How to Send GraphQL Queries Using SOAtest
It is possible to use the REST and Messaging Clients in SOAtest to send GraphQL queries. You just need to configure the payload correctly. GraphQL queries resemble JSON a little bit, but they are not in JSON format (meaning you can't build or parse them as JSON). So what you'll want to do is encode the GraphQL query as a…
GraphQL Support?
Is additional support for graphql coming to the next release of soatest? Typing out literal requests is quite difficult. I typically use a 3rd party application to construct the requests using the graphql schema and intellisense, and copy pasting what I have constructed into a literal JSON request. Would be nice to have a…
GraphQL SDL tips
The SOAtest GraphQL Client has a Form GraphQL view that can be constrained to the fields defined in a GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) document. This simplifies building queries, where the Form GraphQL view is populated with controls to select and configure the available fields, arguments, etc. A GraphQL SDL may be…
GraphQL SDL tips
The Virtualize Message Responder has a Form JSON view that can be constrained to the JSON Schema types defined in a service definition document. This simplifies configuring the response, where the Form JSON view is populated with controls to select and configure the available JSON properties, array items, etc. What if you…
Bamboo Pipeline calling .TST File - not able to perform DB Query
Dear All, I have .tst file where I use DB tool to Query DB2 Database. While setting up DB tool connectivity, I refer to the db connection properties file and I am able to execute it successfully. As part of Automation, currently Bamboo Pipeline is calling our .tst file and it fails at the DB step. How to give the DB2…
Invalid XML input:Content is not allowed in prolog
I am trying to assert some fields from Writable Source in Extension tool using Jython and writing the assertion response to a excel file. When running the script, it gives me error like 'Invalid XML input: Content is not allowed in prolog'. But the Output excel file is written. I have enclosed the test suite information.…
Executing .tst file using Command Prompt
I am trying to execute my .tst file from command prompt and I am getting the below error message and need your guidance to resolve this. C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest & Virtualize\2022.1>soatestcli.exe -config "C:\Users\bharatarun.radhakris\Bharat\Parasoft\MATF" -resource "BatchValidationPrcfd750Regression.tst"…
Announcing Parasoft C/C++test 2022.2
We're thrilled to announce the release of C/C++test 2022.2 with new features and enhancements that help teams automate static code analysis and coding standards compliance, increase productivity, and shorten time to market. New features include the support for MISRA C 2012 Amendment 3, which extends the standard with new…
Interdependent conditional csv validation in SOAtest
Hi, I have a got a csv report which has fields (e.g. column 5) containing today's timestamp, for rows with only certain values in the first column. The csv client is used to convert it to xml. I have been struggling with xml databank, writable datasource and custom assertion to get this show on the road, but the result is…
Unable to login to parabank using valid username and password
Hi, I am unable to login to parabank using valid username and password. Getting the following error: An internal error has occurred and has been logged. Anyone seen this issue?
Is there a standard Github Actions for soavirt?
Below is one for CTP https://github.com/marketplace/actions/execute-job We are looking for a similar setup for soavirt
Execution is failing for specified -resource (.tst) thru command-line
I've couple of .tst files under my project, say smoke.tst and regression.tst. I just want to run the tests have in smoke.tst so I modified my command-line by adding -resource ${project-path}/ProjectName/FolderName/smoke.tst. But while executing, it's failing stating - ERROR: Missing Resources: The following…
Post SOATest Results to Jira using Zephyr
We have a lot existing API Tests using SOATest, now wanted to post execution results to Jira (for further graphical representation) using Zephyr. We have many Tests under Scenarios and many Scenarios under TestSuite, like - I find to post results per Jira Test Id using Test Flow Logic after every Test, but it's weigh…
Use two different .tst files for single assertion
Hi Team, We have a scenario in which we have to query the DB just before to Batch Job run and store the results in a data bank. Then after the batch is completed using the previously queried results, we have to check the DB for processed results. Can we write 2 different .tst for these and can we refer to the previous .tst…
For a XML response, how can i do a data type assertion validation?
I have started using xml assertions for the response validation. I am looking for sharp answer than generic ones saying try assertions from output. 1) I want to validate data type for the response. ( String or int or text etc) 2) I need to do data length validation 3) i need to validate actual response to the expected…
Corrupted responses when running test concurrently within a suite
When turning on the "Tests run concurrently" Execution Mode under Execution Options -> Test Execution, I am seeing corrupted responses. As a result, current assertions or status code validations fail due to the jumbled data. Has anyone else experienced issues with this apparent common setting? Here are a couple of the…
How to write DB Response to Internal Spread sheet table ?
My Requirement is to Query table 1 which may return N rows. For Each of the row, I have to query 3 other tables and do some assertions. I wrote the Table 1 response to a CSV file and created a data source out of that and used that as an input to my other 3 tables. But I have been asked now instead of writing to a CSV file,…
How to pass Variable to Extension Tool ?
I am using Jython Script for extension tool with an excel databank as Datasource. In addition to this, I need a variable which is defined in the test suite to be passed to the extension tool. Please do let me know how to achieve this?
Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2022.2
The latest release of Parasoft Jtest (2022.2) is now available. In this release, we focused on the following areas: Android Support * Support has been added for running static analysis for Gradle Android builds from CI/CD and CLI for Java language. * Experimental support has been added for unit test execution, monitoring…
Anyone used MCUXpresso and Parasoft?
My target platform is an NXP 1064, MCUXpressso is an Eclipse based IDE from NXP. It takes the Parasoft Plugin.
Execute Different Test Scenarios based on Excel Sheet Value
I have an excel which has a field (Regression/Functional). Based on this field, different Test Scenario tests have to be executed. If R, Execute Test Scenario 1 and If F, execute Test Scenario 2. Is it possible to achieve this?
DTP not showing all DAST testing results
I have 2 tst files for DAST testing and I am running them from the cli. The results from the first tst file are showing up in DTP and the results from the 2nd are not. We are using a runbook to call the tests, which is running a batch file for each of the tst. I am using the same exact setup for SOATests API functional…
Data Collection Window
Is there any way to increase the size of the Data Collector Diagnostics window?
Chrome does not allow this extension to change proxy settings.
I work in an env where browser configuration policy is managed by the company. I get the error shown in the title when I try to enable API Traffic for Parasoft SOAtest. It prevents me from being able to record. I tried the following workaround but it did not work. Is there another way around this? I confirmed that my local…
soa doesnt recognise oauth token generated as string
Oauth token is generated in a string format. But the element cannot be captured as a element to be used for the following tests. How to read this token in string format and make it use for following test cases. Any approach to be followed??
DB Validation at Row Level
Hi Team, I am reading DB with a query and the results I am storing in an XML data bank. Each Row will have 6 columns and one of which is a status column. I need to check for all rows if status column is a fixed value( say., 'S'). I created tests as enclosed. When i am trying to assert, the assertion doesn't shows the…
Date Format Editing
Hi All, I am calling an API which will give me back the mainframe Job details like Run Date, Run time, Status, Job ID etc in an array. I need to take the Date and Time from the very first occurrence. The format I am receiving is YYYY/MM/DD and HH:MM:SS. I am storing these 2 values in a JSON databank. I am creating a JSON…
Data Source setup one to multiple values
I have a response that needs to reply back with multiple chunks of xml tags according to the # of party Ids that match the accountNumber provided in the incoming request. So my dataset looks like below: accountNumber,partyId 1,111 1,222 1,333 2,444 2,555 3,666 3,777 3,888 Using Data Source correlation I can make the…
SOATest Virtualize : How to create a dynamic response xml to send multiple transactions for account
I created a responder to return a response having multiple transactions. I have a table having data with multiple set of rows with transactions to return. Based on the account number in the request I have to return the transactions in the response. Response is parameterized using the table which i created. But when i…
SOAtest Quality Tasks cannot not always show differences
Hi, After running a test in Parasoft SOAtest 2021.x I want to analyse the results and eventually adapt the excepted results of e.g. the Diff Tool (XML mode). Sometimes, when there are (maybe too many) differences, SOAtest does not show the differences anymore, but instead a dialogue (Compare) is shown stating that "There…
Variable multiple replacement
I have an XML response with 300 tags that need to be all unique at response side (everytime it is hit all 300 unique). I have tried creating a variable with a Data Generator Tool using the current time hhmmssSSS and replace it accordingly as ${time}001, ${time}002...${time}300 in the response, it works just fine, the…
Extract Data from Excel and use that in SQL Query to execute
Hi all, I am using Excel sheet as Input, so I have kept that as Data Source. Each Line in Excel sheet is a Test Case. I have Data in a specific column in the format like this ::: ::: . . ::: I have to extract the Value 1, Value 2. Value n (This Value is the 6th one with separator as :) and then use that to Execute a SQL…
Dependency on Previous API Tests
In Our API Test Suite, Test 1 submits a mainframe job and this will give back Job ID, Job Name and Return Code. I am storing that in JSON databank. Based on the Return Code value of Test 1 (If 0), I need to execute Test 2. Please help me how to set this up.
