Dynamic Scripted URL from datasource
In SOAtest9.9 How do I script the URL/endpoint to create REST endpoint dynamically by concatenating values from writable datasource columns. The test should be able to run post request for each data row.
CTP : Mapping Javascript methods to xml field in CTP
I have tst file loaded to CTP. All the test scripts have a field which is linked to a javascript file to get unique value. However, when i ran the tst in CTP, scripts are failing because javascript file is missing. I have added javascript file to CTP, but now am not sure how do I call / map the methods to test scripts in…
Limiting and Rolling Virtualize Logs
This forum post will go over the process for creating, limiting, and rolling logs for the Virtualize WAR installation. The purpose of these changes is to avoid the issue of running out of HDD space. Sections: 1. Configuring a Virtualize logging configuration file with file output 2. Configuring a Virtualize logging…
Soa is crashing while run the Exension File
I am using a extension tool where I am running java script .This script contains winium driver and sikuli apis ,when ever I am running this script.My soa crashed and showing the Error ,as you can see in the attached screenshot .I tried every possibility like add the eclipse ini file add both -vm and mention the javaw.exe…
How to import my tests in another tests
I am trying to create a common function library, created a test .tst file added an extension tool and written some methods in it. How can use this methods in other test .tst - extension tool. Is there a way to do this. Appreciate your help.
Use of Aggregate Data Sources in SOAtest: MAX nr of fields combined?
Hi, Currently I am building a project in SOAtest ( in which I would like to combine some internal table data sources into an aggregate DS for use in XML Assertors to validate the contents of several DB tables. I have a project with several tst's underneath. I declare the DS on project level (not as Global DS!)…
Flexible selection of Active DS in DG
Hi, Currently it is sadly only possible to set an Active DS within a Data Group through using the dropdown selection or a static Environement variable. However during iteration of my test, I want to dynamically set the Active DS e.g. through a runtime variable, e.g. triggered from an overall DS. Will this be made possible…
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver cannot be found by com.parasoft.xtest.libs.base_9.7.7.20180207
Hi Parasoft team, am getting below error when i try to connect to ora DB, I have included ojdbc6.jar in JDBC driver, DB tool is not surving my purpose so we have to handle this via scripting, can someone help on this please Additional Details: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver cannot be found by…
SOA test integration with ALM
I integrated SOA test with ALM. I am currently executing the tests from test lab. But the challenge is the runtime is very long from ALM like almost 4-5mins I am looking for a solution where I want to execute my test cases from SOA test tool and export the complete traffic to ALM
Soavirt Server License Question
I am using the "Server License" version running in a cloud environment. Currently I am using a license token (server, which is correct) but I am also using a regular soatest license also. That does not seem right to me. Could it be on selecting the "Edition" to "custom" and only choose server API enabled?
SOATest using Mulit-Factor Authenication
Can SOATest support this? Has anyone done this with SOATest before?
Encode / Decode base64 with javascript?
Hi, I need to decode base64 encoded output of a rest service and compare the decoded result with a value from a database, but I don't know how. I understood that it is possible to decode with javascript, but how can this be done? This is the scenario: * JSON call to a REST service returns a encoded value. * I saved this…
Property file setting questions
If I use the soatest.license.autoconf.timeout=[seconds] property and set it to 90 seconds, will soatest keep polling until license is free for 90 seconds or will it wait 90 seconds to poll. Same question for this property soatest.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes] If I set this to 20 minutes will soatest only try once…
<HOW TO> Test Execution Time in Report
Hi, Can someone please help me know if we can add "Total Test Execution Time" in Report and how to do that ? Thanks in advance.
