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how to get the iteration count and assertion details in report generated

pooja Posts: 18

I need the report in a format
1. I should be able to see all the assertions added in the script. Failed as well as Passed assertions. Currently report shows only failed assertion
2. The number of run the testscript ran .Passed and Fail count of the test script.( One test script has combination of 20 test data , in the report it shows only one test traffic and the run count not shown for individual test )
Let me know the changes required to get these details in report.



  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    To see more detail in the SOAtest HTML report, open the Parasoft preferences, click Reports, enable "Overview of checked files and executed tests" and disable "Only top-level test suites".

    If you also want all traffic in the report, enable the "Report traffic for all tests" option in the Test Configuration you are running.

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    The suggestions by benken_parasoft are good - however please note that you will still not be able to see a list of all assertions and whether they passed or failed. Currently you will only be able to see which ones failed.
