How Do You Create a VirtualAssets Project?
I am trying to add a WSDL file for the first time to a project as shown in the "Create a virtual asset from a WSDL service description" video at https://parasoft.com/support/service-virtualization-and-api-testing-how-to-videos/ and while they show how to add the WSDL file they don't show how to create the VirtualAssets…
How to fix java.lang.runtimeexception error initializing storage while launching SOAtest
Hi Team, We are receiving a error " java.lang.runtimeexception error initializing storage , An error has occurred. See log file null" while launching SOAtest. I didn't get any help from recent posts in Forum and its blocking the execution. kindly Suggest the solution for this
How to convert binary format bytes into PDF via parasoft tool.
Hello, I am using parasoft SOA test 9.9 . I want to know how to convert binary bytes to PDF format via Parasoft SOA test tool. Is there any Add-in or extension tool to convert binary bytes into PDF and view the same via browser.
Read and update data in CSV , doesnt pick the recent data
I have to consolidate the report data in csv format. After each test suite run I update the csv with the latest paremeter value and use this as a datasource to the next test step. However even if the csv is updated somehow it picks the old data present and uses in next test step. I have also tried deleting the old csv and…
how to generate and populate localsettings.properties files
localsettings.properties files store important information regarding Parasoft tool's stored configurations as well as project parameters. A localsettings.properties file is required to utilize CLI integration, back up an installation, or transfer configurations from one installation to another. You will first need to to…
Parasoft SOA test, I want to RUN the same .tst 100 times with out datasource
Hello, I want to RUN the same .tst 100 times with out data source. we press f9 to Run the test once , can we do it in any other way to RUN the same 100 times. if we use excel sheet, then yes , we can cope the same data to 100 rows and RUN all rows. but my requirement is i am not using excel sheet. tool : parasoft SOA test…
I want to truncate first few numbers in 16 digit number using xpath(databank)
Hello, I am using data bank to retrieve a value to use in subsequent test. But I want to truncate the value and need only last 4 digits of 16 digit value. This is the x-path /root/card[1]/value[1]/text() This is the result of x-path. 4506446460519412 when I press evaluate x-path , i should only get last 4 digits "9412" can…
how to get the iteration count and assertion details in report generated
I need the report in a format 1. I should be able to see all the assertions added in the script. Failed as well as Passed assertions. Currently report shows only failed assertion 2. The number of run the testscript ran .Passed and Fail count of the test script.( One test script has combination of 20 test data , in the…
SOATest-Can we define environments at project level?
Our team is trying to work in SOATest and checking in our SOATest files into IBM RTC (Rational Team Concert). We are working on different tst files under the same project. But the challenge is we use the same Environment so I was wondering if there is a way to define Environments at the Project level instead of Test Suite…
SOATest: Use of datasource column names in the XPath editor
I have the below JSON response where I need to assert the statusCode for a particular name and this name is getting fetched from the 'name' column in the excel sheet used as a datasource. JSON response: [ { "clientTypeCode": "IP", "statusCode": "PEND", "statusName": "Pending Approval", "id": 0, "name": "test1" }, {…
How to compare SOATest files in Eclipse
We have been using Eclipse to checkin and maintain our SOATest projects and files in IBM RTC. We are facing merge conflicts when more than one person is working on the same .tst file and if we are trying to accept someone's changes. Is there an editor where we can compare the SOATest files ? Because the inbuilt Compare…
How to get the report details - test case pass fail count in a script/extension tool
Need to write a custom report so that the results are reported in the consolidated report dashboard . How to retrieve the values for Parasoft SOA test
How to read JSON response with JYTHON script.
Hello, I am trying to read JSON response via JYTHON script. h def assertresponse(input, context): value = String(input) #value = input.scannedDate() Application.showMessage(value) The above script will read complete response. 1)I want to know how I can read individual field in response and load the value into a variable.…
Reference the project location in Extension Tool
Hi, I would like to get the SOAtest Project Location in an Extension Tool so that I can reference this location to open a file on the system.
Weird issue with SOATest data source: closing on save
I have a data source tab in the SOATest project. I have 2 lines in it. Now I want to add a new line to the data source. So I open data source edit and add new line. When I click save, it closes the data source tab. and then I cant find it in the test case explorer, I have to restart the SOATest. and still the new data is…
Validate response against input file which contians data sets for a column
Need to validate the REST API output with an input Excel file where it has few columns and one column is a data set itself. Ex: COL1, COL2, COL3 ABC, XYZ, DFGH, JKJ FDS, ADS
Script to capture JSON elements in Excel
Hi Team, I have a situation where i have to fetch the values from JSON response and write those in excel in different predefined columns. I have created JSON data bank and captured the required values. Then i add an extension tool to fetch the data bank values , but now not able to write those values in excel . Need help !…
Generating a Log (Technical Support Archive) to Troubleshoot Errors/Failures
Parasoft: Generating a Log (Technical Support Archive) to troubleshoot Failures/Errors Description: Initially, if a user is experiencing unexpected behavior such as build failures, warnings, or errors, the user should look over the console output, the Quality Task notifications, or the Error view to determine the reason…
How to Find the Selenium Version that ships with SOAtest
Parasoft: How to find the Selenium Version that ships with SOAtest Description: It can be helpful to know what version of Selenium is shipped with SOAtest when there are browser/playback complications during testing. This can help us determine whether or not the prepackaged Selenium version is supported by a particular…
How to validate non-numeric field is ASC or DESC?
