How to interpret "Stat" and "Off" values in C++Test coverage report?
I have the following code coverage report snippet and want to understand what do "Stat" and "Off" values represent and how to interpret them? <CvgData cvgType="SC"> <Stat val="0;3;0;3;0;3;0"/> <Off val="0;76;115;120;146;153;198"/> </CvgData>undefined</File>undefined<File…
How to parameterize the "Variable Condition" field in the "TestFlowLogic" of "Execution Options" tab
I want to parameterize the Variable Condition field present inside Scenario >> Execution Options >> Test Flow Logic >> Variable Condition. I want to take the value from "Environments" or "Data Sources". The traditional way of specifying "${some_variablename}" is NOT working
How to validate uniqueness of a field value in the JSON response.
Hello everyone, Can someone help me how to validate a field, if the value returned in response in unique and contains no duplication. E,g: In below JSON, id field occurs multiple times, I want to validate "id" is unique and it's not duplicated in the JSON response. { "merchantCategories": [{ "id": "0001", "description":…
Multiple data sources logging error
I have created a table data source with list of values and other excel databanks parametrized to other fields. Sometime they run fine if we have only one databank. Any special steps to follow to have multiple databanks support the scenario and sub scenario of test suite.
ExecutedTestsDetails is empty in report.xml after upgrading
We were using the Parasoft version 10.4.3 and then we upgraded to 2020.2.0 version. After upgrading the report doesn't display anything related to the Executed test Result, When i check the report.xml the ExecutedTestsDetails tag is empty but it is working good in 10.4.3. Other than Test execution details all the other…
Failed to respond to incoming message using data source row correlation
I have a request i.e. "crn":"234567890123456","amount":"200","settlementDate":"20091224", and a responder using a data source correlation of several response. And the response is to send the responseCode by validating the "amount" [<250] or [>250]. When I send a request via a Parasoft Virtualize .pva file the event…
dDuplicate definitions errors
Getting Error[Li006]: duplicate definitions for APIs in .o file. Help me out to resolve this.
Undefined Reference to Time: C/C++ testing
I am doing a cross platform testing to generate runtime executable with compiler TricoreGCC . I could generate the test cases but am not able to run them or to create the runtime executable. * I have also built the runtime library with the compiler which i am using and added it in to the linker options. * Added the include…
Unable to generate unit test coverage report
I am having issues to generate coverage report using Parasoft in eclipse Java. Eclipse display error, **No results were reported during the configuration run. Please check your settings and try again ** Setup Problem [ERROR]could not report coverage Could not find coverage files, probably instrumentation was not done. I am…
Structural code coverage with Code Composer Studio
I try to carry out structural code coverage with Parasoft code composer plugin I am using Code Composer Studio v8, My target has Flash memory (KB)=32 , RAM (KB)=12. Parasoft C/C++ makes static analsys very well (And also Visual studio plugin works very well) but when I try to carry out " Run TI CCS v4+ application with…
Data and Control Coupling
Hi parasoft family, Do you know whether or not parasoft c/c++ test encompass data and control coupling? Best Regards, -BA
Missing resources error message when execute the test scripts from Jenkins
Hi All, I am getting an error "ERROR: Missing Resources: The following symbols/resources were specified, but were not found in the workspace. Ensure they are valid and are relative to the workspace" when try to execute the SOATest scripts from Jenkins but I am pretty sure that the resource path provided is correct. The…
How to convert a test into spring boot project?
I need to integrate parasoft test suites into spring boot project. How do i do that?
How to integrate groovy scripts in parasoft.
I have groovy scrips in my soap ui test suite . How do i integrate those scripts in parasoft?
How to know if an existing service in parasoft is a Rest Api or not?
How can we get from service if the service is rest api or not.
post endpoint to save some data like json, txt, or xml
Hello, Is there any way I can create a POST endpoint to store some data that can be used to do a GET later on?
