[SOAtest & Virtualization][Kubernetes] Deploying SOAtest and Virtualize in Kubernetes
Hi everyone, I am new to Kubernetes. I followed the instruction given by Parasoft Documentation. (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/VIRT20231/Deploying+SOAtest+and+Virtualize+in+Kubernetes) When I tried to create Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim, I got the error (please refer attachment error_1.png) The second…
Need help with DB queries using groovy
Can anyone please help with this request ? I want to use one Data source to create Oracle DB connection and use this connection in multiple responders under extension tool using groovy to create custom queries and return results for processing further . How do I achieve this ?
custom script to choose Response by name
Hi , I'm new to parasoft . Can anyone help with a script on how to return response by Response name under Response tab using custom groovy script under Responder Correlation tab ?
/v6/tools/messageResponders - Custom Scripted Responder Correlation
I was looking at the API call to create a messageResponder and I noticed that it doesn't seem to support a custom scripted responder correlation (or at least it wasn't documented). I also noticed when pulling a messageResponder from the API using /v6/tools/messageResponders on a responder that has custom correlation that…
DTP 2023.1 Product Release Announcement
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of DTP 2023.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. Version 2023.1 of DTP delivers key enhancements for scalability, security, usability, and ease of deployment. Enhancements: * Data Collector * Up to 90% performance…
Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2023.1
Parasoft Jtest 2023.1 is now available! New Features Support for Visual Studio Code VS Code users can now leverage static analysis and coverage display capabilities of the Parasoft Jtest. The Jtest extension is available at the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. Streamline Coverage Workflows with jtestcov Introducing…
Announcing Parasoft dotTEST 2023.1
Parasoft dotTEST 2023.1 is now available! New Features Enhanced Coverage Visualization in Visual Studio Code The dotTEST extension for Visual Studio Code now supports importing coverage results from popular CI/CD pipelines like GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps. It provides an automatic refresh of coverage markers and…
Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP 2023.1 PRODUCT RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2023.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. What’s New in 2023.1? In this first product release of 2023, we focused on a few key themes: * Enhanced code coverage for…
Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP 2023.1 PRODUCT RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2023.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. What’s New in 2023.1? In this first product release of 2023, we focused on a few key themes: * Enhanced code coverage for…
Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP 2023.1 PRODUCT RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2023.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. What’s New in 2023.1? In this first product release of 2023, we focused on a few key themes: * Enhanced code coverage for…
Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP 2023.1 PRODUCT RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT
Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP version 2023.1. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract. What’s New in 2023.1? In this first product release of 2023, we focused on a few key themes: * Enhanced code coverage for…
Use Cases for Scripting via extensionTool
I have implemented support for adding scripting to our generated virtual assets using the extensionTool. I have set up a basic example of using a Groovy script to alter the response payload based on data coming from a datasource. I was wondering if someone could provide other use cases for scripting. I would like to create…
Selenium Executor JAR
SeleniumExecutor.jar Is this jar available for download? JT
Currently, what version of Tomcat are you using with Parasoft?
DataSource: CM1 (row 1): Invalid JSON: unable to find a JSON object, JSON array or a JSON primitive
I am getting this error , which I have not seen before ,my REST test cases were running fine. DataSource: CM1 (row 1): Invalid JSON: unable to find a JSON object, JSON array or a JSON primitive
Soa Test
I am not able to save header response i.e HTTP 200 or 500 in the soa tool. please help me to share the code or inbuilt service are present.
incremental scan on docker container
Hi We are running cpptestcli to scan our code inside a docker container. Since we start with clean workspace every time, the scan takes too much time. To try to resolve it, we copied ".cpptest" folder to a shared location, then, on the next run, downloaded it to the workspace. the problem is that we still see long scans…
cpptesttrace option --cpptesttraceRun-OrigCmd=[yes|no] does not exist
Tool: Parasoft C/C++test Standard 2022.2 Per the documentation below for cpptesttrace, if the option --cpptesttraceRun-OrigCmd is set to "no", then the original command line will not be executed. However, this option is not recognized by the tool (verified via cpptesttrace --cpptesttraceHelp). Was support for this feature…
Using Multiple Data Sources
I have a requirement wherein I have 2 data sources (D1 and D2). D1 has 10 rows which will be used to create 10 rows in DB. D2 has 10 rows which will be used to update 10 rows that are created by D1. Flow has to go like this: a) Read first row of D1 b) Process it and Create a DB record. c) Read the record created from DB…
Windows Batch File does not run via SOATest
Hello There, I tried all the following options ; using external tool jython script ... , however, soatest does not write out anything and keep running forever.. No error at all. What went wrong in my setting? Basic setting - helloworld.bat file soatest version 9.10 or 2022v1 Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Is it possible to call a batch file in SOA test using Jython
Hi Team, I tried to call a batch file(.bat), basically i am using the batch file to capture the logs. i have tried running a script in Jython import os os.system("C:\Logs\logs.bat") the extension tool gives success but i dont see the batch file opening. Can some one help on this issue Thanks.