Hi All, type: REST API, method: GET 1)My JSON response contains list of documents, In which I have filename field (non-numeric). I can send a parameter in request to get all the documents sorted ASC or DESC on filename. I want to read the filename in response and check the order is ASC or DESC. 2) same way I also want to…
Resolving OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space or GC Overhead
Description: When running a Parasoft Test based product, you may see the error: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space". or "An internal error occurred during: "Building workspace". GC overhead limit exceeded" Cause: This error occurs when Java runs out of memory. Resolution: To resolve this issue, you have two…
How to Extract/Validate Dynamic Webpage Elements
Parasoft: How to Extract/Validate Dynamic Webpage Elements Description: In some applications, we may come across dynamic elements whose ids/xPaths change every time the web page reloads. This can become challenging to extract/validate such elements. Below are a few techniques used to handle dynamic elements. Solution:…
Problem executing soatestcli.exe from the Command-line.
Problem executing soatestcli.exe from the Command-line. I am trying to execute our test suite from the commande line. However, the soatestcli execution always hangs forever on the "Refreshing workspace" step. C:\Program Files (x86)\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.1>soatestcli.exe -data "C:\Users\{Me}\parasoft\workspace" -resource…
Web Functional Workflow for the latest version of Chrome / Firefox
Parasoft: Web Functional Workflow for the latest version of Chrome / Firefox Description: The latest version of SOAtest 9.10.0 comes prepackaged with Selenium-Version: 2.53.1. Currently, there is no version of Selenium (non-Marionette) Firefox driver that fully supports Firefox48 and higher. This is not a limitation of the…
Example of Executing SOAtest From CLI
soatestcli.exe -data \workspace -localsettings \localsettings -resource /ProjectName/TestFileName.tst -config "builtin://Demo Configuration" Here is a brief breakdown about what the above command line options mean: -data : the path to your SOAtest workspace -localsettings: path of the file that contains needed config…
Configuring SOAtest to Email Reports
Steps: 1) Navigate to Parasoft > Preferences > Reports: Set Reports to whatever xml, html… etc. 2) Navigate to Parasoft> Preferences> Reports>E-mail Notifications: Send Manager Reports to "youremail@parasoft.com". 3) Navigate to Parasoft > Preferences > E-mail: Set the SMTP host name to your company's SMPT server host…
Resolving 500-Internal Server Error during Validate for Loadtest
Parasoft: 500 - Internal Server Error during Validate for Loadtest Description: During Web functional troubleshooting, it is important to pay close attention to the request/response headers. This is especially the case when we receive a 500 - internal server error when performing “Validate for Load Test”. Aside from…
How to Import a TST File into a SOATest Instance
Importing Tst’s in the SOAtest UI Method 1) Drag and drop a TST file into a project folder into the Navigator View. Method 2) In the UI navigate to File > Open File. Choose your TST click open, then Click the button titled: Import “testname.tst” Importing Tst’s in SOAtestcli (headless) If you would like to import a TST…
Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
If you receive a start-up error when starting a Parasoft Test tool with the error message: "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occured. Program will exit." followed by another message popup (see images in solution), this may mean there is not enough continuous memory to allocate…
How to un-lock a workspace after a force-close
Description: Parasoft-Test based products (such as SOAtest, Jtest, or Virtualize) are shipped as Eclipse plugins. When Eclipse starts, it opens a workspace - locking it so that other Eclipse instances cannot use the same workspace at the same time. When Eclipse shuts down, this workspace is then un-locked. Cause: When one…
Jtest on Windows Vista!
is jtest support window vista?Hi threre, I wonder if jtest could run on Windows Vista platform. Our new project will use Windows Vista as standard operating system. Will you answer to me?
Jtest supports end to end functioanl testing
Is it possible to do end to end functional testing with Jtest?
Suppression messages
How can I get a listing of all the suppression messages for a particular project's analysis? I can display the list of suppression messages, but I can find a way to generate a report. I can't even copy/paste the messages into another Windows program. Are these suppression messages stored in a file somewhere?
How to merge report file
How to merge report fileHello, I'm using Jtest 6.0 on a linux server. When I run jtest with the command line from ANT, it happens that JTest jams. I followed a Jtest training and the teacher told me to separate jtest operations: coding check, generation and execution. The 3 separated operations work fine but the html…
Different workspace during launch of Jtest
How to specify it.Jtest can be configured to use a different workspace by passing the -data tag to the Jtest executable. For example, • Windows: jtestcli.exe -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test -config "team://Team Configuration" -publish -localsettings acme_policy.settings • UNIX: jtestcli -data…