Condition data fetch in databank using regular expression
Hi, how can I make custom xpath if need to fetch based on a key string present. For example if saving is present in AccountType then only fetch. Occurrence of this is not fixed. { "customerName" : "Hitler", "AccountType" : "XYZ_Savings_XYZ", "Country" : "Germany", "id" : "555" }, { "customerName" : "Nepolean",…
Test cases are not executed
Hello everybody, I have a problem when i want to execute unit test cases on a folder of resources. I generated the test cases and tried to execute them, parasoft tells me there are 32 files in scope of the tests, which is correct, but it does not execute any testcase. I copied the generate unit tests and run unit tests…
Maven install errors
while installing plugin https://docs.parasoft.com/display/FINDS/Parasoft+Findings+for+Jenkins i got 2 errors. i'm not able to understand how to resolve it? [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for com.parasoft:parasoft-findings:10.4.5-SNAPSHOT: Could not transfer artifact org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin:pom:3.49 from/to…
How can we parameterize a dynamic URL parameter (not q Parameter)
Here is the path: /eosservices/SOHServices/api/v1/group/SOH/customers/id (dynamic value)/locations?q=customerNumberTypeCode==CDF;statementofHealthReportingLocationID==86A&limit=2 I want to parameterize the "ID" parameter which is going to be dynamic and unique.. i should be able to read the dynamic value from the incoming…
Docker image of Parasoft
Hi wanted to know the steps how to create docker image of Parasoft .
Python script error
I am trying to add new column header in data and in assertion i am using that column header in code Error Message: DataSource: Positive (row 5): Error during script execution. View Details for more information. java.lang.AssertionError ~~~~
Soa is crashing while run the Exension File
I am using a extension tool where I am running java script .This script contains winium driver and sikuli apis ,when ever I am running this script.My soa crashed and showing the Error ,as you can see in the attached screenshot .I tried every possibility like add the eclipse ini file add both -vm and mention the javaw.exe…
How to import my tests in another tests
I am trying to create a common function library, created a test .tst file added an extension tool and written some methods in it. How can use this methods in other test .tst - extension tool. Is there a way to do this. Appreciate your help.
SOA test integration with ALM
I integrated SOA test with ALM. I am currently executing the tests from test lab. But the challenge is the runtime is very long from ALM like almost 4-5mins I am looking for a solution where I want to execute my test cases from SOA test tool and export the complete traffic to ALM
I need to perform bulk deployment of stubs in parasoft virtualise
Bulk deployment of stubs need to be done in parasoft virtualise , presently i am deploying each stub individually which is taking too much time. So is there any method in parasoft virtualise so that i can deploy all my stubs at once on my server.
Xpath - Extract element based on other element in the JSON response
I have a JSON response with following structure which is dynamic. I want to extract the account balance to a data bank of specific person eg:John "Details" : [ { "AccountBalance" : "6793", "Person" : "John" }, { "AccountBalance" : "3646", "Person" : "Peter"
Using Date Range to retrieve data from excel
Can some help me with the below scenario. I have a responder which sends list of rows having the same account number which was sent in the request. However, I need to send the rows based on the start date and end date range. currently I have setup only account number in data source co-relation to match the account number.…
Source Control Problem
Daer Parasoft Team, After i scan cli, i find this error. what that;s mean ? and how to fix it. Thank You
parameterization with java code
Hi I have a request xml, with literal xml file option I am fetching the request. Now I want to parameterize the request node values with java code. can anyone help me into did scenario
How can I Run a Java code after entire test execution completion
I am generating a html file from excel sheet after all my tests are run ( kind of customised test result report) .i an trying to run the Java class using extension tool. But the test is growing error in both the cases. 1. Tried creating a new test with only extension tool but it's not running 2. Created a tear down step…
Not able to pick a user defined environment when run from Jenkins and pick the project from Git
i am trying to pull .tst file along with .parasoft and .project file from Git and executing by putting all 3 files in one workspace. for this .tst file i have created 2 user defined environments which i will specifying in jenkins as a parameter. some how i am not able to run the .tst file and test fails with below error.…
Hey do anyone has latest parasoft SOA test user gude
I need to learn more on Soa test so do any trial version or user guide is available ? It would be grt if someone can share that information.
How to use multiple traffic files to Create a Virtual Assets ?
Hi All, We have multiple xml files recorded(traffic files) by another team for a services. We need to create a single Virtual assets from those files. When we combine those file with Notepad++ >> Combine tool and tried to create it we are getting 'The file format is invalid for HTTP traffic' Help us to resolve this issue.
