Error collecting information about available definitions
I am trying to write unit tests for a STM32CubeIDE project. I have build the .bdf file and imported it to Parasoft C/C++Test (Standalone). I was able to generate some unit tests, however if I try to run the unit tests or collect stub information I get the following error: "C/C++test analysis errors in /project_folder 1.…
Traffic Response - Save Download
Hello, One of our endpoints streams back a Word document. The Response Headers include the Content-Disposition with the file name and the Content-Type is set to "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" I would like a groovy script to read the Content-Disposition and allow me to save the…
What is the easiest way to parse and validate text/streaming service type of response traffic in SOA
I have a request that returns Content-Type: text/event-stream. I need then validate it has certain text in it. What output I can use?
"incomplete type is not allowed" error when generate the Unit Test case
In my project,there is one cpp file used two .h files.The files are like attachment.When I execute Generate Unit Tests command,it shows an error like this: "/tools/Kepler8.2/kepler/kepler-sdk/0.2.16202.0/kndk/platforms/0.2/x86_64/usr/i [C/C++test] [tuner.cpp] nclude/apmf/dso.h", line 35: error: incomplete type is not…
How to validate and insert the data to DB table using virtual asset
We are looking to create Parasoft API to insert the data to the tables by passing the parameters. UI should be able to invoke the API /insertMeterNum Step 1 to check if the data for example ( meter number ) is already exists in the table and respond back with " Meter number is already exists " Step 2 to Insert the data in…
stm32 generate unit test cases and run
I'm encountering errors when attempting to perform unit tests on an STM32 project![] . The issue seems to stem from xHarness not recognizing .obj files, resulting in an error message stating "line 1: error: unrecognized token." I've included the error details for reference. help me with this
use __va_list_tags instead of va_list when autogenerate unit test case
In my code there is a function like this: static void vhal_log(const char *file, int line, const char *tag, int level, const char *fmt, va_list args) the last param args is a va_list type.But when I use builtin rules:Generate Unit Tests to auto generate unit test case for this function, the result like this: struct…
Windows blue screen crash when using Parasoft products after a recent Windows 11 update
Several users have reported a Windows crash with error UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP when using Parasoft tools after applying a recent Windows 11 update. It appears that different sets of actions can trigger the issue, but some known cases include closing a responder editor in Parasoft Virtualize or closing the test…
Windows blue screen crash when using Parasoft products after a recent Windows 11 update
Several users have reported a Windows crash with error UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP when using Parasoft tools after applying a recent Windows 11 update. It appears that different sets of actions can trigger the issue, but some known cases include closing a responder editor in Parasoft Virtualize or closing the test…
Windows blue screen crash when using Parasoft products after a recent Windows 11 update
Several users have reported a Windows crash with error UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP when using Parasoft tools after applying a recent Windows 11 update. It appears that different sets of actions can trigger the issue, but some known cases include closing a responder editor in Parasoft Virtualize or closing the test…
Does Executing Provisioning Actions Requires License?
I'm noticing an popup error "License is not set", while executing a provisioning Actions Error.
Question regarding the traversing behaviour of preceding axes when used with / and //
<div id="moe-osm-pusher" style="display: block !important; height: 0px;"> <div><p>A44</p></div></div><div id="x"> <p>A</p> <div> <div> <p>A11</p> </div> <div> <p>A12</p> <div> <p>A13</p> </div> <div> <p>A23</p> <div><p>A00</p></div> </div> </div> <div> <p>A22</p> </div> </div> </div> //div[p[contains(text(),'A23')]]//…
Test prod
this discussion for test on prod env
Using GCC Linker and options are not recognized
I am using Parasoft 2020.1 and in my project I am using a .BDF file. The compiler family is the GNU GCC 4.9.x. The problem I am having is when I put in a linker option it is not being recognized. My current state of my project the Static Code analysis is working and so is Stub Generation. But when I run a unit test during…
JAAS Configuration KafkaClient Entry
Hello, I was trying to set up a kafka responder. I am getting an error message stating that: "could not find a 'KafkaClient' entry in the JAAS Configuration. System property "java.security.auth.login.config' is in C/..../kerberos.config. Can you please provide an example showing an KafkaClient entry. I am using key store…
Adding IMS Transport via SOAVIRT API
I am making a PUT call to /v6/virtualAssets to set up the transports. I want to add IMS, however I am not certain what to include in the JSON for that. I currently have an "ims" element with a "port" and also a "workerCount' element. Can you share the appropriate JSON for IMS? Thanks JT
SOAtest plugin eclipse goal
Hi, We are currently exploring utilizing new soatest maven plugin ( https://parasoft.github.io/soatest-maven-plugin/ ) in for automating invocation of integration tests in our CI Pipeline. We are hoping to switch from the homegrown solution that uses maven-exec-plugin to call a shell script that in turn delegates to…
New C/C++test CT Product Launch Announcement!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Parasoft C/C++test CT, a revolutionary Continuous Testing and Compliance Toolchain designed to transform the development landscape for safety- and security-critical C and C++ software. Tailored for large teams navigating the complexities of stringent standards and compliance…
New C/C++test CT Product Launch Announcement!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Parasoft C/C++test CT, a revolutionary Continuous Testing and Compliance Toolchain designed to transform the development landscape for safety- and security-critical C and C++ software. Tailored for large teams navigating the complexities of stringent standards and compliance…
My parasoft test check un-reachable code, how to disable it?
