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How To Set Min/Max Delay Time On Responders Created VIA SOAVIRT API

jefftuckerbofa Posts: 234
edited March 2023 in Virtualize

I'm creating a VA and adding message suites/responders using the API. I don't see much support in the API for setting performance aspects of the responders. Looks like there's a PUT call to update the VA/message suite and you can add profiles and groups with min/max. I created a profile called "Normal". I am not sure how to get the responders I create to use that profile. Can you post examples? Thanks. JT


  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 673 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023


    In the PUT responderSuite you will need to set up the Profile which controls the delays and then create a Group which groups a set of responders together. Then using the POST/PUT to virtualAssets map a groupName to a profileName so that at deployment time it will know which performance profile to apply to which responders.

    Does that help? Please let me know if you still an example (will take longer to create).

  • jefftuckerbofa
    jefftuckerbofa Posts: 234

    Thanks. Yes, this information (is helpful). I'll continue my research too. It would be great to see an example when you have time to put one together. I really appreciate your help.


  • jefftuckerbofa
    jefftuckerbofa Posts: 234

    I'm building some pretty cool stuff and it's getting a LOT of attention.
