Announcing Parasoft C/C++test 2022.2
We're thrilled to announce the release of C/C++test 2022.2 with new features and enhancements that help teams automate static code analysis and coding standards compliance, increase productivity, and shorten time to market.
New features include the support for MISRA C 2012 Amendment 3, which extends the standard with new rules to cover C11 and C18 language extensions. As a participant in MISRA’s C++ working group, actively developing the new edition of the C++ coding standard, Parasoft was granted permission to release a subset of draft rules from the new standard.
C/C++test 2022.2 comes with a draft test configuration of the new MISRA C++ 202x standard. Users can now scan their code with an early version of these C++ static analysis checkers to start improving their C++ code before the public release of the standard!
C/C++test 2022.2 also comes with enhancements that support the most up to date 2022 CWE Top 25 and On The Cusp weaknesses lists. In addition, stubbing of C++ templates, reporting only on new problems against defined baselines in GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps, and a collection of newly supported development toolchains.
Here’s a quick list :
Static analysis and coding standards compliance
· Complete support for MISRA C:2012 Amendment 3
· Preview of the new MISRA C++:202X
· Enhanced modern C++ supportUnit testing
· Support for stubbing C++ templatesCI/CD integrations
· Support for static analysis baselines in GitHub and GitLab merge requestsCompiler support:
· Green Hills PPC 2020.1
· Green Hills PPC 2019.1
· GNU GCC for ARM64 8, 10, 11*
For more information see the release notes: