How to read xml data from the server Logs present on central repository

You probably want to fetch the log file, extract the lines you want, and then perform validation on the result.
1.) Fetch the log - SOAtest can ftech files/documents from remote hosts over many numbers of protocols. So, it really depends on your environment and what's needed for your specific case. For example, you can ftp/scp files using the FTP Client tool.
2.) Extract the lines you want - Once you have the log, you could potentially do this with a Text Data bank or a script. A text log could also be converted to XML using an XML Converter, perhaps using the Lines message format, and then extractions could be done with an XML Transformer or XML Data Bank as well.
3.) Perform validation on the result - This may just mean using a Diff tool. A text log could also be converted to XML using an XML Converter, perhaps using the Lines message format, and then you can use XML Assertor as well.