Kernel Modules Unit Testing
Hello, I want to compile kernel code and unit test with Parasoft tool Please tell me how can i generate bdf and perform testing with parasoft tool I am using the below version of the tool: 1. Products: C/C++test 2. Platform: Linux 3. Version: 2021.2.1 4. Installer: C/C++test Professional for Linux x64(standalone) If i…
Unit Testing Loadable Kernel Module
I just wrote my first character device and wanted to write some unit test for it using parasoft c++test. I know how to use parasoft for my regular user c code but being searching the net and can't find any example for creating unit tests, stubs, etc for this kernel module that i have. Is it even possible in parasoft? can…
How to write generated data to a file
Hi Everyone, We are using data generator tool to generate random values, could anyone please help how to extract / write those generated values to a file. Thanks in advance..
FTP Virtualize
Hi Everyone, We are trying to generate a .csv file and transfer a file to the target location (SFTP) on daily scheduled time using SOA test. * How to generate a .csv file with different random values with at least 10 rows. for ex: BOFSTXXXXS , julian_date , curr_date , WM003 2459816190742,11192897,3503217,EA * Once it is…
Query Parameter Correlation
I created a pva from recorded traffic based off of URL path (host:port/path/. I looped thru multiple parameters to create the traffic. The responder only works on 1 parameter. I want two things to happen. 1. I want to be able to iterate thru multiple parameters (without having a 1:1 responder) and 2. I would like to create…
Reading Parquet Files
Is it possible to read parquet files using SOA Test.
"No Projects Found" when trying to import IAR project to parasoft C/C++test
Hi, I am trying to import an IAR project into parasoft according to the instructions written here: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPDESKE1033/Importing+Projects+with+IAR+Embedded+Workbench+Support I enter the path and click refresh and no project is found. I even tried selecting in the path the actual project files…
XML data bank not retaining information enter in the Literal tab
I have an XML data bank that I'm trying to use and unfortunately the information that was entered in the Literal section needs updating but when I copy/paste new XML in that section then go to the Tree view it's not saving the new xml I've put in the Literal tab. Has anyone experienced this or know of a work around? I've…
Parasoft C/C++ Test error: expected an identifier extern "C" {
When I tried to run unit test for a simple main program in C++: #include <iostream>int main(){ std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl; return 0;} it occurred the following problem: C++test analysis errors in /Demo_aCpp 1. Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for…
reading data from Bitbucket
for one of the scenario I want to read a JSON file from bitbucket, based on scenario i'll pass the file name and that file will be available in bitbucket repo, how to read that file from bitbucket using parasoft virtualise
how to compare 2 XML files
Both XMS are request and can be fetched from database as well. I want to compare these 2 in SOA test
Write to output file from XML transformer into different worksheets under same workbook in EXCEL?
Example: "12345" is the answer from a XML transformer of a field called "ABC". Now I want this ABC field to be written into CSV file using "write tool" feature. Its writing , but instead of saving it as different csv files , every time I run it has to either go to next row in the same excel [ basically appending] or write…
How to switch between licenses that are on a DTP server?
Hi, I have Parasoft C/C++ test Professional version 2021.1.0 ( I also have DTP server installed on a local network server. On the DTP server we have two client licenses each with access to different features. Basically, the first license is for unit tests and the second license is for static analysis.…
Import Postman Collections to SOAtest
Hi Everyone! I am pleased to inform you that we have created a tool that will allow users to convert Postman Collections for use in SOAtest. This tool is to be used to move much of the information contained in the Postman tool to be used in SOAtest. Using this, you will be able to bring over connection information (URL),…
post JSON to Micorservice using virtual assets
I have a Micro service up and running i want to post my JSON file to that micro service using parasoft virtualise, could you please help me, i was thinking i should use message proxy but I got lost somewhere
Accessing Data Bank Values in Groovy Script
I have an extension tool test in my scenario that calls a Windows command file (.bat). This is a very simple command that returns the userid of the person logged into the computer. This is put into a databank that I want to pass into the Groovy script to build the file path for a PDF file the web application creates and…
Multiple proxy connections
Hi Parasoft Team, I just have a quick question for y'all today. If you define multiple connections in a single proxy, will they be routed in order? Example incoming paths: 1) /proxy/search/results -> asset 2) /proxy/search/article -> asset 3) /proxy/search -> forward to live In this case, I want to make sure that anything…
Parasoft C/C++Test 9.4 , error: invalid type conversion
When I used Parasoft c/c++test9.4 with Cygwin gcc11.3 to run unit test, there is such a problem: C++test analysis errors in /example_debug 1. Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for file."/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/11/include/mmintrin.h", line 79: error: invalid type conversion return (__m64)…
How to activate community edition license on linux/Ubuntu?