Ways to Integrate parasoft soatest with Jenkins
Hello Folks, Is it possible to integrate Parasoft SOA webservices test with Jenkins? I have a soatest project created to test my webservices. I would like it to automate running soatest scripts through Jenkins in each build. Is there any possible way we can perform this task? I hope you guys can understand the question…
Unable to connect to Parasoft DB
Hi all, I am unable to connect to Parasoft DB. It gives me the following error :smile: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: CUSTOMER My settings are as below -- Driver : org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver URL : jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/parabank Username : SA Please help! Thanks, Arindam.
Anyone providing Parasoft SOA Test online training?
Hello All, I am looking for a Parasoft online trainer urgently. If anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks, Arindam. Email : arindam.itsme@gmail.com arindam dot itsme at gmail.com
JSON assertion validation for status code 200.
My script reads test data from excel which also has a status code( expected result) column in it. Scripts fetches data from excel and compares it with status code to validate. Since output of my API is generated in JSON format, I am using JSON asserter to validate status code. The problem that I am facing is for a scenario…
Hi, I am running CLI command cpptesttrace and cpptestcli on a C++ project on Linux. I have a workspace that has many project dependencies. How can I set up the command line to run in one line command several projects. 1. Create bdf for all project. 2. Run cpptestcli on all bdf files for all projects in worksapce in one…
Want to store data in variable fetching from XML databank in javascript for custom assertion
Want to store data in variable fetching from XML databank in javascript for custom assertion. Can you please help me? For example, In XML data bank I have extracted an element named "Date" In Custom script, I want to store this element in a variable. What should be the syntax?
Integrating API scripts to ALM using a parasoft tool
Hi everyone, Please help me to integrate the API Automation scripts to HP ALM tool. For updating the test case pass/fail status. thank you.
Combine two fields of SOAP response to One
I would like to combine two fields values of same SOAP response into One. So that I can assert the One filed of SOAP to REST response field. SOAP Response: Field 1 = date Field 2 = Time Combine SOAP field (1 &2) to Field 3. Assert SOAP Field 3 to REST response field. How should I do this?
Integrate JIRA with Parasoft SOA test.
Hello, Currently our team is working on API Testing using Parasoft SOATest. We execute all the test cases and track the results for each test cases using ALM(VAPI scripts). Now the management has asked us to move from ALM to JIRA. Please help me to understand the steps to do it if you have done this before. Thank You!
Setup Problem
* Test execution: error reading test log for Test unit for selected sources.
Parasoft Virtualization from record traffic file created from proxy
Hi All, I have created virtual asset using a traffic file which is created by recording proxy. Then i give the virtual asset end point in Soatest to check if it's coming from virtual asset or not. and it's working fine.. But issue is if i change some field or value in traffic file for some responses. that particular…
How to store request/response in Parasoft to a file through Groovy Script?
Need to store request/response of a testcase in a txt file at a location(path defined in data source) through groovy script.
TestCase Generation in a Common path
Hi Guys, Can we create our test cases and run them from a common place out side of the project? Like If I have my VS solution in MainProject folder and it have 20 projects. Now I'm able to generate and run them from project's location. What I want is to create a Tests folder outside the MainProject, which contains folders…
Parsing error
I am trying to check "Coding Standarts" of our project with Parasoft. This is a C project which uses "gnu.cross.cortexm3". I open this project with Parasoft and try to test it with "Example Configurations" but it skips all the files in project and doesn't check any file. When I create a new simple makefile C project(Hello…
Redirecting a request to 3 EndPoints
I have a requirement where i have to redirect an incoming request to 3 different endpoints, i know that Virtualize has an option to forward a message but from what i know only 1 response will be generated. Is there a way i can use Virtualize and redirect the response to 3 endpoints?
In Parasoft SOA test 9.9, Copy and paste operation doesn't work
I am using parasoft SOA test 9.9. I have a weird problem of copy and paste, when I copy some content from outside to tool. it's just erase the current content , But what ever is copied is not pasted. I don't know why, It was working fine before. I keep switching between different work spaces. May be this caused some issue.…