How to retrieve the newly inserted (using DB tool) data in bookstore using getItemByID operation

I inserted the data in to book store using DB Tool and I tried retrieving the data using getItemById operation which is present in bookstore wsdl.
Though data is present in BOOK table i am receiving
no book with the id 10 was found
How do I retrieve the newly added data in BOOK table using webservice ?
Do i have to initialize the DB again or any changes that i need to make to retrieve data from getItemByID ?
Looks like it should work:
com.parasoft.bookstore.CartService.getItemById(int id)
com.parasoft.bookstore.BookStoreDB.getById(int id)0 -
No benken, getItemById is always throwing below error.
no book with the id 10 was found
If i use DB tool and when queried using Select * From Book then , I could see the row 10 listed in the DB result set but when I test using getItemById it doesn't work
Could you please re-create the step from your side and confirm please ?
Note: I created parabank example project and using local server
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@bsaikrishna84, I only verified that the code in question is indeed querying the database. At the moment, I don't have an explanation for what you are seeing. Perhaps some other user on the forum would be able to provide feedback to help you.