CTP query SQL DB using Integrated Security
I am trying to query sql server 2016 DB. I have the sqljdbc42 jar in the system_jars folder on the soavirt server. Where do I put the sqljdbc_auth.dll file or do I need this? On local machine I have in in my windows system32 folder and the jdbc driver installed. Is there a special place to put it on the server when using…
How do I configure cpptestcli to control what is included ?
I have problems with following error message: Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for file. In file included from C:\BuildRoot\IO\FCI\CI846\MainTrack\Dev\Current\MCU\Workspace_UnitTests.cpptest\FCI_PROFINET\file-data\CCRC32.cppc160100f\bundled_CCRC32.cpp:4:…
How to take key which defined in json data bank's custom column name box in the groovy script?
I want to use variable in groovy script which I have defined in json data bank's custom column name section.
Is there a way to extract all the elements of a xml using condition in select xpath
I have an xml as input and I retrieve the values in xml databank But I am not able to retrieve it if for all elements at one go For Fist element I get Passed if (/testsuites/testsuite[1]/testcase[1]/failure[1]/text() ) then "Failed" else "Passed" but If kepts as if (/testsuites/testsuite[1]/testcase/failure/text() ) then…
Number between Range Xpath Condition
/:Envelope/:Body/:Test/:TestHeader/:TestBody/:TestData/:TestID /:IDValue[text() >= "XXX"] I would like to write _**IDValue condition between range >=1 to <100 **_.I tried above condition but it is not working as expected. Could you please tell me How to write xpath for number range by using soap request xml._****
Which language are your Selenium test written in?
Which API Management System do you use?
Web app dropdown fields not populating
Problem populating dropdown fields in web app using SOATest 9.10.8. I have a web app that I created a number of tests in SOATest using Parasoft Recorder running in Chrome. After I imported it into SOATest I replaced the Fixed data that is input into the screen with Parameterized data from a data source table defined in…
Update Data Source
I want to insert (create a new row) in a data source from a value extracted from a Message Client response. The value is a session id. There is no need for this value to persist after a redeployment of the virtual asset. I just want to hold it in the local data source for data correlation for another request further down…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with Selenic
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with dotTEST
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with CTP
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with Virtualize
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with SOAtest
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with C/C++test
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with Jtest
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
[Updated] Regarding log4j CVE-2021-44228 with DTP and Standalone License Server
NIST recently released several Apache's log4j Zero-Day vulnerability cases, a very popular Java library to log messages in Java Applications. * CVE-2021-44228 (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228) * Parasoft products released this year (2021) include log4j 2.14.0 library. Parasoft confirms that these releases…
Data Range Assertion
my xml file has a execution date " 26-11-2021T11:59:59" my expected output date is Trade Date + 1 so something like this 28-11-2021T11:59:59 How can i validate this logic and how can i assert this ? And this will vary for various trade events . Can some one help me please?
Python or Jython script to change a value in XML file and update to a new value and use as data
My scenario: I want to execute a query and get XML , store in output file, picked up in python and changing few values inside XML and again using it as data for subsequent story
Collect Stub Information does not add make_shared in Stubs view in Parasoft C/C++test 2021.1
I am trying to stub the make_shared which is an inline function, to get 100% decision coverage but the Collect Stub Information Test configuration is not adding it to the Stubs view. Here is how I use it in ATM example of Parasoft std::shared_ptr foo = std::make_shared (10); if(foo == null) { // error statements (not…
Configuration problems after source update
I had a project with some tests for embedded product. As we are on active development we have usually update our source files in C/C++ test. If the is any tutorial how to update sources I will be very pleased. After this update, I deleted my old generated stubs for this project as they were deprecated. When I tried to…
Licensing: Unstable/changing Machine-ID
Changes in the network environment may affect the interface that is used to compute your machine ID (used to identify your license) and result in machine ID instability. You can use the PARASOFT_SUPPORT_NET_INTERFACES environment variable to specify a stable interface and prevent the machine ID from floating. * Set up the…
Request timed out when hitting parasoft.com:8080/examples/servlets/Echo
Hi, I am trying to hit http://ws1.parasoft.com:8080/examples/servlets/Echo to echo my request (which has parameterized values ) and get a plain response. I am using the Mentioned end point from the past 3 months and now from last week I am getting a time out message on hitting the endpoint. Please help me with this issue.…
Parasoft C/C++ test not appearing on the VS toolbar
Is any experiencing an issue where Parasoft C/C++ test is not appearing on the VS 2019 toolbar? I can see that Parasoft is installed as it's showing in the VS About box. Also if I launch VS2019 without code, maybe one in every ten times Parasoft will appear in the toolbar. I can then load a project and successfully run…
Groovy script to read test case name in parasoft
Hi, I am using groovy script for reading of parameter from the data source and creating of folder at the same location. I am able to do this much but now I want my folder name to be same as my test case name. Therefore can you please tell me what should be the groovy script **to read the **test case name from my test suite…
Using Data Sources
I have one excel file as a Data Sources I have two Test Steps added under 1 Scenario. * Test number 1: I must pass the ID value (Valid) on the Payload - Happy Path * The ID Value that I need to pass on the Payload is mentioned on the 1st Row of the Data Sources (excel file) under ID Column * Test number 2: I must pass the…
Usage of sqlplus commands within DBTool of SOAtest
Hi, Is it in anyway possible to use SQLPLUS commands from the DB Tool within SOAtest (2021.1)? When I use e.g. spool ref_stamgegevens.sql set sqlformat insert select * from scalaref.ref_stamgegevens; spool off with radio button set to Separate Statements by Magic Token I keep getting an ORA-00900: Invalid SQL-statement:…
Need a faster way to merge results from clog files
I am attempting to merge 20k clog and tlog files using the load archive test configuration but it is simply taking too long for this to be feasible. Merging 20 files alone takes 40mins. Is there a better way to do this?
