How to make corelation with dynamicaly changed data in request reponse log?

Hi Team,
Can anyone help me on below issue.
While virtualizing one of our service we came across a situation where there is no similar data to make correlation except one which is changed dynamically in both request and response log.
Only one similar data is there "RequestedDeliveryDate". But this is changed dynamically while performing from our front end application.
Is there any way to corelate the dynamic changed data or any way to corelate with request status "SUCCESS" from response log.
When I ran the attached traffic through the wizard it created correlations on three fields: CustomerPONumber, IngramPartNumber and VendorPartNumber. These don't work for your use case?
Depending on what is needed in the response one option might be to setup the correlation on the "ServiceRequest" operation in the soap body and always respond with a default response message.0 -
hi william,
it's working for a hardcoded data like you can see in traffic file there are two fields "RequestedDeliveryDate" and "WebIPAddress". both the dates are changed dynamically when i perform testing in our real application after switching in CTP.
So can you help me on this how to corelate or parametrize requested delivery date and web ip address.
Note: requested delivery date changed on current date. and IP address also changed dynamically in our system.
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Correlation is to select different response messages (or parts of the response messages) based on some parts of the request messages. In your case, do you mean you have a different response message for each combination of "RequestedDeliveryDate" and "WebIPAddress".values?
Or do you mean you need to extract a value from the request message and use it in the response message? In this scenario, you would use data banks to achieve that. Please see the "XML Data Bank" section on the documentation for more details.
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Hi keegan_chan,
Thanks for the response.
I am able to generate request delivery date as current date using XML data bank. but i sm unable to do the same for IP address. i mean how to read current IP address of my system through XML data bank0 -
If you mean the "WebIPAddress" element in the request message, then it should be the same as "RequestedDeliveryDate".