JSON Databank Xpath

I am trying to get a value from xpath and when I "Evaluate XPath" I get the correct value. When I execute at runtime the value = null on the console. If I hard code the value(position) it writes to console.
Here is my xpath: /root/addressRelations/item[id/addressTypeId/text()='PR']/address[1]/city/text()
I am using 2024.1 and 2024.2. I have done many xpaths like this with conditions on a repeating segment with no issues before. Is there a setting somewhere? Thoughts?
Best Answer
The value in your JSON is "PR " (two spaces) and not "PR". You could do one of the following instead:
item[id/addressTypeId/text()='PR ']
when I "Evaluate XPath" I get the correct value
The button operates on a pretty-printed version of the XML representation where whitespace is normalized. At runtime, the XPath operates on the original message.
Can you provide a sample JSON document? What the XPath will or will not match really depends on what it is being evaluated against.
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that worked. The learning gained here is to always use "normalize-space". thx