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DTP 2024.2 Product Release Announcement

JeehongMin Posts: 41 ✭✭

Parasoft is pleased to announce the release of DTP 2024.2. This update is available at no cost to customers on an active subscription or maintenance contract.


License Server Enhancements

  • Tool licenses can now be released to the user's login username instead of their OS username.
  • Both the user's login and OS usernames are logged when a tool requests a license.
  • Multiple named-user licenses can now be assigned to the same username.
  • The API Documentation and Usage API Documentation pages have been separated and are now available from the Help menu.
  • GET /tokens API, which returns a list of license tokens, is now exposed as a public API.
  • Added new GET /usage API, which allows grouping tool usage results by tool version, user, and host.
  • Added ability to request tool licenses from Tool Licenses page.

Integration with DOORS Next

  • Added support for DOORS Next, a requirements management system from IBM.
  • DOORS Next Requirements Traceability report is now available in the Traceability Pack.
  • Users can send test data from DTP to DOORS Next using the /syncTestCases API.
  • DOORS Next Requirements can be viewed in Parasoft C/C++test and SOAtest Requirements View.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) Enhancements

  • You can now enable basic authentication in OIDC mode for a simpler way for your automation users to authenticate with DTP.
  • Users will be redirected to an error page if they encounter login or configuration errors.

Enhancements to Explorers

  • Violations Explorer allows users to search by keyword within the violation messages.
  • Violations Explorer provides clearer messaging when there are 0 violations.
  • Test Explorer provides clearer messaging when there are 0 tests.
  • Violations and Coverage Explorers now indicate when resource groups are being applied in the Filter.

Other Notes

  • DTP now ships with Java 17 and Tomcat 10.
  • Added support for MySQL 8.4 and the utf8mb4 character set. DTP databases created with version 2024.2 use the utf8mb4 character set and utf8mb4_general_ci collation. The character set and collation of databases created in previous versions of DTP remain unchanged during the upgrade process.
  • PUT /globalToolSettings API now only accepts text/plain payload.
  • Technical Support Archive now includes Tomcat log files.
  • User Administration now logs when a user is added to or removed from a group.
  • Supported Tools Database in License Server no longer displays tools that are no longer supported by Parasoft.
  • Helm Chart now supports the configuration of Persistent Volume Claims (PVC).
  • Only users with admin permissions can access Extension Designer.
  • You can now configure the DTP session timeout, giving you greater control over user session durations.
  • Requirements Traceability report which pulls data from CSV file is now available in the Traceability Pack.
  • Added ability to request DTP license from DTP License page. See Opening and Licensing DTP for more information.

Deprecated or No Longer Supported

  • Support for Oracle 18c has been deprecated.
  • Support for MySQL 5.7 has been deprecated.
  • Anonymous Access option has been removed from the Extension Designer Server Settings page.

Software Shipped with DTP
The following software is shipped with DTP 2024.2:

  • Apache Tomcat 10.1.31
  • Java Azul OpenJDK 17.0.13+11 (17.54.21)