Getting xml resquest/response in groovy extention script
How to get xml resquest/response in groovy extention script?
Can Bitbucket source repository integrated with Parasoft ?
Hello , we are using bitbucket as a source repository to store Parasoft SOA test .tst scripts. Can Bitbucket integrated directly with Parasoft? Currently we use some commands to checkout/check-in the code to Bitbucket. Earlier , I used TFS - Team foundation server and Rational Clear Case tools, where I can directly…
Where does SOAtest show console output of a Jar?
We are using a JAR by one of the dev teams to communicate with an external payment service provider. The java code in the JAR includes some logging to console using simple 'System.out.println(...)' statements. Why can I not see these Statements in the SOAtest console? Which console do they go? Is there a way to view these…
Number of Test Run drop down items in Traffic Viewer
Right now, I can see the last 5 test runs in the Traffic Viewer. I want to see more, but I can't find the place to configure the number of payloads available, or even if it's configurable. Any ideas?
Injecting a Authorization Token to the request automatically
Hi, here is the situation. previously I have create my test scripts and did not have need the authorization token. The project has been moving on and has introduced the "Security Authorization Token". Now, I have this challenge to open each single test and add this parameter and token in the Header. I wonder, if SOATest…
groovy autocomplete and calling other groovy scripts
hi is there any way to use the autocomplete (ctrl+space) functionality for the language groovy in external tools? i would like to be able to e.g. see the available methods and attributes of used java classes or my own groovy classes while i code. and is there a guide on how to setup SOAtest (9.10) so i can import groovy…
Modify Classpath feature in CTP??
Do we have modify classpath feature available in CTP as it's available in SOAtest desktop version.
How to use "Parasoft Search" on SOAPClient request?
My goal: identify all tests for which a value is specified in the CardNumber parameter. My first guess was to use Parasoft Search with a regular expression: * Containing text = CardNumber\>\d+\< (a regular expression created and tested with my prefered regex editor) * Check Regular Expression checkbox * Tool type = SOAP…
how to preview HTML response using parasoft SOA test 9.9
When I try to Execute GET Call using PostMan, I am getting successful response and I can see HTML page content in response. where as when I use the same GET Call url in parasoft via REST Client , I am getting http:307 and header has a redirect url. * can someone help me understand why the behavior is different in Parasoft…
How to use system properties feature in CTP??
As we have system properties feature in SOAtest how to use same feature in CTP. i am not sure whether this feature exist or not in CTP but can anyone let me know.
How to generate Report in CTP for any Job headlessly??
Requirement: Generate Report for any job in CTP without interacting CTP portal. Is there any REST API or URL to generate the report & to send out to different emails. I am looking this in CTP using headless concept.
What is the use of Requirement feature in CTP??
I found requirement feature in CTP with type @asset,@task etc... with ID and URL need to be input.Can anyone let me know the use of this feature as such feature is not available in SOAtest.
Assert JSON Response with multiple Rows from the DB
I'm really struggling with getting this to work, I thought this would be an easy use case for the software. However comparing the multiple rows from the JSON response to an equivalent query in the database isn't working. Here's what I've tried: 1. Create a writable data source that will be populated from a JSON databank.…
Configuring Class Path in CTP. or How to use java in CTP.
Hi Guys, I want to configure classpath in ctp to use java but unable to that. kindly help me.
How to dynamically create a SOATest workspace and add a project/tst (Through command line)
Hello Everyone I have a query for SOATest 9.7, we are trying to achieve following to test things without any manual intervention when a build/merge happens. Struggling to achieve step 2 & 3. Could someone please help. * On some test machine, checkout latest copy of a SOATest suite from SVN/Git * Create a SOATest workspace…
soatestcli unable to execute .tst that has selenium and dependent modules.