hi, i am new here and just start to learn I have install parasoft community edition on Ubuntu 18.04 cat localsettings.properties - soatest.license.use_network=false cat license license.autoconf.timeout=20 license.network.auth.enabled=false license.network.use.specified.server=false license.pref.autoconf=false…
Git merges for compressed xml files
We are looking to try and implement git support within parasoft, but given that tst files are typically compressed xmls, due to their size, we are curious if the push/pulls address the compressing to account for the diff between files or if the update is an overwrite? Git setup for parasoft -…
Need help in creating SV to send input to Micro service
I got a micro service fully developed and deployed in our environment, i want to create a virtual service which will get the data from DB and need to serve GET and POST request to that micro service, not sure how to build that please help me this should work asynchronously. Note: I'm using Runtime server 2021.2 version…
Using concat in xpath to node that occurs more than once
I need to prepend and append brackets [] to my xpath result in a JSON databank. Below is what I am trying to do but it errors as the occurrence is more than once. The result I would like would look like this [434389]. I would take this result and put in writable. What is best way to handle this?…
How do I change the browser that a JUnit test in Eclipse runs on?
I recorded a web session using the Parasoft Recorder in Chrome and it runs well using Chrome in Eclipse but I would like to run it in Microsoft Edge. Looking at the Parasoft Preferences, I have the Selenium WebDriver location specified for Chrome and it is not required for Edge. Showing the Command Line in the Selenic…
Is parasoft support ICCP protocol
Good day! As part of a new upcoming project I’m trying to build a strategy for Service Virtualisation, where I understood, one particular system is talking using ICCP protocol basically it’s a protocol of TASE 2.0 so I want to understand will the parasoft can support this protocol.
JVM crashed while launching the soatest 2022.1 from linux virtual server.
JVM crashed while launching the soatest 2022.1 from linux virtual server. And Navigate from parasoft >>preferences ... jvm crashed open jdk 1.8 and 11 .. either way it is not working...
what are all the connection protocols support parasoft virtualize
Hi, i'm new to parasoft, i'm trying to put together a possible ways of making connect to external components, so would be helpful if you share what are all the protocols Parasoft support, e.g like TCP/IP, JMQ
Announcing Parasoft C/C++test 2022.1
C/C++test 2022.1 has been released! Last week, during the Embedded World Trade Show, we released the C/C++test 2022.1! Our latest release continues our focus on simplifying the rigor of software testing with innovative features and enhancements that complement software development. Here is a list of the most important…
Jython Imort Error when Runnig SOA test scripts from Jeninkins using CLI
Hi, I am seeing this error on Jenkins reports when trying to use Jython script to generate random string. The error is: Error during script execution. View Details for more information. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: No module named random I am using Jython scripts and using "import…
Is there a limit to XPath complexity in SOATest?
I have the following json response from a call that I am looking to evaluate certain fields on before making the second call, but when I build out the xpath with more than 3 conditional checks, the viewer for that databank bank entry fails to evalute or open again, once closed { "txnId" :…
Multiple variables showing in dropdown list
I believe this has been discussed previously, but I could not find the post. Is there a way to remove duplicate variables from the dropdown list?
