Running tst file from command prompt
Hi All,
- Please let me know how to run .tst file from command prompt?
i have tried running this command from cmd
sotestcli.exe -config "C:\Apps\para_exe" -resource "OTT_tstFormat.tst" -report "C:\Apps\para_exe\para_exe_report"but getting soatestcli.exe is not recognized as internal or external commands.
- Also please let me know how to create "External Tools" and run exe file from external tool
see here
You see that error as you don't have SOAtest directory on PATH variable (or you did not install SOAtest on your machine).For "External Tool" check SOAtest documentation here
I think, that you have an error in command line, as:
C:\Apps\para_exe looks for me as directory ( due to this parameter -report "C:\Apps\para_exe\para_exe_report") and will not work.
You have to use proper Test Configuration name or export required Test Configuration into file, and use following option (as example):
-config "C:\Apps\para_exe\myTestConfiguration.txt"--
Ireneusz Szmigiel