I get misra2012 errors from code that is not suppose to be compiled. for example - returns it is a fact that only 1 line can be in the compiled code. thus parasoft test shall return only 1 error. but for some reason I get 5 errors, no matter what is the defined value. how to disable this behavior?
Best and Fastest way to do assertions
I would like to know what other people do for validations for large result set's (Service 1 and Service 2). If I have a a message with over a 100 values I want to validate, instead of doing it one by one using JSON or XML assertor, what do others do? I have used XSLT in past to get both messages into same format and then…
Soatest 2021.1 issue: SSL Error: Received fatal alert: protocol_version
We try to fire messages at an environment that uses different Cipher Suites. this results in errors: "_ SSL Error: Received fatal alert: protocol_version_ " When I run the software with some additional logging found on de parasoft Docs, I see the following: _"ClientHello": { "client version" : "TLSv1.2", "session id" : "",…
LDAP support (Non AD)
I'm struggling to get DTP hooked up to our LDAP server (Authentik). It connects but just hangs infinitely when querying users. Sometimes it times out throwing some useless Java stacktraces, the behaviour seems inconsistent. I'm curious did anyone manage to use Parasoft DTP (or any of their products really) with a pure LDAP…
Vscode c/c++ extension
I tried to use the vscode extension version 2023.2.0. The documentation says i have to use c/c++test standard. But I am using the professional version (2023.2.0). It is works partly. But when i am trying to open the rule documention i get "Cannot find rule documentation for C..." Does this feature only works with the…
I am running SOATest 2021 and need to respond to a file download popup in Edge.
I want to click the Open File link in the popup. I am unable to get the xpath for this link (I assume since it is part of Edge and not the app running in Edge). Can SOATest do this? If not, can I use AutoIt to do this? What would the script be? I see there is a MouseClick command in AutoIt but it wants the x and y position…
Parasoft tool dynamic analysis
I run the parasoft tool in CubeIDE. i Run IAR EW Tests. When i load the test results(files) it gives me this setup problem : Test execution: error reading test log for Test unit for selected sources.
sorting and limiting data in mongo db query tool in soatest?
How to sort and limit data in mongo db query tool in soatest?
Mongodb Query Tool - Update documents feature
Hi Team, Just wanted to know that, Is existing mongodb query tool capable of updating records or documents. If yes then how should my query look alike in mongodb query tool. Regards Rahul
Delete a record using Mongo Query DB Tool
Team, Facing issue in delete call using mongo query db tool. When we try to delete using db.collectionName.remove is not possible as it accepts request only json. Please share the possible way to delete the record in mongo
cpptesttrace: command not found
I have used Ubuntu OS and tried to create bdf file with command cpptesttrace. But it turns out like cpptesttrace: command not found. (I have already added PATH in .bashrc as well) Here is the command I executed. $ projectName=test1234 $ bdfOutPath=$gitHubWork/$projectName.bdf $ rm -rf $bdfOutPath $ cpptesttrace…
Accessibility testing tool evaluation
Hi Everyone, Thanks in advance for letting me ask question here. If we need to evaluate accessibility testing tools then which point should we keep in mind ? it would be great help if anyone can provide checklist for the same. Thanks Arun
MongoDB tool - Json Assertions
I use Parasoft SOATest 2022.2 and I have imported "Com.parasoft.soavirt.tool.mongodbtool.jar" and successfully did UI installation and started using in my tests and able to connect to mongoDB and pull Json data and save it using data bank. Problem is Assertions are not working. All the tests are getting passed even though…
Text data bank
I think I need to use a reg exp on the following text to extract the value of 12/24/1938. Is there a online tool to do this for me? Date of birth: 12/24/1938
How to fail a test scenario using a matching string from response body
Hi Team, I am getting test scenario passed in the CTP since it is considering the http response code as 200 and returning PASS. But the response we are getting is failure in the response body so the requirement is to make that test scenario fail by matching the string from response body. For example: Response body…
Testsuite - Datasource error at 1st row
Hi, I am currently trying to run test cases with excel as datasource, in sum 3 rows (test cases). But the test fails at 1st row, the error log isn't helpfull. The datasource setup recognizes the input columns without any issue. In the result report it is showing "test execution problem". The test runs on the hardware,…
When installing Parasoft, the option to install the Visual Studio plug-in is not shown
First off, I hope that this is the correct forum. I am referring to the static code analysis tool, which we just refer to as Parasoft in our team. I am following a How To guide, complete with screenshots, which shows the option to install a plug-in into VIsual studio. I do not see this option. Can anyone advise?
