Want to also use Microsoft Edge, Firefox for Browser Playback in SOATest 9.10
I have been trying to set up my tests to run playback in the browsers Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. Internet Explorer runs out of the box (although rather slowly), and I copied the webdriver for Chrome to the folder ...\eclipse\plugins\com.parasoft.xtest.libs.web_9.10.0.20161130\root\browsers\webdriver\chrome\windows\x86. This resulted in Chrome working well. However despite copying the Edge driver specified for the version of Edge I have to the folder ...\webdriver\edge\x86, I get the error 'Unable to launch Microsoft Edge. Please ensure that the product is not running using the Built-In Administrator account or while User Account Control is turned off. View documentation for additional steps.' I have checked the Local Security Policy and it is correctly set.
I had also tried to manually update the Selenium WebDriver (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9108/About+the+Selenium+WebDriver+Engine#AbouttheSeleniumWebDriverEngine-ManuallyUpgradingtoaNewVersionofSeleniumWebDriver) but that resulted in none of the browsers working. I tried both version 4.0.0-alpha-5 and version 3.141.59 with the same results. (https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-api) Is there some way to get all 4 of these browsers to run the test scenarios or is IE and Chrome what I can use because I used Chrome to record these tests.
Thanks for all of the help to my many questions I have received the last few days. It is most appreciated!
For Edge (non-Chromium based), you typically install it by running the following command from a command prompt as Administrator:
DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~
See https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/
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I am using the Chromium-based version of Edge: 81.0.416.53 (64 bit).
From looking at a lot of Parasoft documentation, there seems to be some conflicting information about what versions of each of the browser that are supported and what will enable them to be used. Some of the drivers can just be copied to a certain folder in the SOATest file structure while others need to be installed running the update.bat program in a command window pointing to a jar file.0 -
The Chromium-based Edge is not yet officially supported, although we are about to do research to see how to make it work.
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Thanks jakubiak. I was wondering if part of my issue was the new engine in Edge. Have you tried or someone you know be able to manually update the Selenium webdrivers using the link to documentation in my initial post above? My 2 attempts have resulted in disaster in that none of the web scenarios would run in any browser after updating. I would like to be able to also be able to run the scenarios in Firefox, if possible. If this proves to be too much hassle, I will be content with using Chrome and Internet Explorer.
Thanks!0 -
However despite copying the Edge driver specified for the version of Edge I have to the folder ...\webdriver\edge\x86, I get the error 'Unable to launch Microsoft Edge
Although this procedure is likely correct, we also previously verified this doesn't work for Chromium-based Edge at the moment. We are still researching the issue.
I would like to be able to also be able to run the scenarios in Firefox, if possible.
Supported versions are listed here: Browser Support
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I wanted to give an update: SOAtest version 2020.1 which is scheduled to be released in the next few weeks will have support for Chromium-base Edge.
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That is great to hear. Thanks for the update jakubiak!