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Understanding Support for Custom Report Formats And Generate Customized report

bsaikrishna84 Posts: 66
edited March 2019 in SOAtest

I know how to create XSL. But I need help in understanding on how to do we link the available parameters to XSL. Also is there any way to send report automatically after the test / suite run ?
It would be helpful if some one can provide with some example of XSL.

My report would need All Test Details Suite wise or Structured Tree wise test case details including links to pop up with request and response for both failed and success cases.


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    But I need help in understanding on how to do we link the available parameters to XSL

    In XSL, you define an xsl:param element that has the parameter name. Then you can reference the parameter with $paramName. Here's one answer from stackoverflow that has an example: Passing parameter to stylesheet with saxon

    Also see the docs for explanation of what XSL parameters are being set when using a custom XSL file: Support for Custom Report Formats

    Also is there any way to send report automatically after the test / suite run ?

    What do you mean by "send report"? Did you want to send it by HTTP, SMTP, FTP, SCP, or something else? Whatever script you are using to execute soatestcli probably just needs another step at the end to run the appropriate command to send your file.

  • bsaikrishna84
    bsaikrishna84 Posts: 66

    "Send report" > I meant sending report over email. After i complete the execution from the Test Progress panel i have to click on generate report (configured email settings and report configuration) to generate reports following which email will be sent.

    My question was is there a way to send the email report automatically rather than clicking on generate report every time after the execution ?

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    From the SOAtest workbench UI, the report is only generated when you click the "Generate Report" button. Clicking that button can trigger the email if you have that enabled under "Parasoft > Preferences > Reports > Send reports by email".
    From SOAtest command line, you can configure soatestcli to generate and email reports automatically after test execution has completed. I'd recommend using soatestcli for automation purposes.

  • bsaikrishna84
    bsaikrishna84 Posts: 66

    Thanks benken.
    After generating report by clicking "Generate Report" I could see the email with the report. However, I need full report to be attached that was generated for that particular execution. I could see report in the email body with out any attachments.
    Is there a way that I can configure to attach the full html report as an email attachment that was generated under "../users/name/AppData/Local/Temp/xtest"
    Example report name : "rep_somerandomnumber.html"

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    You mentioned that you want a report that shows the following:

    My report would need All Test Details Suite wise or Structured Tree wise test case details including links to pop up with request and response for both failed and success cases.

    This information is available in standard builtin SOAtest reports. You simply need to configure the "Report" preferences in SOAtest to include the information that you want to see. So I'm wondering if you really need to create a custom report for this case.

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    From an earlier post:

    To capture all traffic, enable the option in the test configuration to "Report traffic for all tests". Next, in the Parasoft preferences under Reports, enable "Overview of checked files and executed tests" and disable "Only top-level test suites". This way, the XML and HTML reports will capture all traffic and present that information for individual test cases.

  • bsaikrishna84
    bsaikrishna84 Posts: 66
    edited March 2019

    I did all above what you said benken & jakubiak..

    My question was --- After report is generated and email was sent I do not see "View Details" link beside each case in the email report to see individual request and responses.
    And the report was sent as an email body not as an attachment.

    I could only see "View Details" link beside each test case only when i view in local.

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    Yes, that is true. Email clients do not support the kind of popup links that SOAtest uses to show details and to show request and response traffic. Because of this, SOAtest removes those links in the reports that get sent via email. I would recommend archiving the HTML reports after the test run in some location (maybe on a server) so that you will be able to use those links.