Testcase iteration for assertion validation
Hi all, Using scripting how to iterate the testcase for performing validations for Assertion for error codes , my requirement is I would be creating a custom assertion code using groovy where it will be fetching the errors codes from writable datasource ( where we will be storing 10-20 api error codes) . Now once the rest…
MakeFile connect problem
I want to proceed with the project static analysis in the built-in version of visual studio. IDE has been delivered to MLXIDE (based on eclipse) and compiler information to eclipse 4.3, and there is an error that does not currently receive #define content. As the header file containing #define content is #included and…
How do you stub a function to return a different value each time it's called in a single test
I've got a function with the following code: if (ext_test() == true) { ext_mod(); if (ext_test() == true) { ext_in(); } ext_out();} and I need to make a test that executes out_func() BUT NOT in_func() (the ext_test(), ext_mod(), ext_in() and ext_out() functions access data outside the function; I didn't design this BTW,…
C/C++test + CMake -> bdf file generation issue
Hello, I am using the CMake extension for creating C/C++ Test projects and what I noticed is, that the extension is also capturing commands which compile/link temporary files during a CMake build. This is especially, or maybe only, the case when the build has dependencies on other static libraries. These commands will also…
How to call 1 of the SOAP Request Parameter in Groovy Script
Hi Team, I am trying to perform the Custom Assertion by using below code with Extension tool by keeping it as a separate Teststep import com.parasoft.api.*; public class Comparison { //Compares a value from a database data source to a value returned in a SOAP response public boolean compareToDatabase(Object input,…
How to achieve TextDatabank data storing in Custom Writable Databank ??
Hi Team , Can any one tell me how to store the Textdatabank data into our Writable Datasource so that i can use it in below Custom Assertion method calling String Datasource = context.getvalue("DataSource name",Column name");
How to compare values present in XML databank and textdatabank
Hi all, Can anyone help me how to compare the values present in XML databank & Text databank I tried with Diff but it's allowing only 1 value per once I need all the values present in 2 databanks to be compared at a time
Parabank application is down
Hi, I'm unable to access parabank demo website, which results in error after sometime. As of now I'm using my local instance of application for testing, creating this ticket for application downtime. URL: https://parabank.parasoft.com/
Unable to access Parabank application
Hi, I'm unable to access parabank demo website, which results in error after sometime. URL: https://parabank.parasoft.com/
How to add a stub for a Class member function?
For example, class A has a public function foo(). class A { public: int Foo(); } I add the stub like this: void CppTest_Stub_Foo() { CPPTEST_STUB_CALLED("A::Foo"); int __return = 0; if (CPPTEST_STUB_HAS_CALLBACK()) { CPPTEST_STUB_CALLBACK(int __return, const A __this); CPPTEST_STUB_INVOKE_CALLBACK(&__return, this); } } But…
Unable to get code coverage report from parasoft
Hi there, I have followed this guide to generate the unit test cases and static analysis https://docs.parasoft.com/display/JTEST20232/Testing+and+Analysis+with+Ant There is this part about getting the coverage which I have attempted and unable to retrieve the code coverage in terms of a report. So do I need to run jacoco…
Unknown Service in SOAtest report for tests created from swagger file
I'm seeing "Unknown Service" thing in my SOAtest report for all the tests I made from my Swagger .yaml file. It's showing two things under 'coverable resources" section of the report - my .yml file and "Unknown Service." But the coverage is only happening for the file. I'm using the default User-defined example…
Can Parasoft detect signed/unsigned role of variables in code?
Hi, I have tested my code by various static tests of parasoft. My code had somthing like the following: uint8_t a; a = input_from_a _port(); // this function returns a signed char value if(a > 0) do_something1(); else do_somthing2(); This code has fault. when "a" is set to a negative value using input_from_a _port(), fault…
Running/Skipping Tests by Environment in SOAtest
I'm on the lookout for a SOAtest solution to selectively run/skip scenarios/test suites and individual tests in specific environments. Ideally, something similar to Cucumber's tagging magic (like @dev, @val) to run or skip tests based on those tags. We gave test flow logic a shot, but it's not sufficient for all our use…