Parasoft DTP not receiving C++ coverage metrics
I am executing unit test from the cpptestcli and have configured the properties file to report metrics to the DTP server. I know the configuration is correct as Static Analysis and basic line coverage metrics are reported to the DTP. However, advanced coverage types such as MC/DC do not show any results. The test…
metrics report with raw values for each C-function
At the end of my Parasoft C/C++test Report, there is a Metrics Summary section. It is an array with a line for each metric and 4 columns for statistic values (like average and Min & Max). I would like to get rid off such statistics. How could I please get the raw computed value for each item of my project/workspace? For…
<HOW TO> Test Execution Time in Report
Hi, Can someone please help me know if we can add "Total Test Execution Time" in Report and how to do that ? Thanks in advance.
Report to capture response data
Hi Team, can we capture a datasource's value and the value which we validated using assertion and store those values in our report.How to achieve that ? Can we achieve using XSL Custom report or we need to write any code in extension tool? Kindly help!
"Scope Settings" Menu inside Parasoft Project Properties
I looked at your documentation to try to get more information into what these options in this menu do. I found a lot on how to use it, and what each of the options are for, but it did not explain what the impact would be on utilizing these settings? For example, I know that it doesn't run code coverage or static analysis,…
C++test latest Coverage Collecting Features
C++test has introduced a new functionality that will allow users to combine all coverage findings from their Static Libraries and/or previous runs into one report. We have introduced a new wrapper executable used to collect coverage, cpptestcc, and introduced a new fully customizable Runtime Coverage Library. I have put…
Report Count and GUI Count Inconsistent
I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow Analysis…
Parasoft Static Analysis Jobs are Inconsistent
Hello, I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow…
Inconsistencies in Counting Inside Static Analysis Report
Hello, I am running Static Analysis across an entire workspace worth of projects with some key characteristics: Eclipse: Kepler Parasoft: 10.3.4 Number of Projects: ~160 Number of Files: ~ 1000 .c/.cpp and ~1000.h Configuration Properties: 1. Limit is not set on number of violations per rule 2. Check box for "static/Flow…
SOAtest - How to customize email body for auto generated reports ?
When i enabled "report.mail.attachments=true" I am receiving an email with the custom report which i generated thru XSL. However, i could see that in the by default email body was set to "local path" I want email body to change from default path to proper email body with some customization. Any help on this on how to…
Is there possibility to create Cobertura report ?
Hi, Is there possibility to create Cobertura report ? to the static analysis reports ? Thanks
What specific functionality does the "Instrument Selected Source File(s)" Check Box have?
By default, when a file is imported into an Eclipse Project, this box is checked. I have looked in your documentation to try to get a specific idea on what "Instrumentation" means and what impact it will have on things like code coverage, static analysis, stubability, etc. For example, if I don't want a file included in…
SOATest Report Issue - "NaN" displayed in place of Number of Service Calls.
Hi, I have been seeing “NaN” in place of number of service calls under API Coverage section on SOATest. But, Test Summary Section contains correct details (PFA for screenshot). Can someone help me fix this issue. FYI - I am generating pdf reports on SOATest. Thanks, Tarun
How to use context.report in output custom tool
Hi, I am doing some custom validations. I added extenstion tool as an output to response. How can I make the custom tool failure with a error message which I can see in the report while running using cli For eg in extension tool I have a condition If a==1 Result pass Else Result fail with message “a is not 1” I tried…
How to use context.report in output extension tool
Hi, I am doing some custom validations. I added extenstion tool as an output to response. How can I make the custom tool failure with a error message which I can see in the report while running using cli For eg in extension tool I have a condition If a==1 Result pass Else Result fail with message “a is not 1” I tried…
Does parasoft show test cases pass & failed detailed report?
Parasoft test execution report shows the number of total steps executed in "Succesful Tests" or "Failed Tests" or "Total Tests" . I want to know the number of test cases executed. In The below report I have ran just two scenarios which are data driven. But it shows Succesfule Tests as 88. I want to know total test cases…
Can we make a DTP project "public" without having to manually add a team or individual user?
In our desired environment, anyone with an LDAP account should be allowed to view the reports in a DTP project. We understand that there may be some security implications with this approach, but we also do not want to manually upkeep custom team/LDAP groups anytime there is a new user.
