Using Multiple Data Sources

I have a requirement wherein I have 2 data sources (D1 and D2). D1 has 10 rows which will be used to create 10 rows in DB. D2 has 10 rows which will be used to update 10 rows that are created by D1. Flow has to go like this:
a) Read first row of D1
b) Process it and Create a DB record.
c) Read the record created from DB and Read first row of D2
d) Now update the DB based on D2 details.
e) Repeat the process a) to d) till all records are processed.
Whenever I am trying to do this, records are being created as Cross Product of D1 and D2. Please give me a guidance of how to achieve this.
Best Answer
In the test suite options, you want to set "Multiple data source iteration" to "Flat (lockstep)".
See Specifying Execution Options (Test Flow Logic, Regression Options, etc.)0
Hi benken_parasoft, Thanks a lot.