How to parameterize the "Variable Condition" field in the "TestFlowLogic" of "Execution Options" tab
I want to parameterize the Variable Condition field present inside Scenario >> Execution Options >> Test Flow Logic >> Variable Condition. I want to take the value from "Environments" or "Data Sources". The traditional way of specifying "${some_variablename}" is NOT working
Diff Tool
Could you provide more information on how to use the Diff tool. I would like to compare the response from a message responder with the response from the corresponding live service. What's the best way to set that up? Thanks, JT
How to execute DB tool in a loop
Hi, I need to execute DB tool query in a loop based on the count is fetched at run time which depends on the number of array elements in my json payload. Kindly help me with a solution, Thanks in advance!!
cpptest failing on command line but working with Eclipse
Using the Parasoft plugin for Eclipse, I am able to run Parasoft test configurations successfully. Trying to run the same test configuration using cpptestcli results in a error message and a stack trace in the error log. The Parasoft version is C++test Professional 2020.2.0 ( The error output is…
Upload of a Local File using soavirt API
Can you provide the json request payload and headers to upload a .csv from my local environment to the Virtualize server? Assume my file is located c:/files/accounts.csv and I want to place it in /VirtualAssets/files Thanks JT
Re-Deploy VA Not Working
I am finding that the REST API call to re-deploy a virtual asset is not working for me. I have some fairly sophisticated scripts running against the API to generate virtual assets and responders, so I am fairly certain my process is not the problem. I am making a POST request to /soavirt/api/v6/virtualAssets/redeployments…
How to execute a data base correlation SQL query from the Responder Output - extension tool
I have a responder which executes a Data source -> data base correlation and I have chained the outputs to the responder and in one of the outputs I am setting the variable value that is used in the data base correlation, now in the next output I have to execute the data base correlation and fetch the database values. Can…
Insure++ 2023.1 Release Announcement
What's New * STL checking is now enabled for GCC-5 thru GCC-10. There are, however, some outstanding issues. STL checking is an extended and experimental feature of Insure++ which may be helpful in finding STL usage violations. See STL Checking in the User's Guide. * Several parser improvements. * Bug fixes. Known Issues…
CSV file newly generated in a local folder , how can we use the latest sheet in subsequent step ?
Once a job is completed. A csv file will be loaded in a local folder like example : c drive. Latest transaction file should be picked up for the testing is the scenario under concern now. we should be able to pick the latest file on that particular day and time and use this data source in subsequent step.
How To Deploy Virtual Asset via SOAVIRT API
I am generating a virtual asset using the API and populating it with message responders. On a server that has auto deploy set to true, the VA is automatically available for use. When I create it on a server with auto deploy set to false, the VA is visible under workspace files but, it is not deployed. Given the VA is…
Amount of issues found with eclipse is different than with cpptestcli
When we analyze our code from Eclipse we use the compile_commands.json file as input. Then we click on the project name and start the analyzation. When we use cpptestcli on terminal the build_commands.json file is also used as input. We set the -workspace argument and the ruleset which should be used. The result is…
Modify Databank element value (number)
Greetings, I'm using a REST Data Bank to get a row number from the Endpoint URL (for example /Row/1), and then I need to subtract it by one to use it in a JSON Databank to get the first item (index 0) from a Messaging Client Response. How can I modify that value before using it? Thanks
Nothing to do. Please use -help to get more information. 21(error) exit
If you met some console like above while Generating a executable. Do worry, try this solution. Check your project properties configuration, and check the linker configration. Then check the path of .o file, maybe your miss a ". the code maybe like this:${cpptest:original_options} C:/code/startip.o" Add the missing ", try…
Execute REST API based on DB Tool Output
My requirement is to read a database which will fetch 2 columns and can return more than 1 row. Then for each row of the DB output, an REST API has to be called. Ex: If DB rows return 3 rows, then REST API has to be called 3 times with 3 different set of values. Could you guide me how to achieve calling REST API based on…
Is there a way to clean an entire dataset using the Dataset CRUD tool?
