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I am running SOATest 2021 and need to respond to a file download popup in Edge.

Speedy993 Posts: 78

I want to click the Open File link in the popup. I am unable to get the xpath for this link (I assume since it is part of Edge and not the app running in Edge). Can SOATest do this? If not, can I use AutoIt to do this? What would the script be? I see there is a MouseClick command in AutoIt but it wants the x and y position of the link, which I do not know how to get (and will that change based on browser window size?)
I have used AutoIt in the past for automating a file upload in Selenic tests but have not been able to get it to work in SOATest, although I did not pursue that very much.
Searching the Forum and general Google searches have not offered anything I could use. Thanks for any help you can offer!


Best Answer

  • tony
    tony Posts: 34 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    It sounds like you are trying to interact with the Edge file download interface. SOAtest only interacts with content within the web page. It does not interact with OS or browser interface elements. You can try to use AutoIT to resolve this. Typically this is done by sending keys to avoid problems regarding x/y coordinates. I see the shortcut for opening the downloads UI in Edge is Ctrl-J, which seems to open the download dialog with the last download selected. Then, pressing Enter opens the file.

    Please note that testing content this way is outside the scope of SOAtest. Instead, consider testing the traffic associated with the file download inside SOAtest by attaching an output to the HTTP Traffic associated with the step that downloads the file. See https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA20232/Adding+Test+Outputs for details.