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Example of datagroupConfig and environmentConfig cli options

Ramiro Martinez
Ramiro Martinez Posts: 53 admin
edited January 2018 in SOAtest

This article builds upon the explanation provided in the SOAtest Documentation under the following section:
XML Files for datagroupConfig and environmentConfig

The files are specified in the following format:

Make note of the forward slashes to separate directories
datagroupConfig XML File Format
<test> <!--1 or more-->
<dataGroup> <!--1 or more-->

environmentConfig XML File Format
<test> <!--1 or more-->
<Variable> <!--1 or more-->
<Variable> <!--1 or more-->

<test> <!--1 or more-->
<Variable> <!--1 or more-->

Things to keep in mind file creating your file:

1.) In the data group XML file you create, for the element, that path is relative to the workspace you are using. So, for example, your path should look like "/myProject/myTest.tst".

2.) The values used in the XML file are case sensitive. For example, if your data sources in SOAtest were called id1 and id2 but, in the XML file you reference ID2, this will not work. The XML file needs to be referenced exactly like the GUI.9

3) Additional details can be found at the following link: