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password encode

jvilcu13 Posts: 12

I am asking for you assistance to successfully encode via cpptestcli.exe (PC client) a password containing a "space" character. Thank you.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    Good morning,

    That is an excellent question. To encode a password containing a space use quotation marks around your password of choice. For example, if I wanted to select the password "Hello there" and I had cpptest added to my path I could enter the following command: cpptestcli -encodepass "Hello there". I have also attached an image below as a reference. We hope that this helps and have a great day!

  • rot
    rot Posts: 1

    Hello @massmardox.

    I am trying to use your suggestion in a Linux environment, with C/C++test 2022.1.0, but it does not work, see below:

    cpptestcli -encodepass "hello world"
    Parasoft C/C++test Standard 2022.1.0 ( -- Copyright (C) 2022 Parasoft Corporation
    ERROR: Unknown option: world
    HINT: use -help for a complete list of options

    I am missing something; should this be filed as a bug?