Can we introduce wait period between two tests in a test suite ?
We have a test suite with multiple tests. Test 1 calls an API which submits a job in mainframes and doesn't wait till the job gets completed and will give a success condition once the job is submitted. Test 2 reads a file that is created by the submitted job. Sometimes the job might take some time and as Test 2 runs…
Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL
I tried many ways and still getting the below error. When the same service is called from other internal application, it is getting successful. Any help would be appreciated.
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.2, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.2, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2022.2, for API and web application testing as part of our award-winning Continuous Quality platform. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Parasoft SOAtest automates thorough…
cpptestcli -input cpptest.bdf : Bypass desktop open
Hello, I created bdf from Makefile and ran cpptestcli. I'm running this from an ssh console connected to a virtual Centos 7.2 host. All I need is a report. But for some reason, cpptestcli is trying to open a display and fails. Can you please advise ? Thank you, Zvika
How to resolve unnamed structures/unions are undefined when running unit tests?
I have something like this in my header file which is included to project. extern struct{ uint32_t a; uint16_t b; } ex_var; ex_var is used in the functions which I am trying to test. When I am trying to run unit tests using Built In configuration I receive: undefined reference to `ex_var' In stub view I can find this…
Trying to access a Selenic Junit test from SOATest
I posed this question before and while I apparently got it to work, I have since lost all of the source code for the Junit test and SOATest. So, my apologies. Anyway, I have a simple Junit test of a web app. This test will search on a entered identifier number and then display some information that was found. This runs…
How can we generate a .properties file in desired location?
Using: Eclipse with parasoft plugin. I am using Data source as input for my test suite (test cases), while adding data source to test suite level a .properties file gets generated. Issue I am facing is: to generated Test Suite I am using a external folder which was initially not inside the project scope, I have added the…
Why trying to build runtime library in uVision (Keil) IDE fails?
Hi, I am trying to build the runtime library project provided by Parasoft for Vision Keil IDE. I chose a different MCU than the original one set in the project. I chose cypress CYBLE-224110-00. When I try to compile there are compilation errors that result from missing definitions for UART2 etc which I will fix. But the…
Can virtualization response respond back a PDF document
Hi i have a requirement to configure a responder for response content-type = application/octet-stream and response body is the PDF binary. Looking for inputs where i can develop the responder to respond back a PDF document i.e. response status code = 200 Which is application/octet-stream, i.e. binary PDF
How parasoft calculates Code Complexity ?
What is the math behind complexity calculation ? Does Parasoft consider Macro Expansion while calculating overall code complexity ?
How to run SQL with a variable
I am trying to insert a record into our DB2 database and one of the columns contains a CLOB so to pick up the text file it is included as a variable (for example, ${data1-10||C:\workspace\DownloadFiles\EXPORT_DATA\dbvis-9421411203761954562.txt||TextData||noshow vl=file}$) which was exported from DBVisualizer. Currently,…
How to setup the Catch-All SOAP option to be a pass through?
I have a responder that has Multiple Responses selected and it is currently working fine when it finds a match to the text of an element. However I need to be able to configure the responder to pass any unmatch requests through to the actual end point. Any thoughts???
Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for file upon including glib header
**Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for file. "/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gspawn.h", line 76: error: expected a "}" G_SPAWN_ERROR_2BIG __attribute__((__deprecated__("Use '" "G_SPAWN_ERROR_TOO_BIG" "' instead"))) = G_SPAWN_ERROR_TOO_BIG, ^* Test execution of my code fails in parasoft tool…
Message Proxy Not Recording Traffic
Virtualize Version: 2021.1 Proxy Type: HTTP I am trying to record the traffic off a message proxy I have setup, but even though I can "start recording", then run my test ( I see the request and response in the Event Details view) and then stop recording nothing shows up under either the Virtual Assests -> recorded traffic…
Need assistance with setting up a Responder Correlation for SOAP messages.
For some reason I can't figure out why my responder isn't returning the message that I am expecting it to. I am really new at this and I am pretty sure it's a simple setup issue. Here is what I have so far. * I have a message proxy setup on port 9080 and if I monitor and record I see the traffic coming from my test. I have…