I need to clear all the rows of a dataset before filling it with updated data, to keep a reflection of a database. Is there some way to delete all the previous data before starting to add the new rows? Thanks
How To Set Min/Max Delay Time On Responders Created VIA SOAVIRT API
I'm creating a VA and adding message suites/responders using the API. I don't see much support in the API for setting performance aspects of the responders. Looks like there's a PUT call to update the VA/message suite and you can add profiles and groups with min/max. I created a profile called "Normal". I am not sure how…
/v6/virtualAssets/{id}/activePerformanceProfiles Usage
Can you provide an example of enabling delays in responders via SOAVIRT API. Especially a complete example including /v6/virtualAssets/{id}/activePerformanceProfiles. Thanks JT
Saving HTTP Response Code
Hi Parasoft, I am trying to figure out how to save response HTTP code (200, 500) and added a Header Data Bank output item, but I do see anything that looks it would be for the header code. . Here is what is returned: HTTP/1.1 200 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2018 16:22:46 GMT Vary:…
SOATest runtime error 'No browser set' even though it appears to be
Hi! I am setting up SOATest (2021.2) on Windows Server 2019 replacing the Windows Server 2012. I have a number of tests that run in a browser. On the old server and on my laptop, the tests run like they should using Microsoft Edge browser. The test are unchanged on the new server but when I try to run them, I get the below…
How to verify content of Response Header contains a given string
I have a REST API call that returns the following in the Response Header: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cmdownloads.zip I need to verify that the filename is "cmdownloads.zip" (in this case). I captured the Header in a Header Bank but am unsure what to do next. I have tried converting it to XML and think I…
Need assistance accessing a Java Class
I could use some guidance on how to access a Java method within SOATest. I have built a pretty basic class to get LocalDate, add days, subtract days and return the Epoch date. When I select "script" for the element I select Java and put in the full path to the class. The methods appear but I can not figure out how I can…
Virtualize Setup
I have completed our POC for Virtualize and have management on board with getting it setup and going. As I wait for the resources from IT to get a new environment stood up I am hoping to gather some best practices from the community that will help with having a smooth setup and transition to using it. Are there any…
Unable to configure MongoDB Query Tool in Parasoft SOA Test & Virtualize 9.10
Hello, per Parasoft guidelines I tried adding MongoDB Query tool jar to my Parasoft SOA Test & Virtualize 9.10 version. When I click on Add Jars button of System properties section, I see only mongo-java-driver under org.mongodb and didn't find mongo db Query Tool in available jars list. Any thoughts?
where we can find user guide for Parasoft virtualize
Hi Team, Please suggest where we can find user guide for Parasoft virtualize
C/C++ Test Desktop: Set the ruleset inside project.properties
I'm using C/C++ Test Professional 2022.1 (Eclipse). Is there a possibility to set the ruleset inside the project.properties and execute the tests from the GUI without having to select a ruleset every time? We want to make sure that the same ruleset is always used.
Does Parasoft have an application for Test Management? If not what apps do clients use?
I know CTP enables continuous testing and provides test database configuration, otherwise not real familiar with that product. On the database matter, I don't think that works well for my company because there are key dependencies within the product tested and outside that are subject to change from one release to the…
Test unitaire en c
Bonjour s’il vous plaît je suis débutante en c et j’aimerais apprendre à ecrire des programmes test
How to validate uniqueness of a field value in the JSON response.
Hello everyone, Can someone help me how to validate a field, if the value returned in response in unique and contains no duplication. E,g: In below JSON, id field occurs multiple times, I want to validate "id" is unique and it's not duplicated in the JSON response. { "merchantCategories": [{ "id": "0001", "description":…
I am tyring to access the results of SOA test from SOA API. I am getting the following 403 error.
HttpGET http://localhost:9080/soavirt/api/v6/status/health Response: Error: Forbidden { "message": "Access forbidden, server does not have appropriate license feature enabled. Both [Virtualize - Service Enabled] and [SOAtest - Server API Enabled] are needed.", "moreInfoUrl": "http://localhost:9080/soavirt/api", "status":…