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SOAtest plugin eclipse goal


We are currently exploring utilizing new soatest maven plugin ( https://parasoft.github.io/soatest-maven-plugin/ ) in for automating invocation of integration tests in our CI Pipeline.

We are hoping to switch from the homegrown solution that uses maven-exec-plugin to call a shell script that in turn delegates to soatestcli which we created to address a couple of shortcomings of the old plugin ( https://build.parasoft.com/docs/maven-parasoft-plugin/plugin-info.html ).

One useful feature of the old plugin though was the availability of eclipse goal ( https://build.parasoft.com/docs/maven-parasoft-plugin/eclipse-mojo.html ) that could be used to generate .project file that is required for import. It resonates with us since the solution is for automated use in the Pipeline by many projects which predominantly don't include internal eclipse files into their source code repositories.

In the current solution we offloaded this functionality to the shell script but our hope is to simplify everything and switch to only using the new plugin with creating all needed configuration inside pom.xml.

Can equivalent of the old plugin eclipse goal be re-created in the new plugin?



  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    Hi Paul, thanks for your question. We have documented your feedback internally, and will review your request with other priorities when we do future release planning. We don't have any timeframe for resolution at the moment. It looks like you have a solution for now, which is good - but I understand that your request will make things simpler for you.

  • Hi Nathan, thanks for your reply.

    While it is correct we created a reference implementation of a solution the organizational structure is such that each individual project would need to pursue their own route to follow this 'tempate' and put several configurational and code artifacts into their source repo(s). Doing so they face their unique challenges and coupled with overall complexity of the implementation it affects their decision whether to incorporate SOAtest altogether or not. Some might even postpone the adoption just after looking at our documentation page describing the process. Hence comes our drive to simplify it wherever possible, and utilizing new plugin fits nicely into the picture.

    All being said, anything that could be done to schedule this feature into the future plugin's release would be greatly appreciated!

  • But wasn't this something that worked in the old version of the plugin and somehow got unsupported in the new version? To me that's a bug, isn't it?

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    Hi Kathy,

    We assumed that users could commit their .project files into their source control repositories so the goal was no longer needed. I see that in your case, it's not ideal to do that. Based on that, we would like to update the import command to automatically create the .project file if it doesn't exist already, and then delete it when it is no longer needed. This will simplify things so a separate "eclipse" goal is not needed. We have injected this request into our development plan, but I don't have an exact timeframe for you yet. Please follow up with your Parasoft representative for more details if needed.

  • Matt Love
    Matt Love Posts: 101 admin

    Importing non-Eclipse projects is now possible with soatest-maven-plugin version 1.0.1 released today. There is no need for a separate eclipse goal because soatest-maven-plugin version 1.0.1 will automatically generate .project files when none exist and clean them up at the end of the SOAtest run. See the GitHub project at https://github.com/parasoft/soatest-maven-plugin/