SOAtest Work with local files
Hi, What is the best way to handle local files on the windows file system where SOAtest runs. I would like to clean out some local directories before executing my test. I know SOAtest has plenty of tools for writing to local files and also on a remote (unix) machine. I tried however to use a "!rm ."command (local shell) on…
Assertion depending on Datasource's value
Hi Team, I have added two value assertion for my test case.But I need to validate those assertion depending in the value present in my DataSource's column. eg : I have a column name SCOPE and has value IN-SCOPE and OUT-SCOPE .So if the value is IN-SCOPE I will have to use a particular assertion and if I have value for…
"Warning: A test is currently running" pops up even when no test is running
Hello, When I'm executing a tst, sometimes my SOAtest runs out of heap space. This causes the test execution to hang, so what I normally do is click on the red stop icon to stop the execution. Then I click on the garbage can icon to release some memory, and try to execute the same tst (see screenshot below). But when I try…
Is there support for sending .xlsm files using the REST client?
Hello, I'm trying to test against a service that expects a file in the request. The file's extension is .xlsm. The REST client didn't seem to be able to send a file with that extension. I was able to send other files (e.g. .txt, .xls, .xlsx) without a problem. So I added the following content-type in…
Does SOAtest & Virtualize support Java 9 or higher?
Hello, I was looking at the documentation for the tools, and I saw that only Java 8 is supported. However, when I was looking over the documentation for deploying SOAtest and/or Virtualize servers using the WAR file, it says that Java 8 or higher is supported. I just wanted to confirm if this is an inconsistency in the…
DataSource values are not passed to Tests in CTP
I am trying to Execute my tests from CTP but parameter value from data source is not passed to the test scripts. 1. DataSource is a SQL server and i can see the columns and result in CTP when i saved hte data source. 2. I am using the data source value in my test. When i start writing datasource variable name in DBToool…
Assertion to be added to check a value present in one of the two xpaths
Hi All, If I want to add an assertion for a value but it can be present in one of the two xpaths of the response so I was thinking of adding OR assertion of the Compound assertion but it is getting failed. eg : I want to fetch an amount and the value can be either in buyer tag or seller tag.So I have added value assertion…
Modify Files
SOAtest has tools to create files and save data into variables. Outside scripting or external tools, is there some combination of existing tools that will allow the content of a text file to be read, modified (like search and replace); then rewritten?
Can we convert SOAP UI developed services XML into .tst files and use it in Parasoft SOATest tool
Hi Team, Is there any way that we can convert SOAP UI developed services XML into .tst files and use it in Parasoft SOATest tool. Please give suggestions to convert SOAP UI developed XML files into Parasoft SOATest support format.
Conditional Assertion not working with Has content
Trying to use condition assertion, where If (tag has content) then (assert this value). But for some reason, Has content doesn't work. The test cases passes even though the assertion value is wrong. Has content as a separate condition works fine. But only if I put it has a if condition, there seems to be some problem. Not…
Socket Closed Error Message
Hi, I am making a GET call from SOATest, and my URL is of the format walk.appgw1.westin1.dev.azure.xy.com/sv/details/v1/name?ID=123456 I don't see any traffic in the viewer and in the "quality tasks" tab I get "Socket Closed" I find no issues when I try this from POSTMAN / SOAP UI / Browser so its presumingly a SOATest…
SAP Hana
Has anyone connected or integrated soatest to sap Hana either by JDBC or Hana xs odata?
SOATEST returning error when trying to update the Xpath with string functions
I was asserting on the below response against my database value which is supposed to be Response from the service for scoreDate: 2017-03-16T12:45:25-04:00 Database value for scoreDate: 2017-03-16 12:45:25 (Expected value) I am passing the List name as a parameter from my Datasource excel sheet('ExpectedIPList' column). So…
SOATEST - How to assert on blank values
I am using SOATest (9.9) and in my JSON response I am asserting on an element (status) which can have a value or null value. I am trying to assert this against my datasource column 'status'. I added the below assertions in this case and did the below: 1) Added a Value Assertion for the element 'status' and parameterized it…
how to provide test data based on Environment into API Call?
