Setup Problem
Hi Aniruddha,
What version of C++test are you using?
Are you using C++test from a GUI or CLI?Would it be possible for you to provide the full console output?
What were you trying to execute when this message appeared?Thank you
Kevin Ali0 -
Hi,1) version for parsoft c++test is "9.5"
2) not clear to me but it's GUI
3) part of the console output is-
[Access_XACML.cpp] ...done.
Linking test project...
Running tests...
Eclipse Debug Configuration: "CppTest_Debug" could not be found. Please check your Test Configuration.
Reading test log...
Cannot find test log file: C:\Aegis\Workspace.cpptest\Access_U\unit-data\current_tubf179707\cpptest_results.tlog
Please, make sure that:
1. Test executable "C:\Aegis\Workspace.cpptest\Access_U\unit-data\current_tubf179707\Access_UTest.exe" was built and run properly
2. All dependency DLLs were available on PATH environment variable when running tests
...failed."Project Run Unit Tests Debug" (Execution) for /Access_U finished with error(s). Examine the log above for details.
Clearing temporary coverage data...
4)i am running run unit test debug option.
thank you so much...
br,0 -
just to add, I am using Windows-10 machine.(can anyone reply on above mentioned issue...)
0 -
Sorry for the delay Aniruddha,
After looking at the provide error, it is not obvious what the issue is. But from what i can tell it seems like the debug setting/project setting is not properly set up. As you can tell from the provide output it can not find CPPTest_Debug in its configuration. which points to a configuration issue.
Does this issue happen when running the example ATM project?
0 -
I'm also running into this issue. I don't know what exactly the problem is as that one line from OP is all it says.
I'm using Eclipse, GCC 4.8.x x86_64. I'm testing generating, building and running UT for a simple hello world project with reference to simple library. Generating tests and stubs, as well as building executable works but fails on running unit test with this.
Any help is greatly appreciated.