test with embedded json in xml response
I running tests on a service that return an xml response, but some of the information is in a json format. I need to validate the json part of the test, and I don't know if there is a way of doing this without custom assertions. Has anyone done something like this before? I need to assert for instance, that the count of…
Data Drive SOAP Requests as one Message
I would like to data drive my soap request message. For Instance if I have DS (excel, csv, etc) that contains Item Numbers (item1, item2, etc), i want to have each one set in the soap request xml and sent over as one message instead of for each item. What is the best way to do this? Attached is the repeating part of my…
REST GET service working in Postman but not in SOATest
HI, I have a GET request which works fine with Postman and fetched all 200+ records JSON response successfully. When tried the same in SOATest it shows StatusCode 200 but doesn't fetch any details and just shows following. No error displayed. { "start" : 0, "total" : 0, "rows" : [ ] }
Need a help to setup Client side SSL.
Need a help to setup Client side SSL. I have Private Key(.key) and Public Key(.cert) need to be configured in SOATEST in order to validate HTTPS. As per information provided in Parasoft document following steps has been taken. 1) KeyStore has been created under Test Suite (right click on Test Suite -> Add new --> Global…
JSON Date Assertion
can someone help me which assertion be used to validate Date ( it is in ISO format - 2018-01-01T12:50:00-0400 ) with <, <==, >,>== . I found these condition available for numeric value using numeric assertion but could not find for the Date.
Best way to do comparisons
I have a src XML file (8 Meg) which correlates to 6800 records in a DB. I want to be able to compare varSRC = xmlMsg to varDB = DBXml message returned from DB. Diff is really really slow. I adjusted Eclipse.ini parameters to no avail. I used the XML assertor and it fails even though when you compare the two messages…
Run .Tst file from Java
Hi, Could you please help me to run .tst file from java and capture result.