Validation of static html files using SOAtest
Hi, I would like to know what the best way is to validate an html file within SOAtest. It are basically reports stored on my local file system. Here is a snippet: Deelwaarneming rapportage Normenkader 3.3ID: 2376Naam: UWVTestStart: 16 June 2022 09:33Status: VerwerktAantal berichten: 1Aantal volledige berichten: 1…
Data Time Difference
Error Message: DataSource: DataSource-IR1 (row 1): DateTime Difference Assertion: Actual value, 2020-12-16T09:00:00.000Z, was not different from 2020-12-15T17:58:37.000Z by 1 day(s), 8 hour(s) Additional Details: Actual value, 2020-12-16T09:00:00.000Z, was not different from 2020-12-15T17:58:37.000Z by 1 day(s), 8 hour(s)
Unrecognizing 'env_var' variable in 'Classpath Entry' in 'System Properties'
I've mongodbquerytool tests, which were working since long, but suddenly they all gone (grey out) stating - MongoDB Query Tool (implementation not found) I've observed, if I provide actual path of .jar file location like C:\Test\mongodbquerytool.jar . It works. But, if provides using env_var for replacing chars '\' like -…
How to mask the data if the column is not uniform in values
I used symConnect responder suite and the Data Repository generated is set in a way that the values in a Column is different from each other. I want to mask those data but when I set or masked the particular column it will affect other data inside that column. One problem also is that other Data Repository is linked to…
how to create delete message responder in Virtualise using url parameters as coreleations
how to create delete message responder in Virtualise using url parameters as co-releation has response body and empty request
Validate REST in XML response format with DB Values
I have used the XML Assertor to validate the XML response and DB Values. I have used JSON assertor to validate the JSON and DB Values. For few of the fields in DB has null values and JSON response has empty. For which i have edited the element in configuration with replace(/root/item/element_name/text(),"null",""). But in…
Question regarding Time Stamp comparison with SLA
Scenario : I have this run time data saved using write file in a variable, eg: submission TZ : 2022-06-02T16:31:06.1880147Z and I have SLA which is also captured during runtime and saving it using write file in a variable. Now, I have to compare these 2 TZ and say if submission time stamp is > reported SLA then my message…
Change date range for widgets in new License Usage Pack
Some of the widgets in the new License Usage Pack allow you to select a start and end date, but it appears to only have a 7 day date range. It doesn't seem to let me pick a date outside that range. Is there any way to change it? The info is useful, but I need a larger date range.
Preconfiguration for cpptest Professional Eclipse Plugin custom compiler setting not working
In tried to preconfigure the eclipse Plugin settings with the parasoft.ini file. The documention https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPTESTPROVS20212/Configuring+Localsettings shows that i have to set the custom.compilers.dir=[Directory]. But it does not set anything in the Parasoft|Configuration|Customs Directories|Custom…
Is it possible to use two database account at the same time?
I want to get the data from two tables using SQL query but the tables exist in two different database account. Is there any way and how to connect these two databases?
C/C++ Test Case Report Macros
Hi, I'm trying to include some logging into test cases using the CPPTEST_REPORT_* macros and I can't seem to find a way to view those log messages. When I generate a report, I can see messages included in a failure message with CPPTEST_FAIL("my failure") but nothing regarding from the CPPTEST_REPORT_* logs. Ideally, I'd…
Additional settings file in Kafka message client
What is the format of the additinal settings file which needs to be used when security protocol is SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL. I tried creating a file with extension as .config with following values in the file , KafkaClient { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="admin"…
Cannot convert XPath value to Java object: required class is org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
Trying to run this XPath for $index in (1 to count(/root ) ) return ( if (exists ( /root/items[$index]/item[]/sport[1] ) ) then /root/items[$index]/item[]/sport[1]/text() else ( if (exists ( /root/count[$index] ) ) then concat('Record Count = ' ,//root/count[$index]/text()) else "N/A ")) or this one for $index in (1 to…
Jython Crypto Coding for hmacSHA256
Can anyone help me get the right imports to attempt the below using Jython in SOAtest? Execute Anonymous: String digestTime = string.valueOf(system.currentTimeMillis());//This is standard Execute Anonymous: String digest = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Crypto.generateMac('hmacSHA256', Blob.valueOf(digestTime),…
CRUD Tool to update key columns on the fly
Hi Parasoft team, I'm trying to make a sort of self-service virtual asset for other teams to dynamically add and remove their own test data. In theory, they should be able to call something like server:port/addData?item=123 and the service I am creating would theoretically add that item into the repository with "item" and…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.1, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.1, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.1, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2022.1
The latest release of Parasoft Jtest (2022.1) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: * OpenID Connect Support You can now authenticate on DTP via OpenID Connect to add a layer of security to your interactions with your DTP server. See Configuring OpenID Connect in the UI and Configuring…
Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2022.1
The latest release of Parasoft Jtest (2022.1) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: * OpenID Connect Support You can now authenticate on DTP via OpenID Connect to add a layer of security to your interactions with your DTP server. See Configuring OpenID Connect in the UI and Configuring…