How to remove warnings from IAR Embedded Workbench
warnings are:
Warning[w29]: Parts of segment data are initialized (as in module XYZ), even though it is of type XDATA (and thus not promable)
Warning[w29]: Parts of segment ?FILL3 are initialized (as in module ?FILLER_BYTES), even though it is of type XDATA (and thus not promable)
Warning[w29]: Parts of segment EEPROM_AN are initialized (as in module Main), even though it is of type XDATA (and thus not promable)
unable to resolve the above warning, can anyone please help me?
Microcontroller : ATxmega64a3
If I understand correctly, you are using IAR Embedded Workbench for AVR?
We do not have support for IAR compiler targeting AVR, so this is likely a reason for these issues.
In case, the situation is different, I would advise to contact our support via Parasoft Customer Portal or reference, here is the current list of supported IAR compilers: