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Report to capture response data

api_tester Posts: 28

Hi Team, can we capture a datasource's value and the value which we validated using assertion and store those values in our report.How to achieve that ? Can we achieve using XSL Custom report or we need to write any code in extension tool? Kindly help!


  • api_tester
    api_tester Posts: 28

    any help?

  • api_tester
    api_tester Posts: 28

    In my report I want expected data(from the datasource) and the actual data(for which assertion will capture it) and display those values in report along with pass fail . Can somebody give any input for this ?

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    Unfortunately SOAtest is not able to display all of the information you would like to see in the HTML reports. If you configure your test configuration to store traffic for all tests, you will see which rows of data were used. And the XML reports always contain information about which rows of data were used. But unfortunately the XML and HTML reports contain no information about what values within the data source or which assertion values were expected.

  • api_tester
    api_tester Posts: 28

    Thank you so much Jakubiak for your reply.

    So if I want a customized report as per my above requirement do I need to use extent report jars ? Or otherwise if I want the report to be in excel like format I would have to use apache poi right?

  • api_tester
    api_tester Posts: 28

    Hi Jakubiak , as you said i have stored the traffic in test configuration and i am able to see row-wise testcase. But if I need to customize certain values apart from Status ,test case name,etc like i said earlier(Actual value) is there any way to achieve that ?

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    SOAtest has another report where you can see details about how the tests are configured. Right-click on a .tst file in the SOAtest UI, and choose to create a structure report. The structure report will contain information about how each test is configured, including the expected value for each assertion. Unfortunately there are no SOAtest reports that show the actual value for assertions in cases where the assertion passed - it only shows it in error messages when assertions failed.

  • api_tester
    api_tester Posts: 28

    Thanks Jakubiak.