I have created one tst in soatest which invokes selenium and some other dependent jars. If executing through SOAtest everything is working fine but if trying to execute through soatestcli getting errors saying "selenium apis and parasoft apis are missing or not found." Note:I am invoking soatestcli thorugh remote pc via…
How to Send PDF file in a request field using Parasoft SOA test tool
Hello, I am trying to send a PDF file in one of the request field(fileContent). tool : Parasoft SOA test 9.9 { "fileMetadata" : "sfdsf", "fileName" : "dsdfsd", "fileContent" : "" } note that I am not just sending PDF file in the req, I also have to send some more fields along with the PDF file in the req. it;s just in one…
Parameterizing an Excel Spreadsheet Data Source name
I want to parameterize the File Path of an ExcelSheet in DataSource. In Parasoft help option I found below options but in these options I didn't find the way to parameterize the name of .xls file. Can you please help me with it. Specify the path to the Excel file in the File Path field. You can use the following variables:…
Some test scripts are being Skipped
I am trying to check out the scripts from SVN and run all the scripts from command line. But not all the scripts are running. Some scripts are skipped from the execution. I dont know why.. I didnt do any changes to the scripts or configuration. Anybody does know the reason why some scripts are being skipped???
How to programmatically deploy a stub
Hello, I have an SoaTest with a stub simulator that I should deploy on Soa Server each time I want to run the Test. So I want to know, is there any solution to automate the deployment of the stub on the Soa Server with a jython script or java class ? Thanks,
Need to run the SOATest test scripts from Jenkins on Linux server
Can anyone help me to provide the code to run Parasoft SOATest test scripts from Jenkins where the Jenkins installed on Linux server
To run a test multiple number of times depending on the count condition.
I have a scenario in which I have 3-4 tests.I have used a global variable "count" at scenario level and initially I have set its value as 1. From the SOAP Response of the test I get the exact value of count which I need to set, for Ex: count = 16. I have few more tests in the same scenario. Now I want to run the complete…
Reporting in parasoft
Is there a way I can have 2 reports generated in one run , I need one small report with passed failed count in the email attached from Jenkins and a details report which has all the details. I run the test through CLI command.
SOAtest CLI command - unable to run the particular test
Command used "C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe" -runtest "C:\Users\xxxx\parasoft\workspace\DailyRxxxx\abc.tst" -config "C:\Users\xxxx\parasoft\workspace\DailyRxxxx\Example Configuration.properties" Earlier the same command used to run properly but now I face issue and get below message INFO: Scope not…
Customize the HTML report
Is it possible to customize the HTML report generated after execute the scripts from command line? like change the heading of report (usually its displays as "FUNCTIONAL TESTS"), remove the task by author table. Can anyone provide me some solutions?
Adding message to the reports
For Failed test , context.report command is used to show the particular message . Is there a way to show the message for the success test as well . Can we show the application.showmessage on the report generated. Need to show the message added in extension tool for the passed script with success message and the custom…
how can I validate the field name? in parasoft SOA test
Hello, i want to add an assertion to check the field name is returned as per schema. para soft SOA test 9.9 e.g: "status" : { "serverStatusCode" : "401", "severity" : "ERROR", if I want to check field name "severity" is returned as expected. we have standard assertions to validate the field values , But to add check point…
How to read xml data from the server Logs present on central repository
The log files are generated on the central repository and we want to extract the relevant logs by differentiating it using the unique reference number. How can it be achieved, can anyone please help us over it.
Enable view traffic option in localsettings.properties file
Can anyone please tell me how to configure the view traffic option localsettings.properties file. I know how to do it in GUI. but i have to update in localsettings.properties when execute the script from command line. And also disable API coverage option.
DB tool with extension tool
I am very new to SoaTest and was having difficulty utilizing the extension tool with the DB tool. I was wanting to access the results of a db tool query within the extension tool but was having difficulty doing so. The input object just shows "text" where if i attach the extension tool to a soap response, I will recieve…
Pymongo in soatest
how to add the pymongo in soa test. and from where can i download the pymongo jar file for jython?
Is there a way to write in writable datasource using script
Like we can fetch the values using getValues method , can we set the values in writable datasource . Let me know the feasible option to write in datasource by script. Since I need to manipulate the list of values and later store it , I have to write script for it.
How to Change the java versions 1.7 in parasoft soatest 9.10?