Is there a way to get the URL to a published DTP report immediately after running cpptestcli?
We are looking to make this information easily available to the user either straight from a bench command-line execution or after a Jenkins run is complete (automated e-mail or similar messaging system). Currently, a user has to manually log into DTP and navigate to the reports themselves to view this report.
Is there a way to specify a default assignee of a DTP violation?
Currently, we noticed assignees are either: * the author of a source change (when connected to SCM) * the user who published the DTP report (when not connected to SCM) Is there a way that we can specify some other designated user as an assignee upon publishing a report to DTP?
Configuring SOAtest to Email Reports
Steps: 1) Navigate to Parasoft > Preferences > Reports: Set Reports to whatever xml, html… etc. 2) Navigate to Parasoft> Preferences> Reports>E-mail Notifications: Send Manager Reports to "youremail@parasoft.com". 3) Navigate to Parasoft > Preferences > E-mail: Set the SMTP host name to your company's SMPT server host…
Producing a Leak Summary from Insure++
This post explains how to force Insure++ to produce a Leak Summary from an application that is terminating before it is closed properly. If you find Insure was not able to close properly and provide a leak summary report of the executed instrumented code, we can force the tool to produce a leak summary report. This will…
Generating PDFs and Email for Reports in SOAtest
Reporting in SOATestHi All, I have following queries on soatest reporting. Really appreciate any response in this regard. Q1 : Is it possible to get pdf report (not html) in CLI mode (using soatestclie.exe), if yes how. Q2 : In order to get test results for a run on email (as email attachment), is it must to have concerto…
to view traffic in the reports generated
Hi, I am using Parasoft SOAtest 9.1. As of now, when I generate reports,I can view the number of test cases passed, failed , executed etc. How can I view the request-response traffic in the reports? as in, how do I generate reports that include the request-response traffic? Kindly answer ASAP thanks a ton!
How to write to output fileHi, I have an issue in writing the response to an external (Some new output) file. Test Script can be written using WriteFile. But I need to write the response of all test scripts means test suite to an output file.But WriteFile is not supported for Test suite and results in WriteFile will be…
Command line report
Detailed report generations using command lineHello, We are using the command line utility of soatest to execute the test suites, the result generated form the command line are not detailed , the report only describes the test suite but not the individual test cases that are part of the test suit. Attached is the test…
Any way to personalize report headings?
Need to add title to reportWe run the same tests in multiple environments and we often view the reports for each environment together. Its hard to keep track of which browser window goes with which environment. I've searched the documentation but can't figure out how to add anything to report to get a custom title out. The…
Custom report that display individual tests
Has anyone written a custom report for SOATest 6.1 that displays the individual tests within a test suite rather than just the summary info (Num tests, percent pass, Success, Failure) that the default report in SOATest produces? Thanks - Hugh
Reporting questions
Several report questionsHi I have some reporting questions: 1) How can we automatically create a report with every run. Is very tedious to have do this manually by right clicking on the window. 2) How can I give the report a unique name. Username and timestamp will be ideal. 3) How can we make a test not show up in the…
Report naming issue using command line
Hello- I have run across an issue that a couple of previous posters have but, have yet to run across a resolution. I am using the command line feature to run all of our tests in a batch process and have an issue when using %d for reporting - it is printing literal 'd' instead of the date: so, my report is d_ReportName.html…
Reports - Test count without execution
Is there a way to acquire a count of the individual tests in a specified directory (not test files or suites, but tests inside the suites)? This is for planning purposes so we can estimate effort required to update the tests based on infrastructure/architecture updates. Richard
Can we generate reports for failed test cases?
can we generate reports for failed tc's?I have WSDL Tests , Unit Tests and Load tests in one project (test.tst) file. When I run the Tests , (1) is it possible to generate reports only for failed test cases ? (and not for all the tests cases). Thanks, bmcuser
Insra redirection to another machine
We are using insure-compiled binaries on various embedded products (real target x86 machines and simulated targets using User-Mode Linux). Insure works fine using stdout or a file as argument to insure++.reportfile. The target machines does not have any xserver, so its not possible to run insra on the target. Is it…