SOATest Writable Datasource : Comparing more than 2 columns from different Writable Datasources

I have 2 XML responses where i need to compare both the responses. Responses will have list of array elements hence i had to extract the elements and saved to the writable data source.
Now i have 10 columns for each data source (there are 2 writable DS) .
I have written a java script to compare 2 columns one from Datasource 'A' and one from Datasource'B' and it worked.
But what i am looking is to get all the column list .. i.,e column names as list from 2 data sources and iterate through each column while comparing the rows and get the final result out with pass or fail..
Is there any way that i can achieve this ?
It would be great help for me if some one can help me to achieve this please .
Can someone please help on this ?
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SOAtest does not contain an API for retrieving column names. Can you use fixed, known column names?
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Yes i have fixed column names. I have around 10 columns for each Writable DS.
I can compare Datasource 1 - Column A with Datasource 2 - Column A and it worked.But , If i have to do the same for columns i had to write to so much code.
And another thing is i have to declare 20 variables for 20 columns including Datasource 1 and Datasource 2.This is not looking good
So , just want to know if there is any way to reduce my code .
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I can think of ways to write the code compactly, but it's hard to give exact suggestions since I don't see your code.