I have certain jar files to be loaded into "Parasoft Preferences > System Property" which requires JAVA "1.7" but SOATest 9.10 have "1.8"... so i need to downgrade Java to 1.7... so i can submit a claims. Any suggestion?
How to Get the Execution Status of TestSuite TCs??
Hi Guys, I am looking for script or anything else which can help me to identify no of TCs got pass or failed. Though I can achieve this functionality using extension tool and executions options but looking for direct script which can return me status true or false.
How to Convert HTML to XML in SOAtest.
Hi Guys, Struggling to convert HTML to XML in SOAtest. Though I tried using XML Transformer with selecting mime type text/html but unable to convert. Any help would be appreciated. :smile:
Explicitly Passing any Test in SOAtest.
Hi Guys, As we have ****Context.Report()**** method to explicitly fail any scenario.Do we have any method to get it Passed or Success explicitly.
How to skip test cases in jython extension tool?
I have scenario where based upon response received i want to skip subsequent test cases . This i want to do from jython ext tool. is there any possibility ?
Using the results of writeable Datasources in REST request payloads
I am storing part of a result of a rest query in a writeable datasource. In the XML databank, I am extracting the parent (/:elementList/element[]/coordinate[1]/child::node() ) and storing the 6 children in a datasource column ("coord"). In a subsequent rest request, I want to use the values from the datasource column.…
How to read/pass environment variable into ParasoftSOA Test via Jenkins?
How to read/pass environment variable into ParasoftSOA Test via Jenkins ?
how to parameter data bank x-path
Hello, I am trying to parameter data bank x-path from excel sheet. here is my scenario below is the x-path I have in my data bank. /root/item[1]/id[1]/text() Output item'1' will be picked up from the response. I want to parameter the Item[1] value with an excel sheet , so that I can control which item to pick up from the…
is it possible compare between Response (Soap /Json) and Data source using java
Hi , My scenarios is to compare between response (SOAP/Rest) and database using any of the scripting language Like Java / Groovy /Jython (Mostly Using Java ) , how can i compare those , i m entirely new to Programming Language (Know Basic Concept very well )
How to dynamically add xml tag to a soap request?
My groovy is generating an xml tag and need to inject it in a soap request? what are the probable way in which we can handle this scenario?
Getting java error, when trying to open a project/tst file.
Error Details: java.io.ioexception:com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException:Received non-all-whitespace characters or cdata event in nextTag(). at [row,col{unknown-source}]:[8348,48]. Please help with resolving the issue.
I want to add the amount and assert the total to a value
Hello, SOA test : 9.9.5 I have an API where the response will be the clients accounts details like(accounts name, Category, amount and etc). I want to add all the different accounts "amount" and assert the same with the "total balance" field. please advise. Thank you. regards, Neil
how to validate if response field is expected to return X and Y.
Hello , I want to assert on a a response field(string comparison assert) . But the response field value returns X and Y . Both values are Valid. I want my assertion to pass the test in both cases. I know we can assert on one expected value. can you please advise which assertion to use to validate the same field with two…
How to extract empty tag values into a data bank
Hello, tool: SOA test 9.9 PART 1 I am extracting a value to data data, sometime the data is expected to be empty. The data bank throws an exception that: No nodes found. I want to retrieve some value even though the value is empty. I tried to go into option of data bank and set extract empty value as 'a' - But it did'nt…
How to assert the length of the field.
Hello, In SOA test 9.9 . Is there any specific assertion to validate the length of fields coming in response? e.g: I want to apply and assertion below field should be always 16 digits: 123456874874834 Regards, Neil
How to apply an x-path into an array.
below is the sample JSON response, I want to get the documentid whose "subcategory" : "Loans" only i tried below, didn't work out. //documents/documentId[subcategory="Loans"]/text() I want to apply a condition on subcategory field and retrieve only document id which satisfy the condition mentioned. { "documents" : [ {…
How Do I Load or Use A Provided WSDL Link?
I have been provided a WSDL link to try and get some experience with but I don't know how to load or access it in SOAtest. How do I load or use a provided WSDL link? At the moment I have only an empty SOAtest project. Regards, Bright