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Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.1, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract.
Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough testing for composite applications with robust support for REST and web services, including over 120 protocols and message types. Parasoft Virtualize simulates the behavior of systems that are still evolving, hard to access, or difficult to configure for development or testing. Together, SOAtest and Virtualize enable you to lower the cost and accelerate the delivery of better software. Parasoft CTP provides a browser-based interface for leveraging Parasoft's API testing, service virtualization, and test environment management functionality across your organization.
What’s new?
The 2022.1 release extends support for API security testing and includes authentication enhancements and other usability improvements. To learn more, watch the what’s new video on the customer portal.
API Security
You can now configure penetration testing from CTP. See Penetration Testing Tools for more information. Additionally, we’ve added browser-specific web UI native penetration testing policies. See Penetration Testing for more information. You can also choose to order API Security reports by either Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) or OWASP Top 10. See Understanding Reports for more information.
Message Proxies
An HTTP Forward Proxy mode has been implemented in Virtualize for message proxies to go along with the existing Reverse Proxy mode, allowing users to virtualize mobile application back-ends. In addition, CTP users can now configure message proxies through the web interface. This allows you to configure a different proxy server for traffic to and from different message proxies from either the desktop application or web interface.
OIDC & PIV/CAC Authentication
You can now configure SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP to accept authentication from an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider, allowing you to manage user authentication outside of Parasoft. In addition, CTP users can configure CTP to utilize Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Cards (CAC) authentication.
Global Authentication
You can now add authentication methods to your test suites so they can be shared among your tests without needing to define authentication settings for each test. A default authentication method can be set for the test suite that will be automatically applied to every test, though individual tests can be configured to use alternative authentication methods, as needed. See "Global Authentications" on the Adding Global Test Suite Properties page.
GraphQL Support
SOAtest now has a GraphQL client to allow easy testing of GraphQL services, letting you retrieve specific data from multiple sources in a single call. See GraphQL Client for more information.
Refer to the release notes for other enhancements and additional information.
What You Need to Know When Upgrading to This Version
Please note: This is a major version release that updates the database for the data repository and requires Java 11. You will also need to update your product licenses for this release.
Migrate Data Repository Servers
The embedded data repository server has been updated. Any embedded repositories created in previous versions of the application must be migrated to the new server before they can be used in 2022.1. The migration process is automated with a utility available on the customer portal. See Migrating Embedded Data Repository Servers for the steps to take to complete the migration and download the utility from the Parasoft Marketplace.
The remote data repository server has been updated as well. Users are not required to update their existing remote data repository servers, but for those who do, a simple migration process is available. See Migrating Data Repository Servers.
Changes in the API That Affect Older Desktops
Changes to the API cause Message Proxies to return a special string, [All], to indicate that the proxy's Path setting should match to all paths on the host. In previous releases, an empty string would have been returned for this. As a result of this change, older desktop clients could save Message Proxies incorrectly. Users should upgrade desktops to 2022.1 as soon as possible.
Compatibility Updates
• Java 11 is now required. Existing CTP installations will need to switch to Java 11 when upgrading if they were previously running with Java 8.
• Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 support has been added.
• IPv6 is now supported.
• CTP 2022.1 does not support connecting to SOAtest & Virtualize 9.10.x. CTP 2022.1 is compatible with SOAtest & Virtualize 2020.1 and later.
• The TCP connection type for license servers is no longer supported. Legacy license servers using a TCP connection type should switch to HTTP/S.
• Support for HP ALM and HP Quality Center has been deprecated.
• Team Server functionality is deprecated. Publishing reports to and importing reports from the Team Server is no longer supported.
• WebLogic Monitor in Load Test is no longer supported.
• Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported.
• Support for Jetty, WildFly, and WebSphere servlet containers has ended.
Other Updates
• Users of the Data Masking Tool will need to upgrade the tool after installing 2022.1. Download the latest version from the Advanced Virtualization Pack from the customer portal to update your version of the Data Masking Tool.
• Upgrading to 2022.1 might cause a machine ID change on Windows and Linux. Verify your machine ID before requesting a new license from Parasoft. For information about verifying your machine ID, see Using a Local License.
• Load Test users who get their licenses through Parasoft License Server will need to update their connection settings to License Server as the configuration has changed. See Parasoft Load Test Introduction and Load Test Command Line Interface for more information.
• The deprecated Suppressions view has been removed. If you upgrade SOAtest when the Suppressions view is open in your IDE, you may need to manually close the view after upgrade.
• Int data type fields in the REST API - /status/health are now updated to use a Long data type. If you have built extensions using the Java REST API client, upgrade to the latest code.
• Clients chained to responders can now use the special host name host.virt.internal to route messages directly to virtual assets.
• Change Impact Analysis and Static Analysis results now appear in XML/HTML reports (in 2021.2, the Legacy Report Format was required to see them).
• The process for importing results from an XML report via local file or URL has been updated. As a result, importing results from legacy report formats is no longer supported while in default report mode, though you can switch to legacy report mode to do these imports if needed. For more information about switching to legacy report format, see Configuring Report Settings.
• Search functionality has been added in test data repository table editors in CTP.
• Marketplace has been removed from CTP. Parasoft Marketplace artifacts are available on the customer portal.
• SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP 2022.1 Documentation
• Product Enhancement Forum Link
• Parasoft Marketplace
• Supported Versions