I have rest call which will take country as input parameter. At the same time i have dev and test environments. When dev environment active , my country should take USA as value ,in case test environment is active then country should take Canada as input in parasoft SOA test. Can you help me on this
DB Tool - ORA-12519 error
I'm trying to connect to Oracle DB using DB Tool, when I run the test it gives me the below error. Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found 66000 What could be the reason ? I did try with some other connection string for same Oracle DB and it worked fine.…
Running a specified action/test after a test case
I would like to know if there is a way to do an action after a test case is done. Here's my scenario: I would like to create a lot of tests for HTTP POST, which updates records. After a test case is done, I would like to revert back the values of my record using another API call, and use it for another test, or use it for…
External tool call .net code
Is the external tool able to call a .net dll file directly? Would it work if the dll is compile as an executable? If so what would be the value of the flag? Would I be able to pass in parameters?
SOAtest: Call Excel application from Extension Tool
Hi, In order to recalculate the formulas in our Excel datasource, we need MS Excel to open en save the workbook before running the test. This can be accomplished by calling an external bat script, but this not preferred, from maintenance perspective. With jython/java I need the 'os' class in order to use e,g,…
SOAtest using dynamic Excel Datasources
Hi, I use _dynamic _Excel sheet (XSLX) as a datasource for the DBtool to make sql inserts. The Excel =TODAY -formula is used to put today's date in a field. This works well, also with highly concatenatied queries. OK. However on the long run it seems that SOAtest is treating such a datasource as static, because when I…
SOAtest: Extension Tool parameterize Datasource File Path
Hi, I have got simple jython script, written in Extension tool to refresh the Excel(xls) datasource, just by opening it and saving it to disk again: from com.parasoft.api import * from org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import * from java.io import * DATASOURCENAME = "Vul_Tabel_DS"…
How to pass String ArrayList object to Service in SOATest
Hi All, I have a string Arraylist where i'm iterating cells from excel and saving it in list and passing the list to context like below(doing this using extenson tool object). When i access the list in Service the entire string response is going in the request. Actually, the arraylist contains list of String. Which has to…
How to pass iterated excel columns (String values) into Service request
Hello, I have iterated excel columns (String values) in an object. it has around 8 string values. How to pass it to Service request. I have tried passing as parameterized value, but the problem is, it is taking the last added value from the object and it is passed as input. Kindly suggest solutions. for (String scnr :…
Execute test only when the data source row value matches
I have a test with data source having multiple rows. In one of the columns I have YES & NO values where I need to execute the test for that particular row only when the row value matches with YES and skip the row where the value is NO Is there a way that I can achieve this ?
Json schema validation
Do you have any feature to validate the json schema?
Passing Multiple Documents Through a Java Application
Hello everyone. I've been trying to find an answer on this, but haven't had much luck. So for my project, I have a Java Application (JAR) which allows me to compare two SOAP responses from a data source, a baseline (external regression), and new responses; I used the Write File option to write the new responses, and…
Xpath - Extract element based on other element in the JSON response
I have a JSON response with following structure which is dynamic. I want to extract the account balance to a data bank of specific person eg:John "Details" : [ { "AccountBalance" : "6793", "Person" : "John" }, { "AccountBalance" : "3646", "Person" : "Peter"
SOAtest assert on partial date/timestamp
Hi, I like to assert on a DB value containing a time stamp e.g. 2019-06-13 09:04:23.338024, by only considering the date part 2019-06-13 and neglecting the time. Can this be accomplished with a build in assertion of SOAtest or should this be implemented with a custom assertion? Thanks in advance . Regards , Daniel
How to set "timeout after (milliseconds)" with environment variable?
Hi, I have a need to set different timeouts for different tests. For instance, when doing a GET, I would like to set it to have a 3 second timeout, whereas for DELETE I would like maybe a 5 second timeout. I tried using environmental variables but it did not work, the timeout textbox only accepts numeric inputs. I would…
Using Date Range to retrieve data from excel
Can some help me with the below scenario. I have a responder which sends list of rows having the same account number which was sent in the request. However, I need to send the rows based on the start date and end date range. currently I have setup only account number in data source co-relation to match the account number.…
Iterating through Table data source
Hi, I want to iterate through Table data source and select particular rows based on the input. Im using SOATEST. do we have built in to iterate table data source? if not how can we call the table data source in Java class and iterate through the rows in the table(excel) data source. this is the scenario. i have scenarios ,…