How to Import a TST File into a SOATest Instance
Importing Tst’s in the SOAtest UI
Method 1) Drag and drop a TST file into a project folder into the Navigator View.
Method 2) In the UI navigate to File > Open File. Choose your TST click open, then Click the button titled: Import “testname.tst”
Importing Tst’s in SOAtestcli (headless)
If you would like to import a TST into a headless machine you can use the SOATestcli flag: –import “absolutePath\to\project”
NOTE: the –import flag requires that the folder contain a .project file.
This can be done either by transferring a project folder from another SOATest workspace as it will already have the file
by creating the file manually:
File should contain the following XML, the only modification needed changing name_of_project_folder to actual name of the project folder you are creating.Example of .project file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <projectDescription> <name>name_of_project_folder</name> <comment></comment> <projects></projects> <buildSpec></buildSpec> <natures></natures> </projectDescription>
Here’s a command line example:
Run this first to import:
Soatestcli.exe –data “path\to\workspace” –import “Absolute/Path/to/project”
Then run your test:
Soatestcli.exe –data “path\to\workspace” –resource “\project\test.tst” –config “user://Example Configuration” –report “path/to/report/directory”
Here’s an example using the example commands from your side:
1)Importing the project folder to run tst’s in a specified workspace:
“c:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe" -data "C:\projects\example-soatest\trunk" -import "C:\projects\example-soatest\trunk\sampletest"
2)Run the test after performing the import function:
“c:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe" -data "C:\projects\example-soatest\trunk" -resource "\sampletest\SampleSoaTests.tst" -config "C:\projects\" -localsettings "C:\projects\"
“c:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe" -data "C:\projects\example-soatest\trunk" -resource "\sampletest\ SampleSoaTests.tst" –testName “PassingTest1” -config "C:\projects\" -localsettings "C:\projects\"