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SOATest "Quality Tasks" not showing anything after "Remove all from view"

huiraym Posts: 24

Hi, a newbie here trying out the SOAtest 2021.2. Everytime i ran a test, the Quality tasks window always show a tree view of the results. But after i clicked on "Remove all from view", the 2 Xs icon, it removed the previous results. And now any new test execution i see nothing in the Quality tasks window. Anyone know how to bring the results back to Quality tasks? Thank you so much.


  • Matt Love
    Matt Love Posts: 101 admin
    edited September 2024

    Hi @huiraym
    I hope you are enjoying trying out Parasoft SOAtest! Unfortunately, there is no "undo" button that you can press after clearing the Quality Tasks view to bring those failures back. Any successful test execution in which all the test steps pass will not add any new findings to the quality tasks view. Sometimes after clearing the Quality Tasks view you can look at the Test Case Explorer tree and see some tests marked with red Xs to indicate that those tests failed the last time they ran. If you see any like that try re-running them. If they fail again the Quality Tasks view should be populated with findings.

  • huiraym
    huiraym Posts: 24

    great. Thx for the speedy reply. I made my test failed and now it shows again. Thx again :smiley: