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How to merge report file

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How to merge report file
Hello,I'm using Jtest 6.0 on a linux server. When I run jtest with the command line from ANT, it happens that JTest jams. I followed a Jtest training and the teacher told me to separate jtest operations: coding check, generation and execution. The 3 separated operations work fine but the html report does not satisfy me. In fact there is only the execution report. Here is the ANT script:
<path id="jtest.path.id">
<pathelement path="${extlib.classpath}:${intlib.classpath}:${myenv.JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${component.wkspace}">
<include name="build/archives/*.jar" />
<pathconvert pathsep="${path.separator}" property="jtest.classpath" refid="jtest.path.id"/>
<exec dir="." executable="${jtest.home}/jtestcli">
<arg line="-config ${jtest.coding.config} -data ${component.wkspace} -report ${jtest.reportfile} -source src/java -classpath ${jtest.classpath}"/>
<exec dir="." executable="${jtest.home}/jtestcli">
<arg line="-config ${jtest.generation.config} -data ${component.wkspace} -report ${jtest.reportfile} -source src/java -classpath ${jtest.classpath}"/>
<exec dir="." executable="${jtest.home}/jtestcli">
<arg line="-config ${jtest.execution.config} -data ${component.wkspace} -report ${jtest.reportfile} -source src/java -classpath ${jtest.classpath}"/>
So I would like that JTest can merge the report. Could you help me, I find no help about this subject
PS: sorry for my dirty english
Hi Clement,
From the looks of it, you are overwriting your report file each time you run jtestcli. That's why you can only see the Execution report (because it ran last). You could try renaming the reportfile for each Jtest stage. I don't understand what you mean when Jtest "jams"--could you please elaborate? Thanks.
techie30 -
Thanks for your attention....
When I say that JTest jams, it means that JTest uses all the memory of the server and stops: the parasoft process is still running but doesn't work.
So I would like to separate the 3 jtest operations (coding check, generation, execution) and obtain a html report which contains the result of the 3 operations.
In fact if these operations are separated, they will use less memory....
I hope that my explanations were clear...
Regards0 -
Hi Clement,
You can increase the maximum heap size of the Java Virtual Machine using options on the command line. If you are using Jtest plugin, use the option "-vmargs -Xmx1024m" where 1024 is the desired size in MB (). If you are using standalone Jtest, use the option "-J-Xmx1024m". For more info, go to the Help Contents and then Jtest User's Guide > Tips and Tricks > Tips and Tricks.
It is not possible to merge HTML reports in Jtest if you are running coding standards, generation, and execution separately. The only way to get all of them in one report is to run them all at once in one configuration. Jtest also produces XML reports, you might be able to somehow merge them on your side.