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Is there a way to save all the traffic from all my tests without having to go into each test?

kathy_carino Posts: 9

I have a full test suite generated from a swagger with 50+ tests created from all the endpoints - by default the traffic data will go away as soon as I close the project. I see from the documentation (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA20212/Traffic+Viewer) that I can save the taffic data by checking the Save Traffic checkbox on the Traffic Viewer, but that means I have to go into all 50+ tests. Is there a way to change the default or globally change all my tests?



  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    by default the traffic data will go away as soon as I close the project

    This is always true.

    I can save the traffic data by checking the Save Traffic checkbox on the Traffic Viewer

    Yes. However, this only saves the traffic currently shown in the Traffic Viewer when the test is saved. Running tests never automatically re-saves or modifies the tst file in any way. This option is only a convenience to save some sample traffic in the tst file, like if you needed to share the traffic with someone like Parasoft support.

    The way to keep a record of test results, including associated traffic messages, is to generate reports. The SOAtest HTML report includes traffic for failing test cases by default but can be changed to include traffic for all tests as well.

    First, enable the option in the test configuration to "Report traffic for all tests". Second, in the Parasoft preferences under Reports, enable "Overview of checked files and executed tests" and disable "Only top-level test suites". This way, the XML/HTML reports will include individual test case detail with traffic.
