Execute Different Test Scenarios based on Excel Sheet Value

I have an excel which has a field (Regression/Functional). Based on this field, different Test Scenario tests have to be executed. If R, Execute Test Scenario 1 and If F, execute Test Scenario 2. Is it possible to achieve this?
Best Answer
Can you create an Excel formula to generate a list of paths for each group? Depending on which group you want to execute, you can pass a different list of tst files to soatestcli. The soatestcli command can accept one or more "-resource" arguments where you provide the path of SOAtest projects to execute.
Alternatively, instead of tracking things in a spreadsheet, perhaps you can consider re-organizing your tst files on disk into different folders. This way you can just tell SOAtest to run tests in one folder or folders that match a particular glob pattern.
Thanks Benken.