How to read the writable datasource and write to excel file
Am looking for script to read the writable source and write to csv file.
Sort values in json databank column
How to sort the values in json databank column array. Need help
XML Request Body Correlation
Getting 404 Not found error with Information: "Unable to parse message" when soap xml having 2 nodes: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> in soap envelope and internal request body xml. How can I use request body correlation in that case?
Send mail with attachment
I need to send from SoaTest, an email with an attachment in PDF format, and I am trying to do it through a Message Client with SMTP protocol. but the document does not appear as an attachment, but as the content of the email. How could I send an attachment in an email?
Error in executing Java code with method arguments Object input & ExtensionToolContext context
I have a scenario where the xml file stored in local should be passed in one of the element of the SOAP Request in string format. Steps followed to achieve this task: 1. Added SOAP Request 2. Selected correct Data Source in SOAP Request 3. Written a Java code to read file from local & pass it in request tag 4. Xml file…
Announcing Parasoft dotTEST 2021.2
The new release of Parasoft dotTEST (2021.2) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: * Integration with Azure DevOps and GitLab * Enhanced extension for Visual Studio Code the with the ability to import results from Azure DevOps * New and updated test configurations for CWE and OWASP Top 10 *…
Excluding resources from Unit Testing
Some users may not want certain resources or files included in the testing scope for their unit tests. These resources can be excluded to ensure that no extraneous data is present in the tests. To indicate which project resources should not be tested during Unit Test Execution follow the steps below for your Development…
Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2021.2
The latest release of Parasoft Jtest (2021.2) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: * Integration with Azure DevOps and GitLab * Enhanced Unit Test Assistant * UTA now creates multiple test cases per method that cover different code branches in the method under test. You can create test…
How to access RestTest Header Values from Traffic view Objects
Hi, I am new to this forum and I really need help. I have 100 + rest test cases in my suite and I need to retrieve header value from Traffic Viewer Objects for Each Test Cases. Would you please give me a code for this?
CLI Fails to import project
I've got almost everything working - gui operation, licensing, bdf generation, but I'm failing at cpptestcli. cpptestcli" -data "/myWorkspace/" -config "myConfig.properties" -localsettings parasoft_CLI/parasoft_localsettings -appconsole stdout -showdetails -import "/myWorkspace/myProject/myDKM" -resource "MyDKM" -bdf…
Assertions Strategy using XSLT and diff tool
I am throwing this out here for the community on how they do assertions. I am not talking about validation 5 fields or so. What i do for assertions most of the time is using the diff tool. Lets say I have a service response to validate to a database. Native functionality of DB tool is to return in XML format. If the…
Original function not called despite not registering for stub callback in test case
I had created a stub to test function B. The original function of the stub was used to test function A in the past. Now with this newly created stub, the test case made for function A has broken due to the original function no longer being called, despite not registering for the stub callback. Can someone explain why it is…
Unable to get the specific columns from collection using mongodb query tool
Unable to get the specific columns from collection using mongodb query tool. In query field to fetch specific elements i have used {"date":true,"name":false} but not getting any data for "date" column.Can anyone help me to resolve this issue
Env Mgr - Changing Database Connection - MySQL Driver Issue
I want to change the database settings in the Environment Manager so that the event data coming from Virtualize is written to a MySQL database. I have done this in the past and it worked fine, however we are using newer MySQL drivers now and the CTP is giving me an error. I have placed mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar in…
Keil uVision Unit Testing ITM Simulator Starter Guide
In this tutorial, we'll be going over how to get C++test to run Unit Tests on Keil uVision projects. * In this example, I will be using the following: * Keil uVision MDK-ARM 5.26 * C++test 10.4.2 * Windows 7 64-bit * If you are familiar on how to import your Keil project and/or create a bdf file for Keil skip to step 7. *…
HyperSQL Connection from a Remote SQL Client
Is it possible to connect to and query the CTP HyperSQL database using a remote SQL client? If so, what connect string would be used? Thanks, JT
Writable Datasource Max length on column
I am pulling in a complex sql query that is over 800 characters long. I noticed it gets truncated when storing in a writable datasource. Is there any way to set max length on column? thx
Check if JSON Array is sorted by 2 elements
Using SOAtest 2020.2 Need to test if the a JSON Array is sorted. Assuming JSON array is like: [ {"id": 1, "folder": "fb\f2", "name": "n1"}, {"id": 2, "folder": "fa\f2", "name": "n2"}, {"id": 3, "folder": "fc\f2", "name": "n3"}, {"id": 4, "folder": "fb\f2", "name": "n4"} ] the sort should use only folder + \ + name So the…
Announcing the 2021.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft Continuous Quality Suite of API testing tools is now available with updated versions of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP. In this release, we focused on four primary areas. 1. Requirements view added in SOAtest to correlate tests with traceability workflows. 2. Increased accuracy…
Announcing the 2021.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft Continuous Quality Suite of API testing tools is now available with updated versions of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP. In this release, we focused on four primary areas. 1. Requirements view added in SOAtest to correlate tests with traceability workflows. 2. Increased accuracy…
Announcing the 2021.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft Continuous Quality Suite of API testing tools is now available with updated versions of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP. In this release, we focused on four primary areas. 1. Requirements view added in SOAtest to correlate tests with traceability workflows. 2. Increased accuracy…
Announcing the 2021.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of Parasoft’s Continuous Quality testing tools is available with updated versions of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP. In this release we focused on API security testing; ease of use and improved user experience; and enhanced reporting. Here are just a few of the highlights: • Built-in SOAtest support for…